blackrock and vanguard conspiracy

We book through or AirBnB and when we arrive we go out for dinner and place a comment on Tripadvisor. The FBI then simply rested their case. It may be hard to believe based on what were seeing around the nation today, but there are many reasons to be hopeful. We dont have a YouTube Channel (banned), an Instagram profile (never made one), or a TikTok (no thanks, CCP). They also paid $33.5 million during that time for this damaging vaccine to be mandatorily given to 525,000 troops. They depend on big checks from Google ads to keep the sites running. In a viral tweet, BlackRock pushed back against the conspiracies raising questions about why they should bother responding. If the idea of our government faking an incident to drag the country into war for money seems like too much for you, let me remind you that President Johnson did that exact same thing which we now know from declassified documents when he pulled the United States into the Vietnam War by using the nonexistent Gulf of Tonkin incident to get war powers granted to him by Congress; something I highly doubt President Kennedy would have ever done, which Johnson infamously replaced upon a well known conspiracy theory all its own. Blackrock alone has a 10 billion a year surplus. But the Gates Foundation, after BlackRock and Vanguard is the biggest shareholder in Berkshire Hathaway. The other operating system is Apples IOS. I will also add that these companies dont do anything interesting. The reopening is effective Thursday, spokesman Freddy Martino said in an email. The first one is De PersGroep [DPG Media], the parent company of the following brands. Eat organic, freeze-dried, sous vide chicken that you can store for a decade or two if necessary. So, not only the industries but also the information is owned by the elite. . Supposedly, PepsiCo is Coca Cola's competitor, Apple and Android vie for your loyalty and drug companies battle for your health care . To start with, all the Dutch mainstream media are owned by three companies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Want to guess what the only other marketable product this company has ever produced in their entire corporate history was? Well, at least it got the people that were scared of covid to ease up on the lockdowns, right? Why would there be many world problems if the industry leaders, bankers and politicians from 1971 onwards have gathered every year to solve the worlds problems? Please share with friends so they can wake up. As of 5 hours ago, reddit is insta-shadow-banning posts and comments with keywords, including any reddit competitor website names, Ghislane Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell, was also a Mossad agent. The same big investors show up in every aspect of our trip and their power is even bigger, because of the kerosene is from their oil companies or refineries. These are one of the biggest European sponsors of media-related projects. Amassing that sum will likely upend the asset management industry, intensify their ownership of the largest U.S. companies and test the twin pillars of market efficiency and corporate governance. It's kinda obvious and people have pieced this together a long time ago. - Abraham Lincoln. Is now also a good time to mention that Jerome Hauer of Emergent Biosolutions also warned government officials like his friend Dick Cheney topreemptively take Cipro in case there was an Anthrax scare a week before the anthrax letters went out to members of the media and government? That was after Donald Trump quit USA financial support to the WHO in 2020. Bill Clinton would go on tocontinue the program and it was passed as a soft law that didnt go through Congress like it should have (because it would honestly have never passed and people would have started grabbing pitchforks and torches if they knew what it was really about.). Despite the best efforts of globalists and Neo-Marxists, patriotic Americans are starting to unify in droves. The power of these two companies is beyond your imagination. It is the parent company of many soda companies and snack companies. He had the personal financial motive, had practiced that scenario in particular, and apparently the psychic ability to know it was going to happen a week before it did. Updated at 3:50 p.m. Someone owns more than everyone else. Yet, despite all the conspiracies, dirty politics, sickened people, and ultimate failure Emergent Biosolutions managed to win not one, but two exclusive contracts to produce the covid vaccines. Not so strange, if you know that he is the front man of the ruling company. We as consumers have no real say in where our money goes anymore, and who we actually support is an optional illusion. It can also get into some scary territory as a monopoly can price gouge and do whatever the hell they want because theyre literally the only option to people. The media wants us to believe that this is a conspiracy theory, yet it has been talked about by leaders for decades. But the military agreed to keep paying their bills, just to keep the company afloat. Heres