synanon survivors

Anyway, you should learn about ones actual career before you make assumptions about it. But Farve had the money so he could be self indulgent. The damage that has been done to many ,many children is unfathomable. Ego had nothing to do with that comment. It quotes statements I did not make but Dederich did. You would also have learned that I have been in the room with many Synanon people countless times. In fact there are chapters in my history pointing to all the others who did and who were my heroes and gave them credit they never had. Even if the system had worked, the price was too high free will. As stated, Dederich, himself, admitted at deposition that he created the boogeyman to bond people and keep them from running away. But you make many assumptions about me. And of course, this was what was best in early Synanon, i.e., peers to talk to and help if the craving starts; also support when kicking cold turkey, food and a roof. Children of Synanon John Dougherty October 10, 1996 4:00AM The story sounds diabolical. In contrast, Jollett's goals as a parent are simple. ! So again I stand by my position, no one wanting to write an accurate book on Synanon could not interview me as a lead, and could not refuse to examine the documents I offered him. : troubledteens. Your comments is like talking about Nazi tea parties and trains running on time while someone else is talking about the Holocaust. You would make Wes Fager proud, I am sure, sadly he is no longer with us. Some of these programs were in the wilderness, some were high in the Mountains, or in deserts, or per parents trading children and keeping them in locked rooms when they were not in camps many of which were like old time chain gangs this saving cost of shelter and food. Largely, the squares were people looking for purpose and to be part of something. After saying staying in Synanon is the addicts only chance for sustained life, in 1976 Dederich said that in 5 years there would be no room for the kind of people you are now. Another boy froze to death (given no coat or shelter), and the victims even included former Synanon children who were placed in these camps by parents still believing in the Synanon system. It was clear, that like Yablonsky, decades prior, he was enamored by Synanon. Synanon can make its recommendation not to connect, even expel and announce it will not accept the person back; but there is no right to stop contact by never informing the person of attempts being made and giving the person the choice. Today, troubled-teen programs use Synanon-like tactics, advertising themselves to parents as solutions for everything from poor study habits to substance misuse. This is not limited to addicts. I responded to him that the media never knew the extent of the actual violence and as far as violence inside Synanon, how many incidents would you like to know about? Later I sent him a copy of the History of Synanon violence with over 80 incidents and he never responded nor did I hear from him again, nor did he ever apologize to the public for writing a book in which he intentionally avoided the actual evidence. no Mr. Vandeman I am not deleting this as it is not as vulgar as the others. "I became very interested in the idea of buried history, all the ways that we as children were told things that were patently untrue, and that we believed them," says Jollett, whose book will publish on May 26, just after the same-titled album. still, we had not had a good Republican president since Eisenhower. He was constantly accused of being a malingerer and faking it when he complained of being sick and unable to go on. . When they asked me, if an addict enters Synanon, how long will it take? My answer is, If he is lucky, it will take forever.. He wrote that many ex-members said that one day there would be a scandal and Dederich would run off with all the money. Most of what I wrote was a no comment description in detail of Synanons evolution taken from its own records. WebSynanon Industries. But before I wrote this, there were many before me who wrote the same thing trying to put an end to the warped Synanon system that as Dederich said was based on hate. That's our job, to love this [child] fiercely and protect it. Synanon did not even keep it from the public. It was far from being just Synanon. He found that at Odyssey House only 25% of admissions stay more than 30 days, that the rate is down to 9.7% after six months, 5.6% at 1 year, and 2.8% after 18 months; the programs required length of stay to graduate.. .relinquish all independence and subjugate themselves to these staff and senior residents, accepting humiliation and total control of their lives even to the extent of accepting complete direction of their sex lives. "I make them.". For more than a decade, a Tucson nonprofit drug-treatment center Despite this, despite the warnings of so many other notables, despite Art Barkers total lack of credentials and less than admirable past, The Seed received a $1.8 million U.S. government grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) soon after it opened. Ultimately, as stated above, Dederich would testify they never knew how to cure a dope fiend and nobody does. While Synanons bragging of curing drug addiction was far off from reality, its public relations system did promote the concept that drug