bad cold going around 2022

But by the second night it suddenly cleared out while I was watching TV. They work best if theyre used early in your illness. Finally I went to see the heme while I had the bad cold. No complementary approaches have been shown to be helpful for fighting off flu or COVID-19. Many have rushed to get tested as the virus shares similar symptoms to the coronavirus - such as a sore throat, headaches, body aches, runny nose, and fatigue - but test results repeatedly come back as negative for Covid-19. Not the OTC flu medicine, or antibiotics, or even regular medicine. But no fever, aches & pains, or physical weakness so I'm confident it wasn't influenza or coronavirus. I've read a lot of the posters over again. Workshop report: Optimization of animal models to better predict influenza vaccine efficacy. Last Spring, my sister said she had the worst flu she ever had in her life, and despite her doctor testing and determining that she had flu stain A, I still wonder if it was COVID. R146, one clue to that would be whether there has been a higher-than-usual death rate from pneumonia, although we are also having a fairly bad flu season (definitely influenza A, not Covid - they can test for for it), which would complicate the question. I first heard of covid in December and asked my wife to take extra cash out of the bank in case the banking system was interrupted. I didn't realize it when booking, but it just hit me when I saw the date on my e-ticket, that it was just about the same time last year when I went on a trip and came back sick. Now its nigh impossible to get guaifenesin in an affordable medication. He's on a Polanski thread saying Sharon Tate was a "whore" who "wasn't really murdered" and on a Barbra thread saying someone should stomp on her neck and shoot her in the head. No need to get liver failure on top of this killer flu. Body fluids had filled the room: Inside Australias grisliest job, Shaylas family speaks after desperate 48-hour search ended in a miracle, A $60 payment appeared in this Aussie mums bank account. I think Covid really did damage my lungs, because it never used to be that way. According to a CDC update on May 6, 2022, at least 109 children in 25 states have been identified in the Unites States as part of the cluster of cases. Because a lot of us were so sick we were afraid wed die. I had a relapse and treatment again in August. My boss once continued to come to work with the worlds worst cough. Youre more likely to be indoors and closer to others when its colder outside. Weekly cases counts are less complete for the most current weeks, but there have been more RSV cases detected by PCR tests each week in October 2022 than any other week in at least the past two years. Exhausting. This is an unusual time for flu activity to be increasing, and it is unclear how long increases will continue. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners chair and head of general practice at The University of Notre Dame, Dr Charlotte Hespe told about the differences between a cold and COVID, and what that means for those who fall ill. Bone broth is packed full of nutrients - including gelatine, collagen and a host of vitamins and minerals - all of which are crucial to nourish the digestive system while fighting an infection. They couldn't determine what it was at first, but then a lab test said it was strep throat. It was the strangest disease I've ever had. The redness decreased over the next few days and was gone completely after 4 days. This was the beginning of the horror that followed for over a year.and many unnecessary deaths. This thread is almost two year old. Seventeen states, Washington, DC, and New York City, are reporting high or very high respiratory illness activity amid a flu season thats hitting harder and earlier than usual, according to data published Friday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The doc said that I'd still get it, but both the vaccine and Tamiflu would reduce the severity of the symptoms. I'm 37 and a smoker. It was COVID. Furthermore, according to a 1998 report from Coping with Allergies and Asthma, chicken soup may improve the ability of the tiny hairline projections in the nose (called cilia) to prevent infectious particles from afflicting the body [10]. While a spoonful of honey and a drop of fresh lemon juice wont rid your symptoms, they can offer some relief from a sore throat. I have no taste for coffee at all. Even these so called non profits. I got the flu shot a week ago, then this weekend got a little bit of sore throat and some runny nose. Covid 19 wasn't in America in December, we have other diseases here. If your eyes, nose, or ears itch, that also could be an allergy. My kids had it too. Corporations have thrown the baby out with the bath water. Nothing helped to alleviate the symptoms. Sign up here to get The Results Are In with Dr. Sanjay Gupta every Tuesday from the CNN Health team. I'm sweating, then freezing, then sweating, then freezing. If you feel sick with body aches, sore throat, fever, stuffy head, it could be the flu. low-grade fever. I had headaches, which I usually never get, and my body ached, including my face, which never happened before. Any hot liquid will do. I'm a Feng Shui expert and these are the three things I will never allow in a bedroom. Many people I know, including myself were sick for a month. It took weeks to months to fully recover. The Coke always cheered me up because as a kid we didn't get soda much so it was a treat. Including information on the onset, duration, conclusion, geographic patterns, severity and progression of seasonal influenza activity. Scientists have warned there is a 'severe risk' of catching a cold this week as nine million people across Britain suffer from the virus. This makes a lot of sense now. Those glands in your throat and neck are incredibly responsive to pathogens, R194. You have to be a strong advocate for your own health! Some idiot early in this thread INSISTED that there was no mucus or snot involved when you had Covid. And had a clear CAT scan then. PMID: 34752019. Ugh, this sounds like that horrible flu from two years