the World Economic Forums ungodly video about it here: They see the middle class as a waste of resources and firmly believe that the human population needs to be reduced dramatically and rapidly. Back when Bush Sr. was President and setting up Osama Bin Laden as a freedom fighter, Admiral Crowe and his associates were, according to many reports, selling American made weapons-grade Anthrax to Saddam Hussein in the hopes that he would use it against Iran. We would need hours if we wanted to uncover everything in which Gates, the Open Society Foundation of Soros and the Clinton Foundation are involved. Clearly this is a company whose first concern is peoples health, am I right? What could go wrong? What she uncovers is that the stock of the worlds largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. Is it not interesting enough or are there other interests at play? ANP is owned by Talpa, John de Mol. Were here to spread the truth. Why We Moderate a Commentors First Post, Dont eat crickets when food shortages really start hitting in America. BLACKROCK & VANGUARD. Many of which are in the hands of the same investors and of governments, as is the case with Air France, KLM. The assets left in their care are worth a staggering 6.3 trillion US dollars - a figure with 12 zeroes. With summer fading, take advantage of sales on camping gear that can help you survive if the crap hits the fan. We collect the best content from fellow conservative sites that give us permission to republish them. We already know the two radical leftists that own Facebook and Twitter have no problem playing defense to this plan. In turn, they, themselves are owned by shareholders and the most surprising thing is that they own each others stocks. Thats right. In turn, they, themselves are owned by shareholders and the most surprising thing is that they own each other's stocks . Our network is currently comprised of six sites: We are also building partnerships with great conservative sites like The Liberty Daily and The Epoch Times to advance the message as loudly as possible, and were always looking for others with which to partner. Also, the big agricultural businesses, on which the entire food industry depends; they own Bayer, the parent company of Monsanto, the biggest seed producer in the world but they are also the shareholders of the big textile industry. In a written statement according to Rep. Walter Jones R-NC, the message is clear If a company wants to make millions without providing a product or service, enter into a sole-source contract with the Department of Defense to produce vaccines.. Vanguard Group announced the reopening of the $120.3 billion Vanguard Wellington Fund. The third, State Street, is owned by BlackRock. Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. But Larry Fink does not pull the strings, himself. While we continue to hope advertising dollars on the sites go up, its simply not enough to do things the right way. America first. To pull something like this off, one would have to completely control the narrative. In one case a detainee was zip-tied and then beaten by guards to the point they lost an eye. The plan is that Agenda 2030 will be paid by us, the citizens. I needed a fresh take besides the Jews. With the distractions of lockdowns, election fraud, censorship, and corrupt Governors across the country illegally stripping Americans of our constitutional rights for the better good that went on throughout most of 2020, something else more sinister and subtle was going on in the background. Weve got reports rolling in of miscarriages and stillbirths in multiple countries and the media is trying to ignore it. According to Wikipedia, for this reason, the Telegraaf, the Leysen newspaper was temporarily forbidden in the Netherlands after the war. With $10tn of assets under management, why reply at all? On sources like Yahoo Finance, we can see detailed company info, such as who the biggest shareholders actually are. June, revenue was sluggish at best and we had to make up a big difference out of our pockets. The latest report, provided exclusively to the Prospect, details a deep tangle of relationships between BlackRock and the outgoing government of Enrique Pea Nieto in Mexico. F.A.Q. But, to truly pull off and control the narrative on a scam that is this global and in-depth, one would also have to own or control both sides of the mainstream media. With food shortages hitting, patriots prepare themselves and their families with long-term storage food. China just got caught working with Fauci to create this same bioweapon called Covid-19 that theyre currently using to control the world so, yea I bet you want to forget about their role in this as well as how Biden is in bed with China and that thats why the FBI and the media covered up Hunters laptop until after the election. Bill Gates was not a poor computer nerd who miraculously became very rich. Were here to spread the truth. Time is short. What if I told you that the same people manufacturing and pushing all these untested experimental covid vaccines have all mass-injured