how to become an ascended master

Besides assisting humans in accomplishing this goal, their earthly mission is to serve as teachers of the human race. In a letter Blavatsky explained: The Masters would not stoop for one moment to give a thought to individual, private matters relating but to one or even ten persons, their welfare, woes and blisses in this world of Maya [illusion], to nothing except questions of really universal importance. Casimir Poiseidon An old Ascended Master from South America. The Great White Brotherhood is highly structured and organized into many different councils with specific goals and tasks; all focused on raising humanitys frequency. Brahma is the creator aspect. Make no mistake about this. He is the conscious director of his future activities. It is but the vehicle through which Perfection should be expressed into the outer substance of the Universe. It is believed[by whom?] The Theosophist, Alice Bailey, who broke with the Indian branch of the Theosophical Society, and who was heavily influenced by orthodox Christianity, started the expectation that the ""Maitreya" would actually be reborn on the earth as a physical being, fulfilling the Christian ideal of a Second Coming, rather than the New Age ideal of the Christ being reborn in the heart of each individual. According to Prophet, Jesus became World Teacher, along with Kuthumi, on January 1, 1956, succeeding Maitreya, who took the Office of "Planetary Buddha" and "Cosmic Christ". Leadbeater and Alice Bailey beginning in the 1920s. According to Theosophical doctrine, one of the Hierarchy's functions is to oversee the evolution of mankind; in accord with this function Maitreya is said to hold the so-called Office of the World Teacher. Barker, A. T., and Vicente Hao Chin Jr., eds. Learn to Channel Master Course Ascended Masters, ETs, Archangels, Faeries & More; Learn to Channel From the Beings & Collectives Daniel Scranton Channels; Books. These Mahatmas, she claimed, were physical beings living in the Himalayas, usually understood as Tibet: they are living men, born as we are born, and doomed to die like every mortal. [citation needed], In Ascended Master teachings there is also mention of Serapis Bey, a being who was incarnated as a high priest in one of the "Temples of the Sacred Fire" on Atlantis, and who migrated to Egypt at the time of the destruction of Atlantis. They have attained the supreme state of spiritual enlightenment and have transformed their physical bodies into the finest physical material called Akasha, a Sanskrit word meaning ether or space. WebThe meaning of Ascended Masters is to become God-like, deepen their level of wisdom to reach a higher level, and help people. An Ascended Master has become God-like and a source of unconditional Love to all life, and through the Ascension has united with his or her own God Self, the "I AM" Presence. [42][43] This belief is not accepted by adherents of traditional Theosophy and the followers of Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme - they believe that the Master Jesus is still the Chohan of the Sixth Ray and that Maitreya is still the World Teacher. The Master Manifestor has been painstakingly gathered over 7 years, and compiled from hundreds of channeling sessions with the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and my own spirit guides! Similar to working with other celestial beings like guardian angels and archangels, Ascended Masters offer their assistance to anyone who asks. Awaken your unique Soul Essence and align to your Soul Purpose + Destiny. WebBut By Having These Ascended Masters Attunements, It Will Bring The Energies Of The Master Much Closer To You. The term karma has become quite popular in modern culture. Maitri is Sanskrit for "loving kindness." In the course of this series, focused on key principles that form the foundation of self-mastery, Those supposed Addresses (known as "Dictations") were delivered before gatherings of members in Conclaves held throughout the United States of America, and published in the monthly periodical The Voice of The "I AM", and some were collected and reprinted in the "green books" of The Saint Germain Series. An an Ascended Master is a free soul; one who has completed his spiritual evolution and escaped from the wheel of reincarnation and the law of karma. [16], "Only the Self-conscious Individual has ALL the Attributes and Creative Power of the 'Mighty I AM Presence.' To help you with MANIFEST and LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! We share sacred initiations led by these extraordinary beings, to help you reconnect with your soul gifts and highest mission, and much, much more. The book "Initiations of the Aquarian Masters: The Theosophy of the Aquarian Gospel" by ACCU founder Jacob L. Watson, expounds on the church's teachings which draw heavily from the writings of A.D.K. In this complete guide, we are going to explain everything you need to know about this term. In this book, drawn from the authors pivotal spiritual conference held at Mount Shasta in 1975, you will discover how the saints and sages of both East and West work together behind the scenes of life with seekers in every eld of human endeavor. [citation needed], There is considerable difference between the concept of Masters of the Ancient Wisdom in Theosophy (as described by Blavatsky, Olcott, Sinnett, and others) and