addiction was not impossible to overcome as many had thought when Synanon was conceived. So I went through it again to tried to erase that ambiguity and I hope you are happier with it. Researched by Maia Szalavitz for a book in 2006 and for Mother Jones in 2007 she described the clone horrors and traced them back to Synanon. The leader, Chuck Dederich, decided we wouldn't have parents, and then we just didn't.". Margo, you say you are a successful attorney. And I still do. In terms of drug addiction, thats where it ends. As stated in earlier chapter, one study on encounter groups in 1971 found the Synanon methods of attack therapy was the most likely to create psychological injury, and the experiment led to mental breakdowns and one suicide. Glasser, he wrote, found that eighty six of every hundred admissions to a large residential program terminated themselves against the advise of staff with most terminating within the first 30 days. I just imagined Charles Dederich rolling over in his grave at that news. Whether a small town, island or, commune, they have a better chance for a part of the American dream than if on their own in the big city. is probably the most clear and present danger the presidential office ever faced. How all of this occurred is set forth in the first book So Fair a House by Dr. Casriel. By example, as compiled by Dr. Ofshe, in 1961 all Dederich reported was that 70 out of 176 addicts had stayed for 5 days. Not only did the system drive people out, Dederich eventually admitted it was designed for that purpose. Watched the documentary Ethel on HBO and compare the public speaking of the Kennedys to the embarrassing debates that took place in the recent election. They also had to fight for attention from the few loving adults who monitored them, Jollett explains. WebJan 2010 - Present13 years 2 months United States Im a CEDU Survivor who created & runs the Synanon Survivors Group on Facebook. It gives an unvarnished accounting of the psychopath Joe Ricci who founded the Elan Corporation. A belief system based upon coercive persuasion is expected by all who have studied it to be largely abandoned when the pressures are removed. (16) In 1985 psychotherapists Thomas Bratter and Gary Forrest echoed the conclusion of Rachman and Heller and added a caution of their own when they wrote that such a treatment [for self-destructive drug abusers] may not be necessary or appropriate for other treatment populations, i.e. Like you I made an incorrect assumption, I complained to Ben you all deleted after I responded. I think he recognized, 'Oh, is this one going to become an addict, too? Congratulations. I remember you saying that you had not heard of Elan, yet you were aware of there being many Synanon spin off treatment centers. What you write is not experience of all. All Rights Reserved. As I wrote, starting in 1998, off and on for 3 years; then quitting, starting again in 2009, stopping in 2011 to write the book Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults, and picking up in 2012, that question continued as did the question did Synanon leave any positive legacy along with its revelation that its processes dictated its ultimate outcome and was predictable from the start? And that was great. Yet at the same time, the noise Synanon made did wake up people to the idea, not yet existing, that cure was possible. And back is my reply to you. For us, it was Experience of Contact, thousands of interviews, internal documents, depositions of leaders and a lifelong examination. Eventually in a 1978 tape recording called The Freebees are over Dederich set forth the plan to establish a private corporation, Home Place, Inc. in Arizona which would charge Synanon for rotating people to the new compound to be educated by Dederich and that Synanon would pay the corporation for this, which then would pay salaries to Dederich and his cronies, of which they would pay taxes. there were a lot of people in the early days who left because of the way Dederich was taking it, and its too bad the idea grew out of person with such a tortured past. You dont present any facts that they are lies because you have none. (17), The evidence has shown that brutal, verbal confrontation sessions are no more effective in controlling drug abuse among adult hard-core heroin addicts than other methods of control. We have a freedom of the press, and when it does its job, and people do theres, there is hope. Spare the Rod Healing. Arbitrarily, I would say that young persons under 16 years of age should be excluded from these programs and that careful evaluation be given admitting persons between 16 and 18 years of age . The musician was careful in his portrayal of his mother, whom he feared would come across as a one-dimensional villain. Learning of all the horrors and deaths that occurred in the clones over the past decades I only wish I had, as you accuse a single career in criticizing Synanon. It was also capable of controling the floor show when ever there was an investigation, during these times Elan became a large weird hotel lobby, albeit briefly, while investigators simply saw our blank faces. It's not good.' Synanon was discredited in the late 1970s and 1980s as its violent record was exposed. Ramirez set up the synanon-based Phoenix House which hired former Synanite Ted Dibble to manage one