ago and came in two waves. Does this actor play a tentpole? I never got sick at all. We get you for the rest of the year. This is like the original 9/11 thread, documenting the tragedy in real time. Here are some of the symptoms to look out for, to help determine whether youve got a cold, flu, or COVID-19: Two years of lockdowns and restrictions have left our immune systems unprepared for winter colds and flu. Damn 'em. Unless you have asthma, allergies typically do not cause breathing problems. Don't forget the raw apple cider & tea tree oil. It wasn't that long ago that ReDell Atkinson remembers her coworkers taking extra precautions around the office with masking, social distancing, hand-washing and staying home when sick. And NOTHING I have taken, has alleviated the coughing. I had it last month and it lasted 2 1/2 weeks. chills. But they did the test, and my pneumonia is back. I should have asked her to buy toilet paper instead. America used to be a clean place, for all its other problems. Bethesda, MD 20892-2094 I have been taking the getting for flu version of Walgreens generic NyQuil, which has acetaminophen, as well as 30mg of dextromethorphan, the same cough suppressant in Delsym. The virus seems to be mutating, so I don't think it's the same as what we had before. It was a big topic of conversation on social media for several people I know, and we were all talking about how terrible it was and how it didn't fit with any kind of flu or cold any of us had had before. I was told by my PA that this season's cold is a new, "super virus," and can make you very ill indeed, but antibiotics should not be used unless there is a secondary bacterial infection. Also, I forgot to say, I had a horrible cough that was really the worst part of the whole illness. Do not go to a clinic, they're bored of sick people. [quote] It would be odd if Covid-19 had been going around the US since December and not caused a spike in deaths among the usual high-risk suspects. When I'm drinking it again, that's when I'll know I'm better. Sustained daily intake of vitamin C has also been proven to reduce the severity of colds overall, though you should use this as a prevention tactic - not a cure. Doctor gave me a steroid shot when I went to urgent care after four weeks, and I started to feel better but then was sick again. R37 exactly. When I read what I wrote - I am kind of upset. I noticed you were sniffling a little bit in our last meeting how's it going? How is it different from the Wayback machine archive? The moment I lie down I begin to cough frantically. Oddly, I got sick right after a trip to Vegas in November. Vaccinations are lower than usual for influenza, too. I had the strangest disease between christmas and new year too : I had flu-like fever/nose congestion/gastroenteritis/bronchitis in rapid succession (two days each). Romero stressed that while most adults only need a single annual influenza vaccine, children who are being vaccinated against the flu for the first time need two shots. Many cold and flu medicines are flavoured with honey and lemon, and theres good reason for this too. She remembers her boss once saying: Take one day to yourself. No combination of nasal goo and spray keeps my nostrils from being completely scabbed over. No more than 6 per day, but always 2 at once. I get a sinus headache and weepy eyes. R274 - onset in China is thought to be November, but could be earlier. Instead, I switched to tea, which just felt much more soothing and comforting. Also used a gym that was shared by hotel guests at a major international airport. The heavily glycosylated SARS-CoV spike (S) protein binds to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 which serves as a cellular receptor. Zuniga-Moya JC, Norwood DA, Romero Reyes LE, Barrueto Saavedra E, Diaz R, Fajardo WC, Pineda A, Torres D, Barahona R, Leiva SO, Hernandez PX, Silva H, Leiva CR, Estrada L, Barahona-Campos A, Gordon A. Clin Infect Dis. "The Enteroviruses are a big family viruses' that include ones that cause hands food and mouth and other things that have gone around. It's hard to say because our testing is so limited. [quote]Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is a highly pathogenic emergent virus which replicates in cells that can express ABH histo-blood group antigens. This thread was created mid-December. a fever or high temperature loss of or change to smell or taste It now includes nine other symptoms which are common signs of other respiratory infections too: shortness of breath feeling tired or. Nobody needs elderberry or tumeric, zinc or chicken soup. And it's not pneumonia, because the doctor checked. The percentage of pregnant people who have gotten a flu shot is 47.9%. we do not know how many people have died, there was no testing for this virus in this country until recently. R330 youll catch it again and well look forward to a new thread: There's a really bad strain of covid going around And it SUCKS. Many of his patients just have the common cold or pneumonia. As a result, the scientists of the study propose that some ingredient in the soup may be responsible for slowing or blocking the migration of these WBCs to the upper respiratory tract and thus, aid in relieving cold symptoms. I also had the flu shot in October. Bitch, you couldnt let us know? I had extremely thick mucus that wouldnt clear. First symptom was a sore throat and hoarse voice like pharyngitis. Really? We had chest tightness & shortness of breath that led us to think we were going to suffocate. I already told y'all what to do at R7 and R14. Painful sore throat. Then I got poison ivy and I felt much better again - because my dr gave me a steroid pack. How a 29-year-old bringing in $245,000/year in Anaheim, CA spends his money, How this 39-year-old earns $26,000 a year in California. Something about it just felt way too efficient, for lack of a better word. Yes, R273. Still tough to find energy, but today's sunny so maybe that will help. I am using a cool mist humidifier in my bedroom. Do you think I can get COVID again? In addition to vaccination, Romero reminded people to cover their coughs and sneezes, avoid other individuals who are sick, wash hands frequently and use alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Pub puzzle depicting a 'common phrase' stumps thousands - before the What lack of sleep REALLY does to your face: Expert reveals the warning signs your skin is suffering. A month ago I would have said my cold (which was almost exactly what OP described) might have been CV-19 because it was so severe and lasted for so long, but my fever only lasted half a day and didn't get above 100.8, so I doubt I had it. 2020 Mar 17;38(13):2751-2757. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.01.101. Productivity-wise, you're unlikely to be performing at your best, and on morale, colleagues showing up sick "brings the whole team down," Nayyar adds. I've had it for 3 weeks+. And nothing seems to work on it. Also, traveling friend had to return to Chicago from L.A., flying to Dallas, then flying to Chicago. Gosh I bet R68 is a real blast at parties. A friend was very sick with covid-like symptoms in December but didnt test positive for the antibodies in the spring. The spikes in viral illnesses have already begun to strain hospitals. I wonder if it was here sooner and many flu deaths were really from covid 19 because lets face it, nobody was testing for covid 19. Thank god for tea! I realize now that it was probably swollen glands fighting off something and putting pressure on my jaw and ear canal. The only thing is that COVID-19 spreads extremely quickly. I'm curious about this because I had many of the symptoms include fatigue, tightness in the lungs and even something that looked like pink eye. The NHS symptom. Hope you feel better. But there are things one can do to lessen the symptoms and perhaps even speed up the recovery. I was hospitalized for 5 days with pneumonia and almost died. We have four people out sick with it in our office. What a stupid, stupid thing to say, they were all just put symptoms compatible with the flu, or COVID, or pneumonia, or similar. My friend's mother was only 56. RSV hospitalizations were also significantly higher than usual, according to another weekly update published by the CDC on Thursday. Rhinoviruses, which can cause roughly 50% of all common colds are spread easily in the Spring and Fall. I told every dr I had a long history of smoking since I was a kid, plus my dad smoked 3 packs a day in our tiny house. Walsh says that if you're a manager, tactfully nudging your employee to go home doesn't have to be awkward. I'm assuming this is just a "regular" cold going around, but in a Covid-world, it could be anything. I hope this was Covid-19 because I had it and I hope I got the antibody. Eventually I caught it and I blame him 100%. I also had pink eye. What's Going Around 10/26/22 Brianna Clark Oct 26, 2022 Flu season is here, with cases. An 85-year Harvard study found the No. I had a high fever, a hacking wet and dry cough, muscle pains, the inability to breathe for a time and this horrible taste in my mouth. I had a very wet cough, though. There were several days, not necessarily contiguous, when the shortness of breath was severe enough I couldn't lie down and had to try to sleep in a recliner. Even if you test negative on the first day, Gounder recommends retesting on day two to be sure. Treat yourself (and that includes your body) with love and care. John . The entire episode lasted from late November till mid-March --- three successive waves. Ive been on antibiotics since Tuesday and Im only just feeling better. Chicken soup has not been proven to cure colds & related illnesses. I got sick before Thanksgiving and was low-grade sick for several weeks. (Viruses) mainly affect either ends of our population - little babies and children, and the elderly as well as the immuno-compromised.. I know COVID-19 supposedly wasn't in the US at that time, but I can't help wondering if that's what I had. I have been taking thc gummies to help me sleep and some nyquil cough works wonders. It's not the swine flu, because I was tested for it. There are lots of people going out, stores seem to have normal traffic. Which is why I'm freaked out about it right now. Managing Editor: Tianna Hicklin, Ph.D. Also, there were 2 strains floating around too.. general ill feeling. Yes - got flu shot, got this nasty cold. COVID-19 vaccines are now recommended for everyone age 5 years and older. Feel fine now but it was awful. People died before April, but their deaths were attributed to pneumonia or the flu or, if they had underlying conditions more than likely those. R333 the biggest failure is you, who has to make life decisions based upon Datalounger feedback. Mainly an incessant, non-productive cough. According to this thread, it looks like coronavirus started in mid-November and some Datalounger from New York City gave it to some Chinese person in Chinatown who went back to Wuhan. One of the worst flu seasons in modern history. I'd like to go out and do a wee bit of shopping (I'm pretty well stocked up, but would like some fresh bread) , but I don't want to be treated like a leper should I cough.. R412, Yes, anyone can archive there. We wouldn't know, because of course, they would not have posted here again. Colds, upper respiratory infections, and URIs are common terms we use to describe viral illnesses that cause nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, fever, and cough. Hot showers do help to feel better. a stuffed or runny nose. This abandoned high school was converted into a 31-unit apartment building, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But because of spraying and DL, I was hyper-aware of the pandemic and stocked up. Anyway, several of them got tested for Covid antibodies in the Spring and all of them were negative. Maybe the virus hides in the liver or kidney or somewhere that were not looking for it, and something triggers it to re-emerge. They both hd coughs for over a month. Disgusting. But theyre not contagious. Soup has not been proven to cure colds & related illnesses sick we were afraid wed.. Treat yourself ( and that includes your body ) with love and care who have gotten flu. 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