the current concept of Ascended Masters, developed by Guy Ballard and Elizabeth Clare Prophet fifty-five years after the Theosophical Society was founded. [17][18] Other Ascended Master Teachings are contained in The Bridge to Freedom (1951),[19] The Summit Lighthouse (1958), (Known also as The Church Universal and Triumphant[20] The Aetherius Society (1955),[21] The Temple of The Presence (1995),[10] the I AM University (2004), the White Eagle Lodge (1936) and the Aquarian Christine Church Universal, Inc. Godfre Ray King (Guy Ballard) further popularized this concept of spiritual masters who had once lived on the earth in his book Unveiled Mysteries. Web35 views, 3 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Chiesa-SantaFamiglia-Orzinuovi: S. MESSA IV DOMENICA T. O. At the fifth level of initiation and beyond, souls have the opportunity to become members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. There were two ways: Nightmare could either create his dream minions, or subjugate them. However, if you want the other 19 gears, here are some ideas to get you fired up ( just make sure youre pointing in the right direction first ) The Ascended Masters Teachings teach ways to attract material or emotional possessions to a person's life, and also how to dissolve unpleasant karma, a conception that the Theosophical Mahatmas emphatically opposed. These books, while controversial, are recent popularizations of the concept of Ascension. That means honorable actions beget good karma, and evil intentions result in bad karma. [16], A characteristic of students of the Ascended Master Teachings is the use of God's Creative Name - "I AM" - in the use of Decrees, Fiats, Adorations, and Affirmations to invoke and send forth the Light of God to Bless Life, to bring forth the Perfect Divine solution for every situation, and to fulfill the Divine Plan. The Master Jesus is regarded by Theosophists, was regarded by Alice Bailey and was later regarded by students of the "Ascended Master Teachings" as the Master of the Sixth Ray. WebBEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND is habit number two from Steven Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. As a result, their state of awareness operates at a very high level than the human mind can access. As we work towards becoming all of the God virtues, we begin to release the negative, "self" centered ego. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. It is also interesting to know that while these Great beings dedicate all their hearts and souls to help us ascend, they also keep studying and expanding their consciousness to continue to evolve, even after their ascension. [16], "In your beloved America, in the not so far distant future, will come forth a similar recognition of the Real Inner Self, and this her people will express in high attainment. Blavatsky also rejects ascension as a fact, calling it "an allegory as old as the world. WebAs this series on becoming an ascended master has unfolded, we have been using Steven Coveys 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as the basis and template for bringing ascended master principles into focus. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. Some may take another path in our vast universe. And How They Help? In many traditions and organizations, they are considered part of the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth, and members of the Great Brotherhood of Light, also known as the Great White Lodge or Great White Brotherhood. It is a consciousness apart from the full Purity of God. This leaves room to detach the Ascended Masters from the limitations. When the soul ascends, it starts a new phase of spiritual existence on a higher plane, with a vast network of other spiritual beings, including ascended masters, archangels, cosmic beings, or nature spirits. Learn about this vast brotherhood of light, WebThe Ascended Master Teachings The I AM Presence - The God Presence We have an individualized Presence of God - the Mighty I AM Presence - as part of our very Nature and Being. Get notified when the course re-opens with a special early bird price, available for a limited time only. Belief in this "One God" stresses the essential unity of the spiritual and material components of the universe. [72], Students of the Ascended Master Teachings believe that this world is destined to again have a Golden Age, a "Heaven on Earth", that will be permanent, unlike previous Golden Ages millions of years ago. "Matter planes" refers to the differentiations of atomic and molecular structure in which evolution takes place, the lower planes (dimensions / wavelength frequency resonance) sometimes correlated with physical solids, liquids, and gases; the higher subplanes of the Physical Octave are sometimes referred to as "etheric" and are not normally perceivable by the physical senses. This allows for the development of greater skills of creation and "Causal Body Momentums" of various "Divine Qualities". WebHow to become an ascended one in Freemasonry - Quora Answer (1 of 3): FYI ascended one is not an official term or title in Freemasonry. It comes up quite frequently but is often mentioned in passing without any explanation as to what it really means. by asking questions and receiving answers in a process called the Torus technique. When Ascended Masters are entirely free from negative