richard speck video

}, 100); Best Known For: In 1966, Richard Speck committed one of the most horrifying mass murders in American history when he brutalized and killed eight student nurses living on Chicago's South Side. 292K views 1 year ago Richard Benjamin Speck was an American mass murderer who killed eight student nurses in their South Deering, Chicago residence on the night of July 13-14, 1966. While lawmakers do not have the power to prosecute, they can investigate and recommend charges. The seven nursing students inside used their psychology training to try to connect with and calm Speck. Speck dropped out of school at age 15. Not even close. In 1996, videotapes featuring Speck were shown before the Illinois State Legislature to highlight some of the illegal activity that took place in prisons.Source: WikipediaLink: Likely because of these late arrivals, Speck must have lost count of how many women he had tied up, as he forgot about Amurao. Speck's chest was also noticeably different in the video. ``And if thats happening, it doesnt matter what watch its happening on, thats not what the taxpayers of illinois are bargaining for.. The shocking video of Richard Speck in prison in 1988. Speck, a companion and a third man who did the taping did not appear to be fearful of being caught. Perhaps losing track of the number of women present . Women Are Human is dedicated to exploring the impact of the modern gender identity ideology movement on society, particularly on women and girls, from legal identity, legal rights, safety, health, sexuality, participation in sports, politics, careers and more. How Speck and two other inmates at Stateville Correctional Center got into an area with video equipment reserved for staff training is something that corrections spokesman Nic Howell called the ``$60 million question.. ``He was supposed to be supervised all the time, Howell said. In 1965, Speck attacked a woman in the parking lot of her apartment building with a 17-inch carving knife. Richard Speck was one of the most fiendish mass murderers in American history as his slayings of eight nursing students in a single evening captured the attention of the entire nation. She was the only one of the women that Richard Speck raped and sexually brutalized before strangling her. If so, sorry about the nightmares, I dont know about everyone and now I cant unsee this. and in that case, wouldn't it have made sense for several people to download it? = 'absolute'; Men who rape and murder women were despised and targeted by other prisoners. As you all know, in 1988 Richard Speck and Ronzelle Larimore made a video in prison that is half talkshow, half pornography. She eventually crawled out onto a window ledge and screamed for help. Between the hundreds of fingerprints Speck left at the crime scene and Amuraos positive identification in court, the trial was open and shut, lasting only 12 days. At 10 PM that same night, Speck took the stolen gun and went to a townhouse by Luella Park. Richard Speck: The Serial Killer Who Slaughtered Eight Nursing Students In A Single Night. Amurao provided authorities with the information they needed to track down Speck, including a description of his Born to Raise Hell tattoo. Now that youve read about Richard Speck, learn about serial killer Edmund Kemper, whose story is almost too gross to be real. He was given the nickname Birdman because he kept a pair of sparrows that had flown into his cell. There is an old saying look at the 5 people closest to you and that is who you are. Thank you for finding this story and publishing it. Everywhere the ship docked, women seemed to come up missing or brutally killed. Hey there, Lopsided_Bet_2578, since you asked about media, please check our wiki where we keep lists of books, podcasts, and videos that may be of interest. He had somewhat of a normal childhood until his father had a heart attack and died when he was 6 years old (via The Famous People). The mystery of the tape itself fascinates me. Copyright 2016-2022 True Crime Magazine, A GRAPHIC Look Back at Richard Ramirezs Reign of Terror, 10 Little-Known True Crime Facts To Blow Your Mind, A GRAPHIC Look Back At the Hillside Strangler Murders, Revisiting Ted Bundys Issaquah Dump Site, A GRAPHIC Look Back at Zodiac Killers Reign of Terror, A GRAPHIC Look Back At Richard Chases Reign of Terror, A GRAPHIC Look Back At Ted Bundys Execution, NSFW: The Blood-Soaked Trail of the Times Square Killer. The life we live and choices we make put us on course to end up surrounded by people like us. He dragged Pamela Wilkening into another room to rape her. ``We dont know why it was made, what they were going to get out of it, he said. This is the shocking true story of Richard Speck and how he became a cold-blooded killer. Kind of the ultimate poetic Justice. And again, was he into it, or not? Read more at: " + document.location.href; Great read by the way. This comment cracked me up. Corrections Director Odie Washington has ordered that all video equipment be removed from the prisons education area. Fearing for her life, Specks wife filed for divorce and took full custody of their child. The first known man to chemically transition gender while in a United States prison, Richard Speck was a serial rapist, mass murderer, intimate partner abuser and suspected serial killer. Oh God, Im the only one alive.. