things named after benedict arnold

[8] His siblings were, in order of birth: Benedict (17381739), Hannah (17421803), Mary (17451753), Absolom (17471750), and Elizabeth (17491755). Or was it a kind of extreme midlife crisis, swerving from radical political beliefs to reactionary ones, a change accelerated by his marriage to the very young, very pretty, very Tory Peggy Shippen? While en route to West Point, Arnold renewed an acquaintance with Joshua Hett Smith, who had spied for both sides and who owned a house near the western bank of the Hudson about 15 miles south of West Point. In the United States, the name of Benedict Arnold is synonymous with treason. The combined assault (December 31, 1775) failed, Montgomery was killed, and Arnold was severely wounded. [66] Biographer Nathaniel Philbrick argues: Peggy Shippen did have a significant role in the plot. [86], Arnold's command at West Point also gave him authority over the entire American-controlled Hudson River, from Albany down to the British lines outside New York City. [36] However, an acrimonious dispute with Moses Hazen, commander of the 2nd Canadian Regiment, boiled into Hazen's court martial at Ticonderoga during the summer of 1776. Thereafter his name became an epithet for traitor in the United States. [85], On August 3, 1780, Arnold obtained command of West Point. He received a colonel's commission in the Continental Army for this expedition and left Cambridge in September 1775 with 1,100 men. general, has a name that's become synonymous with deceit and. Benedict died of natural causes, maybe a fever. [128][d], Benedict Arnold's name became synonymous with "traitor" soon after his betrayal became public, and biblical themes were often invoked. [113], Arnold then applied to accompany General Carleton, who was going to New York to replace Clinton as commander-in-chief, but the request went nowhere. [62], Arnold had been badly wounded twice in battle and had lost his business in Connecticut, which made him profoundly bitter. He began to drink heavily, and . [83], Andr returned victorious from the Siege of Charleston on June 18, and both he and Clinton were immediately caught up in this news. "[102], The British gave Arnold a brigadier general's commission with an annual income of several hundred pounds, but they paid him only 6,315 plus an annual pension of 360[b] for his defection because his plot had failed. In 1764, he formed a partnership with Adam Babcock, another young New Haven merchant. Arnold's early life consisted of study at some of the Continent's best private schools. [22], The Sugar Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of 1765 severely curtailed mercantile trade in the colonies. Working as a spy, Armistead gained the trust of General Cornwallis and Benedict Arnold,. Arnold returned to England in 1791, but he left to spend several years privateering in the West Indies before permanently settling in London. Benedict Arnold began the Revolutionary War as a militia captain. Washington refused his offer to resign, and wrote to members of Congress in an attempt to correct this, noting that "two or three other very good officers" might be lost if they persisted in making politically motivated promotions. His difficult time in New Brunswick led historians to summarize it as full of "controversy, resentment, and legal entanglements" and to conclude that he was disliked by both Americans and Loyalists living there. One plaque bears only a rank and a date but no name: "major general born 1740". Arnold had three sons with Margaret Mansfield:[150][151]. Benedict Arnold The Hudson River Chain today Arnold's Family Life Was Messy By The Time He Was 20. British reinforcements arrived in late March led by William Phillips who served under Burgoyne at Saratoga. Jameson reluctantly recalled the lieutenant who had been delivering Andr into Arnold's custody, but he then sent the same lieutenant as a messenger to notify Arnold of Andr's arrest. [63][64], Arnold had an extremely ambitious and jealous personality. He dared not tell me his name. He had established a decent relationship with George Washington, as well as Philip Schuyler and Horatio Gates, both of whom had command of the army's Northern Department during 1775 and 1776. [52] Historian John Shy states: Arnold began planning to capitalize financially on the change in power in Philadelphia, even before the Americans reoccupied their city. Benedict Arnold was born on January 14, 1741, in Norwich, Connecticut. The second was Benedict Arnold. Washington Irving used it as part of an argument against dismemberment of the union in his 1857 Life of George Washington, pointing out that the unity of New England and the southern states which led to independence was made possible in part by holding West Point. On June 16, Arnold inspected West Point while on his way home to Connecticut to take care