and killed people before with another vaccine? Since GSK has 1553 institutional owners and shareholders, it is not accurate to claim GSK is managed by BlackRock. . Here are the highlights, but you can read a more in-depth look from the original article here: BioPort (Emergents) contract with the Pentagon provided for $45.1 million, including $16 million in immediate cash for plant renovations. The new infrastructure, because fossil fuels are gone in 2030. The US pulled out of Afghanistan because they didn't need the poppy to make opioids anymore, because fentanyl was invented. We collect the best content from fellow conservative sites that give us permission to republish them. Who are those shareholders? The visible top of this pyramid shows only two companies whose names we have often seen by now. With BlackRock on the fund's side . Many BlackRock employees were in the White House with Bush and Obama. This morning Epstein was found dead. This has got everyone wondering, what the hell is really going on here? . I do love how long term effects have been declared safe in children despite it being humanly impossible to know at this point: Service members left in droves to avoid this mandatory being shoved in their veins, others were not so lucky. Bravo!! Joined 07 Dec '05 Moves 19738. BlackRock is an American multinational investment management corporation. The media wants us to believe that this is a conspiracy theory, yet it has been talked about by leaders for . BlackRock Inc. and Vanguard Group already the world's largest money managers are less than a decade from managing a total of US$20 trillion, according to Bloomberg News calculations. Since $27 is easily divisible by three, it seems intuitively like the target price would be $36, but of course in legal documents 33% means not "one-third" but rather "33%.". They own the companies that produce our metals and also the entire car, plane and weapons industry, where a great deal of the metals and raw materials are used. As she says: The smaller investors are owned by larger investors. My kingdom for them to dig in only to realize that not only does this all go back to Bush, but that the corruption is occurring between Big Pharma, lobbyists, and corrupt politicians on both sides. Actually, it sounds a lot worse than extreme communism as there wont be any other country to run to since their intention is to make this grey, dystopian future hell global. Someone owns the most that someone is the Rothschild family. Cookies Nope. On the supervisory board of the WEF is former Vice President, Al Gore, our own minister, Sigrid Kaag, Feike Sijbesma, Chairman of the Royal Dutch State Mines and the Commissioner of the Dutch bank, Christine Lagarde, the Chairwoman of the European Central Bank. They also own large stakes in insurers QBE, Suncorp and . Lets look at the top 10 and start at the bottom six of them. Keep in mind, these infamous Fauci emails also revealed that Mark Zuckerbergoffered to push Faucis fear mongering covid narrativeall over Facebook and Instagram using the fact checkers that both he and the Communist Party of China personally fund (no, Im not kidding) to suspend people and flag every post that dared to question if masks work or of the vaccine was really safe. Surprisingly, this company is in the hands of the same investors, as well. And who owns Blackrock? Blackrock's largest shareholder is Vanguard, which does not disclose the identity of its shareholders due to its unique structure Until recently, it appeared economic competition had been driving the rise and fall of small and large companies across the U.S. than all other vaccines combined in the last two decades, sales on camping gear that can help you survive. 1999 - 2023 Bloomberg calls BlackRock The fourth branch of government, because its the only private agency that closely works with the central banks. So, exactly . In 2014, media outlets reported that Gates was eclipsed as. The organizations that bring the news get paid by non-profit organizations, of the same elite that also owns the entire media but also a part of taxpayers money is used to pay them., Or, as George Carlin said, Its a small club and you aint in it.. Since weve already put forward our thesis that 2022 is the year of the ESG backlash, its with a heavy dose of confirmation bias that we present some further evidence of the phenomenon. Substantial ownerships are disclosed via 13g and 13f filings. Bitcoin: 3A1ELVhGgrwrypwTJhPwnaTVGmuqyQrMB8. Without a lot of digging it's easy to see there are investments in multiple local sources of oil. Keep in mind, these are just the short-term effects. As the Insider article notes, this change is due at least in part to the fact that companies like BlackRock now have roles like head of content, and social media accounts. We all do what we need to do to survive. Keep in mind, these are the same people and mega-companies that are pushing for the Great Reset and Agenda 21 that mean to enslave us all. in 1972,\_WMC1203.pdf+&cd=10&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=cy&client=firefox-b-d. September 9, 2021, 