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. During questioning, Speck faked feeling sick but promised to return later on for further interrogation. He spent a few days there before traveling to Monmouth, Illinois, where he stayed with some family friends from his early childhood. Speck had reason to fear he would not survive long enough to be executed by the state. She continued screaming until the police arrived. Enraged, Speck embarked on a drinking spree in the neighborhood. There was widespread controversy regarding the released tape, as the criminals were seemingly able to enjoy themselves and engage in illicit activities even in a maximum-security prison, according to the Independent. He could no longer be honest with himself about the resentment he felt toward his mother for demanding his rigid adherence to the dictates of the Christian faith, and for upending his world with the introduction of an abusive stepfather and relocation from the home he knew. At one point, a prisoner from behind the camera asked Speck why he killed the eight student nurses, to which he merely replied, It just wasnt their night, and laughed. Changing his mind at the last minute, he summoned help, and was taken to Cook County hospital, where, again, his tattoo gave him away, and he was arrested and taken into custody. Speck began to idolize his mother, holding Mary Speck upas a saint to whom no woman could compare. Speck had to service the inmates sexual demands, including submitting to group penetration. He stayed there for five days awaiting a shipping assignment and in that time, committed the worst of his crimes. He was one of the murderers featured in Netflix's "Mindhunter.". Speck, infuriated at Wilkenings disgust and defiance, took his fury out on the two women entering, and stabbed them 20 times as they tried to flee the apartment. Speck then woke up the Americans and tied all six girls wrists behind their backs with strips of torn bedsheets. [deleted] 4 yr. ago. He was permitted to plead down to aggravated assault, and got off with a slap on the wrist. Perhaps losing track of the number of women present, one student nurse, Corazon Amurao, hid under the bed until the carnage was over (via NBC News). The trial of Richard Speck was a national sensation. Bettmann/Getty ImagesA mugshot of Richard Speck taken when he was just 20. He managed to deflect police questioning and escape once again, but police discovered some of Harris' personal effects in his vacant hotel room that conclusively tied him to her attack. A GRAPHIC Look Back at the Richard Speck Murders On the night of July 13, 1966, 25-year-old career criminal Richard Speck broke into the townhouse for student nurses of the South Chicago Community Hospital, with an intention of committing a routine burglary. Speck found work on a ship, and it began to seem like bodies turned up wherever Speck had been. Never seen?? newdiv.innerHTML = copytext; Richard Speck died in prison on December 5, 1991, a day before his 50th birthday. The psychiatrist is convinced that Speck sought to punish himself by emulating a womans physique and spending the rest of his life being sexually used by men. When he left, hours later, taking the money he had stolen, she cowered in her hiding place, terrified, for hours, before finally summoning the courage to seek help. Armed now, Speck set out into the streets of the South Side of Chicago. Police remove one of eight bodies of the student nurses slain by Richard Speck. He repeated the eighth grade and eventually dropped out in the second semester of his first year of high school. pagelink = ". The videotape, portions of which began airing last week on Chicago's WBBM-TV, shows no contrition from the man who murdered eight student nurses nearly 30 years ago. Horrible as Speck was, I'd say inmates should generally not have to be worried about rape, or having their bodies forcibly augmented to make said rape more enjoyable for the rapist. Specks psychiatrist would later say that Mary Specks unconditional love created an internal conflict within Speck. The trial lasted just 12 days and, on April 15, 1967, the jury found Speck guilty of all eight murders, after less than an hour's deliberation. She climbed out on a window ledge and screamed for help, at which point concerned neighbors summoned the police. In the video, Speck also casually admits to the killing of the nurses, describing the strangulations in some detail, and bragging about the strength required to kill someone in this manner. I hope you're still on the outside.. The tape appeared to have been made over two days and one inmate is heard saying it is 1988, Kurtis said. Richard Speck died on Dec. 5, 1991, the eve of his 50th birthday, from a heart attack. Youre in for a treat, Did you look it up? They started a relationship, which ended up in pregnancy. Was it the Illinois Supreme Court? He missed the birth of his daughter, Bobby Lynn, as he was behind bars at the time, serving a brief stint on charges of theft and