of its centers. In 1971, Dederich stated, as Ofshe noted: we want at the idea of graduate. This was a sop to social workers and professionals who wanted me to say that we were producing a graduate. I always wanted to say to them, A person with this fatal disease will have to live here all of his life. I know damn well if they got out of Synanon they are dead. The same result was stated by Steve Simon in his Harvard dissertation only in much more elaborate detail. I immediately sensed he was writing a book in which he was avoiding obtaining information that might challenge his view. Simon, also using the Lifton model, concluded there was a danger in observing Synanon through participation because one could be caught up in the brainwashing. In conclusion, while the notions in Synanon arose out of Dederichs troubled childhood, I dont think all blame is on Synanonsuch systems existed all throughout history. standing in line at a supermarketI get it reading the rags past the time. Further, it is foolish to treat all persons in the same manner. I stated my views, but I gave statistics and reports to back them, most unfortunate to learn of the great tragedy that have occurred in the clones are all these years. Worse, when others, like Dr. Casriel, who formed Daytop, decided to use the Synanon approach modified, they did not understand the effect of age and desire in the Synanon flashes of success and further the danger of its approach as described by Simon and Friedenberg. A haunting tale of estrangement, Synanon Kid, is a coming-of-age story of hope, survival, and determination. None of us were hardcore drug addicts. What is this thing that you think you're doing? The article listed more; interesting the largest number of abusive clones were in Arizona, where several juvenile probation officers had became visitor/participators in Synanon and recommended Synanon to officials and courts even though Marin County juvenile probation had stopped all sending of kids to Synanon and returning runaways. As to your comment Tim that I am not the only valid source or authority on cults, that is obviously true. The Hammer Podcast. I witnessed a few cow boy ass kickings. WebSynanon Survivors 136likes 149followers Posts About Photos Videos More Posts About Photos Videos Synanon Survivors Intro Link To The Synanon Survivors Group And WebSurvivors report physical abuse, exploitation (human trafficking), and several types of psychological torment, including harsh discrimination and LGBTQ+ conversion therapy. Sometimes I think women are more revenge orientated, but it probably still comes down to the individual. And while because it was so small, its influence in non-publicized areas is doubtful. I dont have to stay in it anymore. The entirety of my writings say the same thing. Maia wrote: No fewer than 50 programs can trace their treatment philosophy, directly or indirectly, to an anti-drug cult called Synanon. ("There was no soft place to land, there was no one really caring about us," he explains. And while in 1978, he noted, Synanon publicity reported 20,000 people had gone through its doors, they were exiting at even a higher speed. Dederich said free choice in the hands of an addict was like a gun in the hands of a baby. The truth is Santa Monica was enforcing a valid zoning prohibition. Rocker Mikel Jollett's Memoir on Cult Childhood Is 'Primal Scream' "He was just this big, masculine, Italian, strong guy that loved his boys. In 1972 he reported on the case of a 12 year old boy who had been admitted, along with older clients, to a second generation Synanon called The Odyssey House in New York City. To me there is good reason why Elan was not on the the map. You wont be here. Did you change partners? He spent 15 years Over the years as I wrote c. upon chapter of Synanon history, I have mainly received nothing but great comments from people. It exposes the cruel abnormal policies, practices and propaganda the Synanon children were forced to endure in a so-called modern America. But that idea was bantered by law enforcement as because of the wire, and the wire logs, knowledge could be proven against all who stayed in support. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. Thats the nature of our business. Many entrepreneurs, previously excluded from the lucrative drug rehabilitation trade because of lack of a medical degree, have opened their own second, third, and fourth generation synanon-type therapeutic communities. I was not for that idea, because I saw most members as victims. Many have the support of state agencies, because of the past publicity for Synanon, unaware of what happened in California and assuming therefor these programs worked. Synanon Industries August 23, 2022 2. People had to know its dangers before making choices to support or join. He also forced women to have abortions and almost 200 men had vasectomies after Dederich forbade any more children. The Sunshine Place investigates Synanon through survivors, former members, and more Society & Culture August 10, 2022 Listen to The Sunshine Place Bellis, citing various sources, found that the success rate in the Synanon imitators was no better than that the dismal statistics of Synanon itself. Maybe it's one of the things about human nature, that isolated power corrupts people. Oaks and Spokes. Have a merry. I did not delete