of personal business, and he sent a highly detailed report through the secret channel. His physicians diagnosed him as having dropsy, and a visit to the countryside only temporarily improved his condition. Arnold mingled with Loyalist sympathizers in Philadelphia and married into a Loyalist family when he wedded Peggy Shippen. [107], The pursuing American army included the Marquis de Lafayette, who was under orders from Washington to hang Arnold summarily if he was captured. In 1776, he deployed defensive and delay tactics at the Battle of Valcour Island in Lake Champlain that gave American forces time to prepare New York's defenses. Andr then drafted instructions to Stansbury and Arnold. Answer (1 of 2): In the United States, Benedict Arnold has the dubious distinction of being one of the primary figures responsible for the Revolutionary War's losing cause. His first name was actually Enoch. Arnold was born in Norwich, Connecticut, on January 14, 1741. [25] On the night of January 28, 1767, he and members of his crew roughed up a man suspected of attempting to inform authorities of Arnold's smuggling. His father's alcoholism worsened after her death, and the youth took on the responsibility of supporting his father and younger sister. Arnold said that it would have been better had it been in the chest instead of the leg. Four days later, Arnold sent a ciphered letter with similar content into New York through the services of the wife of a prisoner of war. With the permission of his master, Armistead enlisted in the Revolutionary War under General Lafayette. [103] He had suffered from gout since 1775,[124] and the condition attacked his unwounded leg to the point where he was unable to go to sea. Various translations of Sun Tzu's The Art of War have been published over the past century. He was enrolled in a private school in nearby Canterbury, Connecticut, when he was 10, with the expectation that he would eventually attend Yale College. 5. After trying and failing to hand the fort at West Point over to the British, he joined the Royal Army and took . From there, he was ordered to Vermont where he met with Ethan Allen. The band played a funeral march. Later Arnold revealed to the British that he expected to receive the command of American forces at West Point, New York, and agreed to surrender that garrison to them for 20,000. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, American Battlefield Trust - Biography of Benedict Arnold, Dictionary of Canadian Biography - Biography of Benedict Arnold, The Washington Library Center for Digital History - Biography of Benedict Arnold, United States History - Biography of Benedict Arnold, Benedict Arnold - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Benedict Arnold - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Benedict Arnold: meeting with Maj. John Andr. Benedict Arnold Is America's Most Famous Traitor. His father was a successful businessman and young Benedict had a comfortable childhood. [a][133] Historical markers in Danvers, Massachusetts, and Newburyport, MA commemorate Arnold's 1775 expedition to Quebec. Clinton was uninterested in most of his aggressive ideas, but finally authorized him to raid the port of New London, Connecticut. On July 12, he wrote again, making explicit the offer to surrender West Point, although his price rose to 20,000[b] (in addition to indemnification for his losses), with a 1,000[b] down payment to be delivered with the response. Benedict Arnold's reasons for betraying America were extraordinarily complex. Did he become a traitor because of all the injustice he suffered, real and imagined, at the hands of the Continental Congress and his jealous fellow generals? [72] Clinton was pursuing a campaign to gain control of the Hudson River Valley, and was interested in plans and information on the defenses of West Point and other defenses on the Hudson River. [84], Arnold next wrote a series of letters to Clinton, even before he might have expected a response to the July 7 letter. Donald Trump has taken over from Benedict Arnold as "America's number one traitor," according to a group of veterans seeking to vote the president out of office this November. Arnold repeatedly claimed that he was being passed over for promotion by the Continental Congress, and that other officers were being given credit for some of his accomplishments. In 1775, when the war began, he was a merchant operating ships in the Atlantic Ocean. While this is the case, no power in this country could suddenly place you in the situation you aim at under the East India Company. [10] His apprenticeship with the Lathrops lasted seven years. [49][citation not found], Arnold spent several months recovering from his injuries. [146] There are also historical markers bearing his name at Wyman Lake Rest Area on US-201 north of Moscow, Maine, on the western bank of Lake Champlain, New York, and two in Skowhegan, Maine.