check fraud. document.addEventListener('copy', addLink); He proceeded to brutalize them in the most horrific fashion over the following few hours. Currently the full video is NOWHERE to be found. The victims' families have finally released the footage that documents their last days. When turned loose, Speck refused to pay the hospital expenses his wife had incurred during her pregnancy and labor. In 1996, five years after Speck's death, a TV journalist made public a prison video, which showed Speck taking drugs and engaging in sex with another inmate during the 1980s, while he was an inmate at Statesville Correctional Institute; Speck appears to have breasts in the video, apparently as a result of hormone treatment received while in prison, and is wearing women's underwear. A total of eight woman, between ages 19 and 24, were systematically bound, robbed, beaten, strangled and stabbed during Speck's frenzy. Is Do No Harm Principle Being Ignored for Gender-Questioning Children? By July of that year, Speck had outstayed his welcome and attempted to get a job on a ship with the National Maritime Union. Speck served this sentence at Stateville Correctional Center in Illinois. In 1966, Richard Speck committed one of the most horrifying mass murders in American history when he brutalized and killed eight student nurses living on Chicagos South Side. //Create a new div to hold the prepared text ONE WERE SPECK NOW HAD HORMONE INDUCED BREASTS A WOMAN'S HAIRCUT AND PANTYHOSE. WHILE NON NONCHALANTLY SAYING OF THE NURSING STUDENTS \"IT WASN'T THERE NIGHT\" THIS VIDEO ALONE SENT SWEEPING REFORMS THROUGH THE IDOC. Having been paroled in January 1965, he lasted only four weeks outside, before being arrested again for aggravated assault, and he was jailed for a further 16 months, of which he served 6 months. Sure enough, the tattoos matched the descriptions, according to theChicago Tribune. But . After Speck was arrested for burglary and assault, he fled to Chicago to seek shelter with his sister, Martha, a couple of months later. I feel I will pass on the book, as I have no personal interest in prison life or in men with breasts, LOL, but each to her or his own. In 1972, Speck was re-sentenced to from 400 to 1,200 years in prison (eight consecutive sentences of 50 to 150 years). Straight from wiki :Richard Benjamin Speck (December 6, 1941 - December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who killed eight student nurses in their South Deering, Chicago, residence via stabbing, strangling, slashing their throats, or a combination of the three on the night of July 13-14, 1966. . Speck was a painter. function addLink() { Then read about the horrific true story of the real Amityville murders behind the movie. Mary Ann Jordan and Suzanne Farris entered the apartment at that moment, unaware of what was happening inside. Shirley filed for divorce in January 1966, after about three years of marriage. ``It was a pornographic tape, Kurtis said. He saved Gloria Davy for last, raping and sodomizing her before strangling her. UK England; Wales. ``They have anal and oral sex for the camera.. Eww the flashbacks. Richard Speck Jailhouse Tapes Commercial 1996 video editor 5.26K subscribers Subscribe 18 Share Save 20K views 8 years ago Show more Show more RICHARD. During this period he had the words "Born to Raise Hell" tattooed on his arm, a sentiment that wife Shirley had experienced firsthand: She filed for divorce in January 1966. He was sentenced to die by electric chair. I find it a bit difficult to believe this, considering what Bill paid for the tape, would he really have allowed it to be up for grabs online? However, after he had sufficiently amused himself with the banter, Speck bound the seven women, who ranged in age from 19 to 24. On the night of the crime, 24-year-old Speck snuck into a townhouse in Chicago where the nurses lived. This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube. In it, Speck can be seen among other inmates ingesting cocaine and doing sex acts. Instead, Speck then led them one by one out of the room and then stabbed or strangled each of the women to death. He tattoed born to raise hell on his arm and certainly lived by that ethic. As investigators descended upon the apartment, one of them picked up a camera and photographed the scene. That same year, a barmaid named Mary Kay Pierce was found beaten to death at her place of work called Frank's Place. The thing is though we tend to find ourselves around people like ourselves. Between the 3 of them Speck drew the short straw. Benjamin Speck died of a heart attack when his youngest son, Richard, was six-years-old. //hide the newly created container When arrested, he claimed he had blacked out and couldnt remember the incident. All of Speck's victims were women. ``If they only knew how much fun I was having in here, they would turn me loose, Speck says. They divorced in 1966. In 1991, while still in prison, Speck died of a heart attack. Corrections officials learned the tape existed about a month ago, Howell said. window.setTimeout(function () { Sure enough, the four other death row inmates terrorized Speck, threatening to kill him. Even into adulthood, Speck