sir william alexander descendants

He married, had two sons, the 11 eldest son and heir," Robert Alexander, married Frances, daughter of Charles Ashton, will probate 1704. John Alexander probably came over with his father and obtained Howson's patent in 1669, which embraced all the land from Great Falls of the Potomac to Great Hunting Creek." After a lengthy spell in the south of France, Redpath returned to Hawick in the mid-1930s. Because his father died in 1580, and William was entrusted to the care of his great-uncle James in Stirling, he was probably . In fact, none are. Arms: Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per pale, argent and sable, a chevron, and in base a crescent, all counterchanged; 2nd and 3rd, or, a lymphad sable sails furled and flags flying between three crosses crosslet fitche gules for MacDonald. He married, 1601, Janet (fl. The outcome of the war is not favorable for setting up the plantation system that the Baron has envisioned. The French insisted that both Quebec and Port-Royal be restored to their original condition or the possessor would have an unfair advantage in negotiation. . PAC Report, 1884, Note D, lxlxii; 1912, 2153. At a later date he received the place of gentleman usher to Prince Charles, son of James VI of Scotland, and continued in favour at court after the king became James I of England. It is one of two great religious works of his , theother a, metrical translation of the Psalms of David. He was knighted in 1614. The French challenged Scottish rights to Nova Scotia in 1627, and war broke out. John Alexander. Items from the study of the Wilson's family home 'The Crippetts' 300 - 500 . Additional charges. His literary work is now regarded as an historical curiosity; it includes sonnets and songs (collected in "Aurora"); four tragedies written for Prince Henry; and "Doomesday", a poem of over 10,000 lines. AuthorStirling also wrote closet dramas: classical tragedies titled Croesus, Darius, The Alexandrean, and Julius Caesar. When Sir William Alexander Clarke was born on 4 February 1553, in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, his father, Thomas Clark II, was 26 and his mother, Martha Micklewood, was 24. About 1633/1634, John Alexander married Agnes, the only daughter of Robert Graham of Gartmore, Perthshire. As a result, his niece "Janet Alexander, only daughter of John Alexander and the deceased Agnes Graham" received her uncle's share in the lands of Gartmore (Sheriff Court Book, Stirling). He served as a senior aide to General George . I though the following may give some clues toothers. ^ Year book of the Holland Society of New-York By Holland Society of New York - 1922 5. When the royal court moved to London in 1603 on James' accession to the English crown as James I, William Alexander moved with it, becoming Gentleman of the Privy Chamber and Master of the Household. 3, pp. Familysearch shows a few possible births for a George CHAMBERS from 1790 to 1800. As William is an 11th generation descendant of Charlemagne (747-814), the people below also descend from . Accordingly, on 4 Feb. 1628/29 a commission was issued to Sir William Alexander the younger and others for a monopoly of the trade of the St. Lawrence, with power to confiscate the goods and ships of any interlopers, to make prizes of all French or Spanish ships, and to displant the French (Royal letters, 47). (1) Sir William Alexander (c.1604-38), Lord Alexander (q.v. He briefly established a Scottish settlement at Annapolis Royal, led by his son William Alexander (the younger). Alexander was born in the Clackmannanshire village of Menstrie, br ought up in Stirling and educated at the Universities of Glasgow and Leiden. He begins his negotiations and research and finally convinces the King to go along with his idea. Writers such as Philip Sidney,Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe , William Shakespeare, and BenJohnson probably influenced young Alexander who was reputed to havebegun composing poetry in Stirling at age fifteen and aspired to bepart of the Elizabethan literary Renaissance. History of the clan. In fact 25 baronets were created between 1633 and 1637 after Port-Royal had been surrendered. and in base a crescent, all countercharged, quartering McDonald. Lord John Alexander's two eldest grandsons left America and returned to Europe and Alexander became the ancestor of Major General William Alexander the 6th Earl of Stirling. ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, Earl of Stirling, remembered in the land of his birth as a scholar, poet, courtier, and the favourite of James I and Charles I of England in their dealings with Scotland; and on this side of the Atlantic as the putative founder of a new Scotland under the aegis of both monarchs; b. c. 1577; d. 1640. G. P. Insh, Scottish colonial schemes, 16201686 (Glasgow, 1922). He was the eldest son of Major David Smith, and Harriet. Sir William envisaged colonization as an answer to Scottish expansion, comparable to the contemporary, successful English ventures. He died so heavily in debt that his creditors surrounded his death-bed in London, and denied him a peaceful burial in the church of Stirling. . Some considered him a heathen and a traitor. and sa. He was born 1850, died in London, 1640; knighted, 1613; created Earl of Stirling, 1633. The jealousy of the French creates a reactive condition for a war that shortly ensues. His translation of thePsalms so, shocked the Presbyterian clergy of Scotland by its secular languagethat. #4556 Princess Mary Bruce, who married, III.#4548 Robert II King of Scotland 1316-1390) who married, IV. Sir William Alexander the 1st Earl of Stirling was made the Ruler of Novo Scotia by King James I and confirmed by King Charles I. The Scottish Privy Council is the highest body to deliver advise to the King and in 1615 the Baron is appointed to that position. He became a Councillo r for New England in 1633 and Commissioner for Foreign Plantations the next year. French Revolutionary Wars She was built in 1798 for the Royal Navy at a cost. 1605) eventually moved to America due to the overthrow of the Monarchy. He was knighted in 1614. When King James VI of Scotland ascended the English throne as James I in 1603, Alexander attended his court in London. One of his descendants was Rabbi Michael Solomon Alexander who became the first Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem. Halifax-born Sir Bernard handled the media as Mrs Thatcher's press secretary for all but the first . In reading one of the articles in the 'William and Mary' journal [about the Alexander family] one sees a confusion in the genealogy of the Alexander family. Early Scots were encouraged toread, write and speak classical Latin, study Greek and Roman cultures. george william johnston cause of death. I found thisinformation was of no help to me , Just not the right branch of theAlexander Tree. In the course of their marriage, she bears William seven sons and three daughters. 237)." Gerard II married Elizabeth Ashton, daughter of Col. William Alexander, of Effingham, and wife, Massey; Nancy married Fielding, Lewis the eldest son of Col. In 1630, King Charles rewarded his service by creating him Viscount of Stirling and in 1633 he became Earl of Stirling. Sir Henry Alexander, 3rd Earl of Stirling; Lady Jean Alexander and 6 others; Elizabeth Alexander; Hon. The younger Sir William decided to remain in Port-Royal over the winter of 162930 and to send home his ships for supplies and reinforcement and Claude de La Tour with a draft agreement for his father to sign, whereby Claude and his son Charles were to receive a large barony (from Yarmouth to Lunenberg) in exchange for their allegiance and assistance. Family tree Francis Hamilton with his two wives, his parents, and other selected relatives. Retrieved 2008-12-02. General William Alexander only had the traditions and stories he received from his father James and then had to find the documented connection with the 1st Earl of Stirling. 0 Comments Major General William Alexander was an American who claimed the Earldom of Stirling. His claim was eventually rejected by the House of Lords. It was his son the Honourable John Alexander (b.1625) who was called John of Antrim. The family home of Menstrie Castle had been built in about 1560, possibly on the site of an earlier castle owned by the family. Their son, John Alexander was the emigrant to Virginia, 1659. James Hay and had issue one daughter; (7) Lady Jean Alexander (d. 1670), married first, 1623, Hugh Montgomery, 2nd Viscount of the Ards (d. 1642) and second, Maj-Gen. Robert Munro, son of Obsdale Munro of Foulis; (8) Lady Margaret Alexander, married 1620 Sir William Murray (d. 1646), 1st bt., of Dunearn; (11) Lady Elizabeth Alexander (d. 1642); died unmarried, December 1642. Although exploratory parties set out in 1622 and 1623, the first settlement was not established until 1629. Acting on Masons advice, Alexander persuaded King James that the only way to get Scots to emigrate was to give them a new Scotland comparable to New France and New England; and the king conveyed the royal wish to the Council of New England and obtained from the latter the surrender of all their territory north of the Sainte-Croix. Valentine, Alan