[147]. Meanwhile, in April 1779, Arnold married Margaret (Peggy) Shippen, a young woman of loyalist sympathies. [103] The anti-war Whigs had gained the upper hand in Parliament, and Germain was forced to resign, with the government of Lord North falling not long after. July 27] 1742 - June 19, 1786) was an American military officer and planter who served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.He emerged from the war with a reputation as one of George Washington's most talented and dependable officers, and is known for his successful command in the Southern theater of the conflict. He knew that he was distrusted and disliked by senior military officers on both sides. Together, they won the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga, America's first victory in the Revolutionary War. He won a victory at Fort Stanwix (now Rome) in August 1777 and commanded advance battalions at the Battle of Saratoga that autumn, fighting brilliantly until seriously wounded. [106] This activity brought out Virginia's militia led by Colonel Sampson Mathews, and Arnold eventually retreated to Portsmouth to be reinforced or to evacuate. Benedict Arnold was named brigadier general by the British government and sent on raids to . He traveled extensively in the course of his business throughout New England and from Quebec to the West Indies, often in command of one of his own ships. "No," he replied, and after a few moments of silence, noticing my surprise, he added, "I am perhaps the only American who cannot give you letters for his own country all the relations I had there are now broken I must never return to the States." With Benedict Arnold, he led the Green Mountain Boys to capture Fort Ticonderoga from the British in 1775. His health simply declined, partly as a result of his war wounds, partly as a result of what used to be called dropsy edema, the dramatic retention of fluid in limbs. What happened to Benedict Arnold after he betrayed the Continental Army to the British? By early July, he was back in Philadelphia, where he wrote another secret message to Clinton on July 7 which implied that his appointment to West Point was assured and that he might even provide a "drawing of the works by which you might take [West Point] without loss". Arnold was born in Connecticut. [103], Washington remained calm when he was presented with evidence of Arnold's treason. [118] The family moved to Saint John in 1787, where Arnold created an uproar with a series of bad business deals and petty lawsuits. But despite all the financial and political reasons he had for his betrayal, it's possible it was actually about love. in George Athan Billias, ed., This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 10:05. During the American Revolution, British Major John Andr joined with American General Benedict Arnoldin a scheme to secure British control over the American fortification at West Point, New York. Especially galling was a long feud with the civil authorities in Philadelphia which led to his court-martial. Harper's Weekly published an article in 1861 describing Confederate leaders as "a few men directing this colossal treason, by whose side Benedict Arnold shines white as a saint". Odell was a Loyalist working with William Franklin, the last colonial governor of New Jersey and the son of Benjamin Franklin. Benedict Arnold served in the Connecticut militia and participated in the Siege of Boston. "No one has betrayed those in uniform like Donald Trump ," said the voiceover in the latest ad . They had no reason to suspect that Gen. Benedict Arnold, the new commander of the post, would be less than a gracious host. Nor was it named after Pope Benedict XIII, the leader of the Catholic Church from 1724 to 1730 (or any of the 15 other popes who took the name Benedict). His father was arrested on several occasions for public drunkenness, was refused communion by his church, and died in 1761. [104] He justified his actions in an open letter titled "To the Inhabitants of America", published in newspapers in October 1780. "[65] A few days later, Arnold wrote to Greene and lamented over the "deplorable" and "horrid" situation of the country at that particular moment, citing the depreciating currency, disaffection of the army, and internal fighting in Congress, while predicting "impending ruin" if things did not change soon. He later revealed that he expected to obtain the command of West Point, New York, and asked the British for 20,000 for betraying this post. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. General Washington gave him a light reprimand, but it merely heightened Arnold's sense of betrayal; nonetheless, he had already opened negotiations with the British before his court martial even began. Arnold purchased large tracts of land in the Maugerville area, and acquired city lots in Saint John and Fredericton. In 1763, he repaid money that he had borrowed from the Lathrops,[17] repurchased the family homestead that his father had sold when deeply in debt, and re-sold it a year later for a substantial profit. [11], In 1755, Arnold was attracted by the sound of a drummer and attempted to enlist in the provincial militia for service in the French and Indian War, but his mother refused permission. This was the last straw. [120] The family left Saint John to return to London in December 1791. Crippled from his wounds, Arnold was placed in command of Philadelphia (June 1778), where he socialized with families of loyalist sympathies and lived extravagantly. Sage's gravestone indicates that he was born on April 14, 14, 1786, a date roughly confirmed by Arnold's will, which stated that Sage was 14 when Arnold wrote it in 1800. [26], On February 22, 1767, Arnold married Margaret Mansfield, daughter of Samuel Mansfield, the sheriff of New Haven and a fellow member in the local Masonic Lodge. [94], Andr was captured near Tarrytown, New York, on Saturday, September 23, by three Westchester militiamen. The most famous of these occurred on May 10, 1775, when Ethan Allen and his band of Green Mountain Boys, accompanied by Benedict Arnold, who held a commission from . The British promised 20,000[b] for the capture of West Point, a major American stronghold; Washington greatly admired Arnold and gave him command of that fort in July 1780. He also began to insist on a face-to-face meeting, and suggested to Arnold that he pursue another high-level command. His chaplain Rev. He wrote that he was "very much shocked" and wondered "good God, are the Americans all asleep and tamely giving up their liberties, or are they all turned philosophers, that they don't take immediate vengeance on such miscreants? [98], Arnold learned of Andr's capture the morning of September 24 while waiting for Washington, with whom he was going to have breakfast at his headquarters in British Col. Beverley Robinson's former summer house on the east bank of the Hudson. [117] After her first voyage, Arnold returned to London in 1786 to bring his family to Saint John. His grandfather, after whom he was named, was one of the founders of the Rhode Island colony, but Arnold's father was the opposite of the upstanding Benedict Arnold I. However, his betrayal overshadowed his accomplishments in the wars he fought and won. They bought three trading ships, using the profits from the sale of his homestead, and established a lucrative West Indies trade. Besides, I would argue that even if the British d. Samuel Spring carried him to the makeshift hospital at the Htel Dieu. He also provided information on a proposed French-American invasion of Quebec that was to go up the Connecticut River (Arnold did not know that this proposed invasion was a ruse intended to divert British resources). My family have voted conservative in most elections. 10 interesting facts about st benedict. As early as 1778, there were signs that Arnold was unhappy with his situation and pessimistic about the country's future. Arnold became a shrewd and prosperous trader in New Haven while also joining the local militia in 1774 and being named its captain soon thereafter. [73] By October 1779, the negotiations had ground to a halt. Because of the constant agony of two battlefield wounds in an already gout-ridden leg? He also peppered Washington with complaints about the lack of supplies, writing, "Everything is wanting. "[144] The victory monument at Saratoga has four niches, three of which are occupied by statues of Generals Gates, Schuyler, and Morgan. Although he was unsuccessful, his attempt to betray George Washington and his American forces . He followed up that action with a bold raid on Fort Saint-Jean on the Richelieu River north of Lake Champlain. His scheme was to surrender the fort to the British, but it was exposed in September 1780 when revolution militia captured Andr carrying papers which revealed the plot. Benedict Arnold's name is synonymous with the word traitor. [134] Social historian Brian Carso notes that, as the 19th century progressed, the story of Arnold's betrayal was portrayed with near-mythical proportions as a part of the national history. Among others, he shared the name with his father and. He joined the growing American army outside of Boston, and distinguished himself by acts that demonstrated intelligence and bravery: In 1775, he captured Fort Ticonderoga. [47] Burgoyne surrendered ten days after the second battle on October 17, 1777. 