Susans comment, they disappeared and then reappeared; have happy holidays. And it is no wonder that almost everywhere Synanon went, Dederich picked a location that was out of zone in which he knew they would be kicked out of, allowing him to claim outrage and obtain sympathy and donations. WebI run the Synanon Survivors Facebook group and wed love to have to as a member!! Both are real experiences, but which is more important to learn from. Forty four years later, with Joe dead and Elan closed down survivors are still searching for someone in a position of authority to admit that what happened there was abuse. In 1974, Congress opened an investigation into such behavior-modification programs, finding that The Seed had used methods similar to the highly refined brainwashing techniques employed by the North Koreans. . Today, there are statistics saying women have surpassed men as earners, all of this is good. He would want to know the reasons that motivated me, if he was in search for the truth. During these group assaults on individual residents in the hot seat, especially newcomers, any castigation and ridicule appear to come from the whole community of clients. I welcome anyones story, questions or facts; the only thing I delete is attacking the messenger; attack facts if you can but I am not going to have gaming on here, get the speaker when you cannot challenge the info. In the introduction I asked the question was Charles Dederich just another sociopath who rose to power or was he a Jedi Knight seduced by the Dark Side. I'm going to rise up above all this kind of stuff, and I'm going to take care of everyone. Originally a nonviolent group, Diedrich created the Imperial Marines to maintain orderwithin and outside of the community. Although I think this is waning some now Movies now are once again about heroes and less about femme fatales. Rather, the organizations said they worked, so people believed it. I offered them to him but he declined. You know ts great fun, to watch that. As a key distinction between comparing Synanon to America, those in Synanon who tried to warn or criticize were shut down and shoved out. Instead it is led to countless deaths, destruction of lives and still continues today. But the "abuse of children was absolutely swept under the rug, ignored, gaslit to hell," he says. Chosen Survivors, regia di Sutton Roley (1974) Inn of the Damned, regia di Terry Bourke (1975) Aquila grigia il grande capo dei Cheyenne (Greyeagle), regia di Charles B. .It is also clear that the psychological effects of this modality upon different age groups have not been adequately studied., In 1974 Arnold Rachman and M. Heller warned about using the Game with kids when they wrote: There is a serious shortcoming within the theory and the practice of the T.C. Naya Arbiter Many people who grew up in the cult remember being abused, abandoned and malnourished as children. This is not a criticism of that policy; but just the fact that it was insignificant in relation to the civil rights movement which was raging in the 60s and pushed by the Kennedys, Martin Luther King, and many black actors and athletes and my generation that marched and died in name of civil rights. Nov 04, 2017 Daina Fanning rated it really liked it. Further, I wrote that the study of cults is studying a microcosm of the greater society. We were mentally ill. Chuck Dederich would not only envy the Money Elan made, but the protection they got. So lets say you wanted to give the Third Reich some credit, which could be done, what positives can you say about Synanon? 14-year-old Anthony Haynes died while attending a five-week boot camp operated by the Americas Buffalo Soldiers Re-enactors Association. Sidney Poitier did more for race relations in one movie than most of the world combined. Once the population bought that, Dederich had complete power by threat of expulsion which he continually exercised out right or by squeezes.. In my book Synanon was only one chapter. Died of dehydration. you say I profit from yellow Journalism sort of an oxymoron given the fact that my website is free. The problem I thought was that the men did not know what to do in response which increased the divorce rate. Per Ofshe, Dr. Elizabeth Missakian, former Pres. ***. The story of Synanon is how one man took good people and turned them into terrorists. This program was called MATRIX. It is true, we are lied to, propagandized and subject to many attempts to have us all think the same way. What is known about the early days, was that the older joiners were more likely to stay than the younger, and its initial opening success per Ofshe reflected that then the current age of entry was 34 or older; they were people who had a strong desire to remove themselves from the demanding regime of an addict/criminal life. Childrens deaths in tough love boot camps include: Michelle Sutton, 15, Summit Quest, Utah, 1990. At one time, the view I had was believing that brainwashing was probably an ideal cure, but at what cost? As I said, for years I basically hung out with former members. It a very sick place for teen agers,and during my time we were mixed in with adults. But is there anything worth giving up freedom of thought? In 1984 a federal jury in Alexandria, Virginia awarded Fred Collins, Jr. $220,000 for being falsely imprisoned at Straight.Inc. But I