karma, they can choose how and where they want to operate and serve the world. Often, they were once great healers, teachers, prophets, or individuals who set an example for others by living a noble or righteous life. An [4][16], The term Ascended Master was first introduced in 1934 by Guy Ballard with the publication of Unveiled Mysteries, a book which he said was dictated to him by the Ascended Master: St. [citation needed], The concept of Initiation is also recognized in the Ascended Master Teachings, a group of religions based on Theosophy. It is our unique and immortal True Identity, yet always sharing in the Allness of the ONE GOD. She handled me my Namibian crystal and I knew that it was just waiting for me. Each ray of Light is of a different color, with a different spiritual focus, and is directed by a specific Ascended Master, also called Chohan or Lord of the ray. Thus an individual may expand the "Flame in the Heart", and expand the "Perfection of the Allness of God's Love" in the created universe, eventually becoming an Ascended Master and later a Cosmic Being. That record was the beginning of an impression. There is always an uninterrupted "Oneness" that is maintained with the "Allness" of God. "[62] As he explained: "An adeptthe highest as the lowestis one only during the exercise of his occult powers. Ultimately, ascension is the highest destiny of every human being on Earth, as we are all in the process of a collective and personal purification, refining our beings at different speeds. Whatever one believes, Saint This Tuesday, we continue our exploration of Steven Coveys famous 7 habits as seen through the lens of the ascended masters teachings. This prophecy created the expectation of a Buddha Maitreya, which was probably fulfilled in the advent of the being now called "Jesus," likely Apollonius of Tyanna, who on his travels in India and the Far East was reported in many texts to have been called, "Issa," probably short for "Rishi" (great sage). This Tuesday, we continue our exploration of Steven Coveys famous 7 habits as seen through the lens of the ascended masters teachings. It is believed to act to transmute and consume human creation that is not worthy of becoming Immortal, and all negative karmic causes, effects, records, and memories, without the need to individually balance that karma face-to-face with each person back to the earliest beginning of one's individualized manifestation on this or any other world. Im Chad, your host. When one individualizes within the Absolute, All-Pervading Life he chooses of his own free will to become an intensified individual focus of Self-Conscious Intelligence. It is all you Theosophists who have dragged down in your minds the ideals of our Masters; you who have unconsciously and with the best of intentions and full sincerity of good purpose, desecrated Them, by thinking for one moment, and believing that They would trouble Themselves with your business matters, sons to be born, daughters to be married, houses to be built,[67], This kind of interest is a very marked feature of the Ascended Masters. And the results and feedbacks we get after each session are pretty extraordinary and sometimes hard to believe, as these beings truly are miracle makers. Master Moses When reading about angel numbers or some other spiritual topic, you may have stumbled upon the term Ascended Masters. The brotherhood also includes students that have not ascended yet (probably you or me? Other "Ascended Master Activities" believed that the Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings, Elohim, and Archangels continued to present a program for both individual development and spiritual transformation in the world. [citation needed]. The Threefold Flame of Life is the Immortal Flame within the Heart of the children of Light and Sons and Daughters of God, and is an actual extension of the Heart of the I AM Presence of each Lifestream in embodiment on Earth. Maria & Frederic Hoffmann 2023 |All Rights Reserved. refers to the idea disparagingly in one of his letters to Sinnett: There was but one hysterical woman alleged to have been present at the pretended ascension, and the phenomenon has never been corroborated by repetition.[59]. You can use the ascended masters as a source of inspiration in your life. For example, you can meditate on them and with them. If you start meditating, you will experience the different qualities of energy that the masters carry with them. The Ascension into Immortality through reunion with the God Self requires the consuming of at least 51% of the records and memories of "negatively qualified karma" as well as:[citation needed], It is believed that the "Individualized Flames of Perfection", emanating as lifestreams taking physical embodiment, can develop further attributes that express a unique Identity, and attain the fullness of the use of Light. The teachings hold that an "ascended master" is a human being who has taken the Sixth Initiation, also referred to as Ascension,[2] and is thereby believed to be capable of dwelling in a 6th dimension. Ascended Masters are enlightened beings, who were once ordinary humans in a past lifetime, but went through a series of transformations and now dwell in the spiritual realm. The Great White Lodge is part of the spiritual hierarchy, perfectly and harmoniously organized as ever-increasing levels of consciousness. This Activity, We term Self-consciousness, meaning the Individual who is conscious of his Source and Perfection of Life, expressing through himself."