4:28 AM PDT. Not only do they own a large part of the stocks of nearly all big companies but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. These appear to be the link between companies, politics and media. Public Health worldwide militarized creating Kill zones for global depopulation & Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israels founding war and after. is? 1 BlackRock is an asset management firm Credit: Getty What is the BlackRock conspiracy theory? Larry Sanger (co-founder of Wikipedia) recent tweet - Child sex traffickingby elitesis a horrible reality. While Biden shuts off the pipline in America, is it possible we've all been paying higher prices at the pump, not because limited supplies are being shipped overseas to us, but because Vanguard just wrote off $500 million in debt? But man, it sure got us into some expensive wars that the military industrial complex made a lot of money from. Rockefeller money owns Vanguard who owns BlackRock who owns all these covid vaccines who owns the government officials and companies needed to push it on people, all the media companies they need to control the vaccine narrative, and pretty much everything else you buy or use in some way. NEW: Get a FREE Alexapure Pro Water Filtration System ($279 value) with the purchase of a 3-Month Emergency Food Supply for a very limited time. Faucis official response to theAnthrax failwas to claim they solved it by preemptively pumping people full of unhealthy antibiotics to fight it, We already know that we prevented a serious problem on the Hill by essentially blanket-treating people with [Cipro]. Instead I end up yelling at Lindsay Graham in an airport for going against his word and being a complete traitor. Fauci knew it came out of the Wuhan lab, it was the exact human manufactured virus strain they were working on in that facility and it was their researchers that were the first to get sick (which they also hid for months), but he covered it up and blamed it on bat soup just so that people wouldnt think it was all his fault? Agree? It is on their official website. This company owns RTL, that owns 45 television stations and 32 radio stations in 11 countries. If we research their history, we see that they have always been the wealthiest. Stockholm University COVID-19 death rates by age and sex. "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." I recommend the mainstream book The world for sale. It shows the Anglo-American network of banking that overthrows governments and diverts tens of billions. Some of our content is spread across multiple sites. You see, Jerome Hauer had an office inbuilding 7 of the World Trade Center (you know, the building full of important paperwork for things like the $2.3 trillion dollars Donald Rumsfeld announced the government lost the day before 9/11 and files on the Safari Club the clandestine arm of the CIA) that collapsed in on itself in the attack despite not having been hit by a plane or debris and being heavily steel fortified. Part of the restructuring of Vanguard was the creation of yet another spin off, Grizzly Energy LLC. They're intentionally provoking outrage, this is not an accident that this is happening in every western country simultaneously. Not only does BlackRock/Vanguard own large stocks of nearly all the major companies in the world, but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. We dont have Facebook or Twitter buttons on our stories. vanguard, blackrock conspiracy. 02 May '22 01:46. . Meanwhile, Joe Biden can barely muster a half-filled auditorium to deliver his message to the scant few watching CNN and the paid shills in the crowd.. The coronavirus is, according to him a great opportunity to reset our societies. Schwab says in his book that we will never return to the old normal and the WEF published a video recently to make clear that by 2030, we will own nothing but we will be happy. These institutional investors are mainly investment firms banks and insurance companies. We are told that Blackrock is owned by shareholders, and that Fink, the top shareholder, only owns about 1%. Not just George Bush Senior, Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela but also world-famous philanthropists, like Cecil Rhodes, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and even George Soros. Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. This doesn't seem like a problem to you? Look at who has bailed out central banks in Europe throughout history, making governments endebted to them. We are all being played on a scale never seen before. The elite who own Vanguard apparently do not like being in the spotlight but of course they cannot hide from who is willing to dig. Be the link between companies, politics and media the right way [ DPG media,... Insurance companies we have often seen by now management, why reply at all goes,. And people have pieced this together a long time ago of which are in the Netherlands after war. Was temporarily forbidden in the White House with Bush and Obama these appear be. 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