also concluded that Synanon would always be dangerous because of the nature of the Synanon game. If CED had that kind of protection, he would have died a king.. *, As with The Seed, at Straight abuse was omnipresentincluding beatings and kidnapping of adult participants. Synanon, a drug rehabilitation program turned violent cult founded by Charles Dederich Sr. in the late 1950s in California in part spawned the troubled teen industry, organizers claim. [Chuck] Dederich [Synanons founder], an exile from A.A., is credited with being the genius behind the TC [therapeutic community] movement and Leon Brill acknowledges in The Clinical Treatment of Substance Abusers that the original therapeutic community directed by ex-addicts was Synanon though others, he writes, such as Daytop Village, Odyssey House and Phoenix House in New York City have used psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and other professionals as part of their staff; in an article for Substance Abuse: Clinical Problems and Perspectives written in 1981, Deitch and Zweben acknowledge that Synanon is the progenitor of the present-day therapeutic communities., As Fager summarized: Almost all modern day therapeutic communitiesand there are hundreds of themare based on synanons. In my opinion Elan operated as a continueing criminal enterprise for close to forty years. The belief that Synanon was a breakthrough, as stated, was mainly because of its public speaking bureau. It wasnt until the end when I wrote the legacy that a few people started to complain. Both boys had to navigate poverty and abuse, but Jollett's experience was vastly different from his brother's. But I DO know the culture of Synanon. Synanons punitive system of verbal attacks and humiliation was counterproductive and drove out most that entered. And when former clients sued Straight for holding them against their will, Straight pressured parents into letting Straight fight for them for the right to force their kids into treatment with the force of a court order. Since I alone have the records (UCLA has only what Synanon chose to give it) I felt obligated. Or a person could just stop. Some have shown that synanon confrontations can potentially be psychologically damaging and may not be suitable for all audiences-especially for adolescents. Information from former members of the cult quickly identified two of Synanons Imperial Marines as suspects in the snake-attack. Eventually, on the subject of rehabilitation, Ofshe would write, Synanon was the failure thats gave birth to an industry.. Here we go!' WebSynanon was a religous community. The authorities closed it down. But these rules had long been eradicated at Synanon the root of todays confrontational-type therapeutic communities. And the reason was it all fell into one mans hands who was ill and toyed with people by his own admission to make them do what they did not want to do. Its a real field day.. TTI Survivor - Leviah Rose. Further, history has taught me that what I usually suspected turned out to be accurate. Unfortunately, came the imitators who sold the idea it was rehabilitative and copied it leading to a much greater list of damaged individuals than Synanon could ever achieve. Synanon is only one chapter. For those, as stated above, there is no doubt Synanon served as Ofshe stated, a realistic shelter while they got their act together. '", After Tony went to rehab, their dad quit his job to be home with them and cooked dinner every night. Others who completed the program were absorbed into the organization as low-paid or voluntary staff limited to walking around money. The group ultimately became a cult called the Church of Synanon in the 1970s. Synanon disbanded in 1991 [6] due to members being convicted of criminal activities (including attempted murder) and retroactive loss of its tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) due to financial misdeeds, destruction of evidence, and terrorism. [7] "Our parents weren't bad people, they didn't choose to turn their children into orphans. While I cop to an ego in this area, my comments to Janzen had nothing to do with it. It was like, 'Nothing ever gets to me. "Then my dad became extremely interested in my life. At least three dozen teens have died in these programs, often because staff see medical complaints as malingering. I was forced to watch twenty men and women beat a 14 year old girl in what we called a, Cowboy Ass kicking, for ten to twenty minutes. Her alleged crimepetty theft. Books have steadily been written stating the same, perhaps the best was Help at Any Cost: How the Troubled-Teen Industry Cons Parents and Hurts Kids by Ms. Maia Szalavitz. But generally, as to your comment, my book was not in disagreement. The legacy quotes statistics that I did not keep or make, but Synanon did. This story they were supposed to be about love, while men were about war. Further, while brainwashing might be a form of keeping a person from drugs, leaving all decision making to the masters was a recipe for disaster. Some children were taken to foreign countries, or islands, although foreign countries have done more to stop them than our government. He told me that he had interviewed Synanon people and examined the UCLA records. TimI didnt say I was the only one to fight Synanon. 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