would often be financially dependent on his doting sisters, as he was perpetually drunk and frequently jobless. ``Obviously there was a breakdown in the supervision.. Students and staff of one of the leading and largest higher education institutions in the UK are accusing the university of UK Scotland. There were questions regarding Speck's appearance and whether he was illegally provided with female hormones. Bill Kurtis obtained the tape through an anonymous lawyer, his production company paid 5K for it back in the 90's. He stayed at a cheap hotel in hiding. However, his initial plan soon took a dark turn. Speck held a number of regular jobs and even got married after he impregnated a 15-year-old girl he met at Texas State Fair. In the video, Speck, wearing silk panties and with female-like breasts grown using smuggled hormone treatments, performs oral sex on another inmate, while they both do large amounts of cocaine. Petty crime is legal terminology, meaning crimes that are charged as misdemeanors rather than felonies. My friends are all dead. Have you spotted an error or omission? Thank you! If the guards are turning their backs on aberrant behavior because "they're bad people anyways" or they're just really fucking lazy, that prison needs new guards. First came Suzanne Farris, 21, who Speck stabbed to death in the upstairs hallway as she was walking to her room. Speck demanded sex from his wife four to five times a day,and would slap and choke her if she refused. Thanks for the information. Press J to jump to the feed. SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) _ In the videotape secretly recorded in a maximum-security prison, mass murderer Richard Speck strips off his jumpsuit to reveal womens blue underwear. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. Site contains certain content that is owned A&E Television Networks, LLC. Fortunately, one of Specks intended victims, Corazon Amurao, managed to escape his clutches of madness by hiding under a bed. Bettmann/Getty ImagesMugshot of Richard Speck, taken when he was 23. As you all know, in 1988 Richard Speck and Ronzelle Larimore made a video in prison that is half talkshow, half pornography. Richard Speck captured the nation's attention during the summer of 1966 after murdering eight female students who lived together on Chicago's South Side. At age 20, Speck met 16-year-old Shirley Malone at a state fair. Richard Specks wife, Shirley Malone, reportedly lived in fear of him. //****************************************, Diana Shaw is founder, editor and writer at. copytext = selection + pagelink; As Crime and Investigation reports, Speck started acting out and doing petty crimes. Do you or someone you know watched it? ``To use cocaine, to smoke marijuana, to have explicit sexual contact with who knows how many people, thats a disaster, said Republican Rep. Peter Roskam. There, they found stolen items from reported thefts, but Speck was nowhere to be found. Michigan authorities also wanted to question him about his whereabouts during the murder of four other females, aged between 7 and 60, as his ship had been in the vicinity at the time. Speck moved back to his childhood state of Illinois. Richard Speck died on Dec. 5, 1991, the eve of his 50th birthday, from a heart attack. He knew that the authorities were after him as his sketch, as well as a description of his tattoo, was all over the news, thanks to details Amurao provided, as reported by History. 200K views 3 years ago Richard Benjamin Speck [1] [2] (December 6, 1941 - December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses. After the grueling attack, which lasted for almost six hours, Speck forgot about Amurao and fled the scene. A public school teacher referred to all students by their last names to circumvent a school policy requiring staff to use UK Leeds, England. Richard Benjamin Speck[1][2] (December 6, 1941 December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on the night of July 13 into the early morning hours of July 14, 1966.He was convicted at trial and sentenced to death, but the sentence was later overturned due to issues with jury selection at his trial. Speck brought her to his room where he raped her and stole her mail-order .22 caliber Rhm pistol. He is in that room because he is just like the other two guys in the room. //Get the selected text and append the extra info It was one of the first times in 20th-century American history that someone had killed so many people at random. Richard Speck was a murderer notorious for killing eight student nurses in 1966. He was initially given a death sentence, but this was reduced to life in prison in 1971 when the Supreme Court ruled that people opposed to the death penalty were unconstitutionally excluded from the jury. The United States Supreme Court invalidated the death penalty in 1972 (it was reinstated in 1976), which meant Speck and all other death row inmates had their penalties reversed. Law enforcement sources believed Speck broke into the home of 65-year-old Virgil Harris in Monmouth, Illinois onApril 2, 1966, and raped, robbed and bound her. The two-hour tape surfaced last summer when an attorney