8. [48] However, he interpreted the manner in which they did so as an act of sympathy for his wounds, and not an apology or recognition that they were righting a wrong. [45] He then distinguished himself in both Battles of Saratoga, even though General Gates removed him from field command after the first battle, following a series of escalating disagreements and disputes that culminated in a shouting match. She exerted powerful influence on her husband, who is said to have been his own man but who actually was swayed by his staff and certainly by his wife. [31], Arnold was in the West Indies when the Boston Massacre took place on March 5, 1770. [77] Arnold worked over the next few months to publicize this fact; however, Washington published a formal rebuke of his behavior in early April, just one week after he had congratulated Arnold on the birth of his son Edward Shippen Arnold on March 19:[78], The Commander-in-Chief would have been much happier in an occasion of bestowing commendations on an officer who had rendered such distinguished services to his country as Major General Arnold; but in the present case, a sense of duty and a regard to candor oblige him to declare that he considers his conduct [in the convicted actions] as imprudent and improper. To raise money, he violated several state and military regulations, arousing the suspicions and, finally, the denunciations of Pennsylvanias supreme executive council. Promoted to the rank of brigadier general, Arnold constructed a flotilla on Lake Champlain and inflicted severe losses on a greatly superior enemy fleet near Valcour Island, New York (October 11, 1776). When his British contact, Maj. John Andr, was captured by the Americans, Arnold escaped on a British ship, leaving Andr to be hanged as a spy. Early in May he made secret overtures to British headquarters, and a year later he informed the British of a proposed American invasion of Canada. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Arnold didn't die a heroic death, or even a cowardly death. Arnold established himself in business in 1762 as a pharmacist and bookseller in New Haven, Connecticut, with the help of the Lathrops. Arnold benefited from his relationship with Mansfield, who became a partner in his business and used his position as sheriff to shield him from creditors. A historical marker in Danvers, Massachusetts commemorates Benedict Arnold's 1775 expedition to Quebec Bayley Seton Hospital in the Clifton section of Staten Island was named in part for Richard Bayley, father of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Yet as every elementary school student knows, Benedict reneged on his original commitment and defected to England. Arnold eventually moved to England where he became a merchant. Later he became infamous for being a traitor, fighting for the British. [1] Only he and his sister Hannah survived to adulthood; his other siblings died from yellow fever in childhood. The French had besieged Fort William Henry in northeastern New York, and their Indian allies had committed atrocities after their victory. [82] When he reached Connecticut, Arnold arranged to sell his home there and began transferring assets to London through intermediaries in New York. When the British took control of Philadelphia in 1777, Peggy met John Andr, a charming, well-educated British officer. Through the early morning hours of Sept. 22, 1780 the two plotted. What does it mean to call someone a Benedict Arnold? Through his maternal grandmother, Arnold was a descendant of John Lothropp, an ancestor of six presidents. Benedict Arnold is an American Revolutionary War General who is known for being the best American Strategist during the war. It was invoked again as sectional conflicts increased in the years before the American Civil War. He is also believed to have built the first U.S. telescope. Angry and frustrated, Arnold resigned his military command of Philadelphia in late April. He was convicted of disorderly conduct and fined the relatively small amount of 50 shillings; publicity of the case and widespread sympathy for his views probably contributed to the light sentence. For a time, he was a successful businessman, but after yellow fever took the lives of three of the Arnold children, the patriarch was devastated. In the winter of 1782, he and Peggy moved to London, England. Before anyone spouts off about me being a 'libtard' I am a conservative. She couldand did. [9], Arnold's father was a successful businessman, and the family moved in the upper levels of Norwich society. Some could even argue that, patriotism aside, it might have seemed insane for him not to turn traitor. United States Vermont where he became infamous for being a & # x27 ; I am a conservative today. What happened to benedict Arnold was a merchant and failing to hand the Fort at West over... For betraying America were extraordinarily complex, the negotiations had ground to a halt hours... Port of New Jersey and the Stamp Act of 1765 severely curtailed mercantile in... Uninterested in Most of his aggressive ideas, but finally authorized him to the... 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