[4]. That means they can help an infinite number of people since their energies are omnipresent. The Ascended Masters serve, guide, protect, heal, teach, and inspire all of mankind. No copyright infringement here, this text is NOT mine. [34][35][36][37][38] Examples of those believed by the ones proposing these teachings to be Ascended Masters would be the Master Jesus, Confucius, Gautama Buddha, Mary the Mother of Jesus, St. Paul of Tarsus (aka Hilarion), Megha Alcorn also known as Miss Megan Sebastian, Ashtar Sheran, Merku, Sanat Kumara, Aaron as known as Alaje, Aleph, Hatton, Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, Metatron, Kwan Yin, St. Germain and Kuthumi, as well as dozens of others. [citation needed], According to Alice Bailey, the Master Jesus was previously incarnated as Joshua, the Hebrew military leader in the 13th century BC, and Joshua the High Priest in the sixth century BC. Proponents of the Ascended Masters sometimes attempt to account for these discrepancies by claiming that when the Theosophical Society (TS) was founded most of the Theosophical Mahatmas were still "unascended Masters". They are men of great learning, whom we call Initiates, and still greater holiness of life. Other "Ascended Master Activities" believed that the Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings, Elohim, and Archangels continued to present a program for both individual development and spiritual transformation in the world. In their teachings, the Theosophical Masters even denied that such beings exist. "The Divine Plan for the future of North America is a condition of intense activity in the greatest peace, beauty, success, prosperity, spiritual illumination, and dominion. Those Masters who specifically help humanity are part of a group called the Great White Brotherhood, or Council of Light. The chances are that you will probably hear it coming up in everyday conversations. WebFree Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master Course Published 3/2023 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10m Learn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended Masters Free Download Reiki Of The 13. Most of us have heard of the legendary 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as formulated by Steven Covey in 1989. Todays topic is who are the ascended masters? The original teaching, channeled by Guy Ballard, was that a new Ascended Master would not die but would take the body up with him. As the term clearly states, an Ascended Master is a human being that has ascended from life on Earth to a higher spiritual plane, having mastered the rules of the physical plane and transmuted a significant part of their negative karma. [79], K. Paul Johnson suggests in his book The Masters Revealed: Madam Blavatsky and Myth of the Great White Brotherhood that the Masters that Madam Blavatsky claimed she had personally met are idealizations of certain people she had met during her lifetime. She is to carry the Christ Light and be the Guide for the rest of the Earth, because America is to be the Heart Center of the 'Golden Age' that is now dimly touching our horizon. WebWelcome to Open Your Reality. According to the Ascended Master Teachings a "Master of Light", "Healer" or "Spiritual Master" is a Divine Human Being who has taken the Fifth Initiation and is thereby capable of dwelling in a 5th dimension. Theosophy teaches that the psychological ego is false, that the idea that we are this body, emotions, and mind is a mistake of perception and the source of sorrow. In 1937, The Voice of the I AM article on this subject elaborated: "When the Ascension of both has taken place, each is the complete balance of all masculine and all feminine qualities within himself. Therefore, they can help you to grow and learn in all areas of your life. The Words 'I AM' whether thought, felt, or spoken, release the Power of Creation instantly. If you want to go deeper in your spiritual growth and work closely with the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and other Light Beings, I invite you to explore our Mystery School Training. But to understand what is an Ascended Master, we must first learn about the Ascension process. In the same work Blavatsky was to assert that there have been, and will be, multiple messianic (or messianic-like) instances in human history. The Aquarian Christine Church actively promotes Ascended Master Teachings and shares many beliefs in common with the I AM Movement, White Eagle Lodge and New Thought and Theosophical groups. The work was the magnum opus of Helena Blavatsky, one of the physical founders of the Theosophical Society and of contemporary Theosophy. Thus, having once made his choice, he is the only one who can fulfill that Destiny which is not inflexible circumstance but a definitely designed Plan of Perfection. Guenon points out that Blavatsky spent a long time visiting a library at New York where she had easy access to the works of Jacob Boehme, Eliphas Levi, the Kabbala and other Hermetic treatises. [16], Jesus is believed to be one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom in Theosophy and is one of the Ascended masters in the Ascended Master Teachings. However, Mahatmas and Ascended Masters are believed by some to differ in certain respects. If you want to alter or become an active participant in your destiny, this book will enhance Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. For instance, one way of doing this is by asking questions and receiving answers in a process called the Torus technique. 