approached WBBM anchor Bill Kurtis. Would you like to submit an article? THIS TAPE AND. In 1972, Speck's death sentence was commuted to 50 to 100 years in prison, when the U.S. Supreme Court abolished capital punishment. Well, of course he was. Everyone has seen the video of serial Killer Richard Speck in prison in the 80s doing drugs with other inmates, having sex with them, and sporting what appears to be hormone-induced breasts. But the videotaping? Bettmann/Getty ImagesRichard Speck at his trial. US . Since the newspaper also had descriptions of the criminal's tattoo, Dr. Smith returned to his patient and cleaned off the blood caked on his arms. Richard Benjamin Speck was born on December 6, 1941, in Kirkwood, Illinois, into a large, religious family, where he was the seventh of eight children. In 1972, the U.S. Supreme Court abolished capital punishment, and Specks death sentence was commuted to 50 to 100 years in prison. Vintage Prison Video (Spree Killer Richard Speck) 17. Criminal files Serial Killers - Richard Speck Crime Watch Follow Richard Benjamin Speck (December 6, 1941 - December 5, 1991) was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 13, 1966. He was ultimately released after six months due to an error. Please remind me to never commit mass murder so I won't end up in prison and have to develop tiddies so I can be somebody's "date" to avoid being killed OR find myself attracted to a man with boobies. Everyone has seen the video of serial Killer Richard Speck in prison in the 80s doing drugs with other inmates, having sex with them, and sporting what appears to be hormone-induced breasts. Speck was not aware that he was careless and left a witness, and Corazon Amurao testified against Speck in court (via Insider). Richard Speck was born in 1941 in Kirkwood, Illinois. Richard speck video noorvideo 81 subscribers Subscribe 253 Save 164K views 10 years ago Show more Show more Notice Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines) Suggested by UMG Rihanna. He refused to wear the glasses that he needed and would not speak in class due to anxiety. Speck entered the townhouse and knocked on the door at the top of the stairwell. selection.selectAllChildren(newdiv); After moving back to Monmouth to live with his sister, he stabbed a man in a bar fight, stole a car and robbed a grocery store, then burgled, tortured, and raped a 65-year-old woman in her home. Speck was placed on trial for the murders after a panel of psychiatrists chosen by both his defense and his prosecution judged him competent to do so. Prison isn't even a punishment for some offenderscould even possibly be a step up from prior living conditions. Do you have a story you'd like us to cover? I've read a few comments online from people saying that the full video used to circulate during the early internet days, apparently it could be seen at Youtube in the early 2000's when it was lawless. Richard Speck: The Queen Bee of Prison A violent binge drinker went on a killing spree in a dormitory for student nurses. Although Speck was initially sentenced to death, the sentence was later overturned due to issues with jury selection at his trial. Speck, however, seemed to have a knack for making a quick escape and keeping police forces guessing. Richard Benjamin Speck was born in the small city of Monmouth, Illinois to two religious, teetotaling parents in 1941. The more you read into his whole biography the more it feels like that was precisely the case of severely un- and/or mistreated neurological problem out-of-control, because it pretty much shows a pattern of him spiraling into alcoholism and increasingly mindless crimes in certain intervals that are becoming shorter as we get into 1966. This work originally appeared in the First Known Man to Trans Gender in Prison Was a Serial Rapist, Family Blames Transition Hormones, Schizophrenia, Drug Abuse for Transgender Persons Vicious Attack on Spouse, Dad, Transgender, Grooms, Rapes 3-Year-Old Daughter; Receives 18 Months in Womens Jail, Male Murderer and Necrophiliac Transferred to Womens Prison, Male, Trans Murderer of Two Seeks Transfer to Womens Penitentiary, The Difference Between Male and Female Criminality: Australasian Over-Incarceration of Women, Sexual Offending Per Capita: Female, Male and Transgender (Both Sexes). A mugshot of Richard Speck taken when he was just 20. On July 13, 1966, Speck unleashed his terror on Chicago by breaking into a building in the neighborhood of South Deering. This is not to say that others in prison had not transitioned, but that their names are not in any way on record. 180 Share 13K views 3 years ago THE RICHARD SPECK VIDEO FROM STATEVILLE MAXIMUM SECURITY PENITENTIARY. In 2010, paranormal investigators tried to film Richard Speck's ghost at the site of his heinous killing spree. Speck was convicted in Peoria, Illinois on April 15, 1967. His trial was held at the Peoria . The boy took his fathers death hard, regressing to eating crayons and attention-seeking behaviors. In August, With permission, Women Are Human reprints the following biography and poem Where Are You, Sister? from Artemis Passionfire. 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