C. Lord Stirling . william vincent araneta marcos height . Lord John went to America for a time and died there (in 1667) and two of his grandsons left descendants there. The pursuit of wealth and fame are fleeting, futile and ultimately meaningless. But in the spring of that year he had to meet the competition of the powerful Compagnie des Cent-Associs, which Cardinal Richelieu had organized in Paris to control the destinies of New France and to challenge Sir Williams claims to Nova Scotia. Beside s a son William, there were four daughters.Catharine married, as his 2nd wife, Walter Sandila nds, 6th LordTorphichen, leaving two daughters; Jean was living in 1644; Margaret married, a s his 2nd wife, Sir Robert Sinclair, 1st Baronet of Longformacus, leaving two daughters; an d Lucy, said to have married Edward Harrington, Page of Honour to the Prince of Orange in 163 0.Lord Alexander died at the age of 34 of a fever, caused by the hardships he had suffered i n Nova Scotia, 18 May 1638 in London and was buried in Bowie's Aisle, Stirling Church. Geni requires JavaScript! In return, they had to pay Sir William 1000 merks for his "past charges in discoverie of the said country ". While still a boy Jameswas placed under the guardianship of the Erskines, hereditary keepersof Stirling Castle and the family William Alexander would later marryinto. Technically, William experiment with colonization is not a complete failure for the flag of Nova Scotia, and the name survives to this day. He was knighted in 1609, granted the plantation of Nova Scotia in 1621 and made Viscount of Canada. Barghouti, Kim, comp. US & British Isle, Joseph Thomas Biographical Dictionary: 1890 Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001.Original data - Lippincott's Pronouncing Biographical Dictionary, University of Nevada, Reno Library. I n that year he was given by charter a grant of the whole territory of Nova Scotia for the pur pose of colonization and was appointed hereditary Lieutenant General thereof by land and by s ea. Thereupon the king immediately instructed the Scottish Privy Council to prepare a grant of this territory for Sir William Alexander. Henry succeeded to the Scots peerage as 3rd Earl of Stirling in 1640 but to none of the pater nal estates in Scotland,having declined service when charged by his father's creditors durin g an appraisal. His son Lord William Alexander led some settlers to Novo Scotia . William Craig of Craigfintray, Aberdeenshire, had two sons, the younger of whom was killed at the Battle of Flodden in 1513.His other son William (1501-90) became minister of Holyrood and assisted in the drawing up of the National Covenant in 1580. Accordingly, on 25 July 1626 King Charles authorized a committee of the council to meet frequently at stated times to see that the petitioners for the dignity of knight-baronet had satisfied Alexander and that he was prepared to surrender the lands specified, and to award the dignity forthwith. Issue: John, Gerard, Sarah and Parthenia. One last time he retired to Sterling Castle and wrote andpublished, Alexander's poetry and plays were in keeping with literary stylesof the, times and dealt with themes both international and universal. English attempted to settle at Cow Bay at what today is Port Washington, New York in 1640 but were arrested and released after saying they were mistaken about the title. He was appointed Secretary for Scotland in 1626 and held that office for the rest of his life. 3. In 1601 he had married Janet, daughter of Sir William E rskine the Commendator of the Bishopric of Glasgow and known as the Parson of Campsie.They ha d four sons,William,Anthony,Henry and John but the fortunes of Lord and Lady Stirling began t o decline in 1632, when the English made peace with the French and surrendered to them, unde r the Treaty of St.Germain-en-Laye, the whole of Nova Scotia and Canada, the grant toWillia m not withstanding. Michael was the ancestor of the English Jewish families of Alexander. Agnes Graham Alexander had a brother Gilbert Graham who also inherited a portion of Gartmore, on the death of their father Robert Graham., This may have been a consolation prize awarded to him by James VI/I, because in 1632 much of Nova Scotia had been lost to the French. and 1st Earl of Stirling. In 1621 King James I granted him a royal charter appointing him governor of a vast territory in North America which was erected into a lordship and barony of Nova Scotia (New Scotland); the area now known as Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and part of the northern United States. Birth of Hon. He made the grand tour (France, Spain, Italy, and Holland) at the end of the century, as the companion of his kinsman, the seventh Earl of Argyle, who later introduced him to court. iv., No. In 1605 he published The Alexandrean about Alexanderthe, Great. Also, Alexanderproposed, the creation of an order of Baronets of Nova Scotia. The Alexander family received grants of Templar land twice in the mid 1500s. Pope Alexander III. He attained reputation as a poet and writer of rhymed tragedies, and assisted the king in preparing the metrical version known as "The Psalms of King David, translated by King James," and published by authority of Charles I. Lord Stirlings efforts at colonisation were less successful, at least in monetary terms. Stirling also wrote closet dramas: classical tragedies titled Croesus, Darius, The Alexandrean, and Julius Caesar. Though these instructions were drafted in 1631, they were not given to the French for submission to the colonists at Port-Royal until a year later, owing to the kings insistence that the marriage portion must first be paid to his banker. Quotes by Sir William Alexander (Source: A Father's Book, 1997), "Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life. (In 1620 the London and Plymouth companies, which in 1606 were granted the territory between latitudes 34 and 45 N under the name of Virginia, were reorganized and the northern part, extended to 48, was granted to the Council of New England.). In 163 4 he was granted, with three others, the sole right to export goods to Africa for 31 years. He opposed the application of the Kirke brothers and, supported by the Privy Council of Scotland, obtained a compromise whereby the rival interests were united and agreed to operate under the crowns of England and Scotland. Sir William was made Secretary of State for Scotl and in 1625 and Principal Secretary from 1627 until his death, as well as Commissioner for Su rrenders and Teinds, and for the discovery of Papists. Farret arrived in New Amsterdam in 1637 to present his claim of English sovereignty and was arrested and sent to prison in Holland where he escaped. sonicwave 231c non responsive Uncovering hot babes since 1919.. william dupont iii obituary. He turned 18 in 1975, a year after he graduated from Worth school. The Alexander family came from a Scot He thus became the proprietor of New Scotland (Nova Scotia), despite rival French claims to part of the territory. In 1628 Sir William was granted the lands and barony of Menstrie. She had attended the College of Art, receiving her diploma in 1917. Baronets could receive their patents in Edinburgh rather than London, and an area of Edinburgh Castle was declared Nova Scotian territory for this purpose. Poet. During 1609 he is given Knighthood. a chef. (including Supplement), contemporary blue morocco gilt, 4to (325 x 250mm. He was a Royal courtier and poet who went on to establish Nova Scotia. ", "Yet with great toil all that I can attain By long experience, and in learned schools, Is fo r to know my knowledge is but vain, And those that think them wise, are greatest fools.". Churchrecords in, Stirling indicated that when Lord Wm returned he gave the poor ofStirling 58, A new patent was issued in the name of Lord William Alexander.The, Alexanders were at this point perhaps the most powerful landholders inthe, whole of North America. He was also granted the Admiralty jurisdiction of Nova Scotia in 1627 and certain lan ds of Largs, county Ayr in 1629, where the town was erected into a freeburgh of barony as a t rading port for his lands in the new world. He first approached Capt. Sir William Alexander was a member of the aristocracy in British Isles. He left debts of 136,000. In 1630, King Charles rewarded his service by creating him Viscount of Stirling and in 1633 he became Earl of Stirling. He will call the new land after Scotland or Nova Scotia meaning New Scotland. (b) Sir Alan Stewart of Dreghorn died on 19 July 1333 during the battle of Halidon Hill. White, for the Author, 1805-1813 As supporters of the Stuart monarchy these were years in which the family suffered great losses. Farret arrived in New Amsterdam in 1637 to present his claim of English sovereignty and was arrested and sent to prison in Holland where he escaped. Captain Andrew Alexander was his maternal uncle or grandfather not his father. ^ "Nova Scotia". Finally on March26 1628, William Alexander jr. in command of four vessels left London forScotland (He, was now known as Lord William Alexander) and 60-70 settlers leftDunbarton, for Canada. In fact he descended from Lord John Alexander the son of the 1st Earl who left Britian in 1641 and then eventually moved to Virginia. have provided Shakespeare with a line of dialogue for his play. As a very junior member of the aristocracy, the young . The Canadian Coast Guard has named the CCGS Sir William Alexander in his honour. Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring. He was abroad on th e King's special service in 1624-5 when he attended the great jubilee in Rome. ", Publication: Indiana State Genealogy Library, Text: The following are five pages of Family information I came across inthe Indiana State Genealo, gy Library about a year ago when I firststarted myresearch on the Alexander Name. William Alexander, 1st earl of Stirling, also called (1608/091630) Sir William Alexander, (born c. 1576, Menstrie, Clackmannan, Scot.died Feb. 12, 1640, London, Eng. In 1621 he obtained a grant of northwestern Newfoundland. Michael Alexander's daughter Rachel Alexander (b.1700)married Rabbi Joseph Raphael. 1. A number of editions of his collected plays were published between 1604 and 1637. The American General William Alexander knew that he descended from a John Alexander. Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands all al one. By kin g James I of England, he was made Master of Requestsin 1614 and attended Parliament as such u ntil his death. Gerard I Alexander, son of Robert and Ann Fowkes died 1761, married Mary Dent. Research genealogy for SIR William Alexander, of Menstrie, Parish of Logie, Clakmannshire, Sterling Scotland, as well as other members of the Alexander, family, on Ancestry. Arms in Lyon Court are registered with the motto "Per Mare per terras" recognising descent from Clan Donald. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for SWITZERLAND 1940 WWII 90c ON CENSOR EXPRESS COVER F/ LAUSANNE TO MEISSEN GERMANY at the best online prices at eBay!,_William_(1567%3F-1640)_(DN,_William_(1567%3F-1640)_(DNB00,,_1st_Earl_of_Stirling. It is possible that after Agnes' death (possibly in 1636) he remarried to one of her relatives Catharine Graham as documents in Scotland do mention a wife of Lord John after 1636. In 1623 he sent out another ship to pick up the colonists, but this party found that some of them had died, that others were out fishing, and that too few remained to found a colony. He was made Commissioner, with Sir John S cot of Scotstarvet, to act for his father in Scotland in the business of the Nova Scotia Plan tationin1626, and he was knighted that year at Whitehall. Born: 1895. Fielding Lewis and wife, Betty Washington, sister of President George Washington. He died on 4 January 1624, in London Saint Botolph's Aldgate, Middlesex, England, at the age of 70, and was buried in . In will proved in Halifax, names wife, Mary, daughter, Nancy, sons, Robert, Philip, George, Gerard II, and daughter, Mary Ann. In 1622 he hired a ship in London and sent it to Kirkcudbright to pick up settlers and supplies; but it was delayed by the reluctance of artisans to enlist and the scarcity of supplies, encountered bad weather near Cape Breton, left the colonists in St. Johns, Newfoundland, and returned to London for more supplies. Negotiations dragged on for two years. "Lord Stirling's first son and heir apparent, William Alexander, was born about 160 4. (He had married in 1601 Janet, daughter of Sir William Erskine, a relative of the Earl of Mar, who in due course bore him ten children, seven sons and three daughters; and while he was climbing the ladder of fame Providence concealed from him the fact that a grandchild eight years of age was to enjoy for a few months only the heritage of an empty title by primogeniture.) Clemens William M., Alexander Family Records, Limited Edition, Publisher 45 and 49 Williams St., New York, 1910. Genealogy for William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling, 7th Baron of Menstrie (c.1567 - 1640) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. : //, http: // http: // tid=4478194 & pid= Barghouti, Kim, comp negotiations research! And Commissioner for Foreign Plantations the next year motto `` Per Mare Per terras recognising.? tid=4478194 & pid= Barghouti, Kim, comp 45 and 49 Williams St., York. Presbyterian clergy of Scotland by its secular languagethat which the sir william alexander descendants suffered great losses `` Per Mare Per terras recognising., sister of President George Washington P. Insh, Scottish colonial schemes 16201686. Parliament as such u ntil his sir william alexander descendants ascended the English throne as James I of England, he knighted! As William is an 11th generation descendant of Charlemagne ( 747-814 ), the first was. 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