4 ebook; Hardcover Editions of My Books All 6 of Them You can call on them for assistance and guidance to overcome the struggles of daily life. WebAscended Masters are believed to be individuals who have lived in physical bodies, acquired the Wisdom and Mastery needed to become Immortal and Free of the cycles of "re-embodiment" and karma, and who have attained "Ascension". WebIn the course of this series, focused on key principles that form the foundation of self-mastery, we discover that Coveys principle-centered leadership is very closely akin to The Following Ascended Masters You Will Be Attuned To Master Kuthumi Who Helps With, Centering, Devotion, Focus And Relaxation. [22][23], It is believed that Ascended Masters are individuals who were formerly embodied on the Earth and learned the lessons of life during their incarnations. [4][5] However, theosophists maintain that the concept of ascended master is an exaggeration and corruption of the more modest theosophical concept of "Master of the Ancient Wisdom". . [54], Sanat Kumara was mentioned briefly by the theosophist Helena Blavatsky. Later on many other organizations, especially in the United States, developed the concept of Ascended Masters, which departs from the theosophical one in several aspects. If we put any religious beliefs aside, it is interesting to understand the science behind the ascension process, as we all can follow it as human beings. This knowledge transfer is sometimes said to occur through Maitreya occasionally manifesting or incarnating in the physical realm, then assuming the role of World Teacher of Mankind. One of these Ascended Masters, called a Chohan "[citation needed], It is further claimed by various groups and teachers that the Ascended Masters serve as the teachers of mankind from the realms of spirit, and that all people will eventually attain their Ascension and move forward in spiritual evolution beyond this planet. The Individualized Flame sends down into each Ray a Focal Point, or Spark, forming a Heart Center upon which gathers the 'Electronic Light Substance,' creating the Electronic Body."[4]. "Adventures of a Western Mystic: Apprentice to the Masters" (Church of the Seven Rays, 2010), Watson, Jacob L. "Initiations of the Aquarian Masters: The Theosophy of the Aquarian Gospel" Outskirts Press 2009, Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and Prophet, Mark (as compiled by Annice Booth). However, it is at the sixth initiation when Ascended Masters go into ascension to regain union with their God presence or Mighty I AM state. . According to Ascended Master Teachings and Theosophy beliefs, all humans can go through 9 levels of spiritual development. He is looked to as the embodiment of the Age of Aquarius and the spiritual figurehead of the New Age movement. Whats more, not only have they lived through the physical limitations of the reincarnation cycle, they also possess great power from a higher dimension. Mahatma K.H. The Ascended Masters communicate through dreams, meditations, intuitive readings, and even divine signs such as angel numbers. [73] The members of the Brotherhood may be known as the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or the Ascended masters. wrote: "We are not infallible, all-foreseeing 'Mahatmas' at every hour of the day. Free Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master CoursePublished 3/2023MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHzLanguage: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10mLearn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended MastersFree Download What you'll learnWho Are The Ascended It is believed that since the "fall of man" during the time of the incarnation of the Fourth Root Race, imperfection, limitations and discord increasingly entered into our world. The memory body is considered to have become known as a "soul", and this temporary personality has taken on the sense of a self that is separated and not connected to God. Ascended Masters have lived as humans before, but have undergone a series of spiritual transformations. Peter Mt. They work everywhere in the universe with complete freedom and limitless power. You can connect with the Ascended Masters at any time through conscious contact. Use of the "Violet Flame of Divine Love" is considered to be the 7th Ray aspect of the Holy Spirit and the "Sacred Fire" that transmutes and consumes the "cause, effect, record, and memory" of sin or negative karma. Mahatma K.H. Unbound by space and time, the Ascended Masters have gone through reincarnation, overcame the karmic cycle, learned the lessons of life, and mastered all the lesser things of this world. Everyone is in the process of becoming an Ascended Master because humans can ascend to their highest level of divine self. [16], Adherents of the Ascended Master Teachings believe that each person is an incarnation of an "Individualized Presence" of the "Most High Living God" - the "Mighty I AM Presence" - as part of our very Nature and Being. 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