smartest to dumbest personality types

Go on, I dare you. This is the main reason that he takes the bottom place as he simply doesn't have the life experience to really have the knowledge and intelligence needed to be involved in this world. Why then, is every single type under-represented in the top 2%? Since intelligence is very subjective I think it can't be quantified. INTPS are more interested in exploring possibilities, INTJs in solving the problem efficiently. And that is the paradox. Or an INTJ? (Says the INTP, offended by being ranked so low. BTW im an ENTP Me: You know Bob quit his job and decided to . Throughout my whole life I have enjoyed building real businesses by solving real problems. Both will reach very similar conclusions but from different angles. ESTJs are the eleventh most intelligent personality type. We ABSOLUTELY LOVE complex logic puzzles, and critical thinking is no challenge to us. Additionally, most famous writers tend to be INFPs or INFJs. And before you accuse me of feeling insulted because I'm one of them stupid "sensors," believe it or not according to the MBTI I am an INTP - the smartest of all types! In the complexity science, a T has to see the problems from all possible perspective. Just go home. Also they mostly only care about themselves, meaning they are unlikely to store any information which doesnt relate to them. Surely? In my case, my INFJ is a more mature version of my INTJ. It seems pretty clear that the two go hand in hand. I find it very hard to take this article seriously without any facts to back your ideas up. PS - you do realize that often one question separates an n type from an s type. No matter your personality type, you may still likely be of average intelligence. We first start with S/N. There validity in all, but to unlock ourselves from the ego, there are always fallacies as well. These highly aesthetic individuals have a mindful presence, always acting in the moment. Intelligence is a virtue, but no matter how hard you might study, some just have an edge over others. These types are also adept at taking in and sorting information that is sent their way, she adds. ESFPs are vivacious entertainers who charm and engage their surroundings. ESTP - Your nonchalance. Tied with Ne doms as quickest to find patterns) In fact, this is one of the most thought provoking articles I've read. NFs were next, except for one particular type, ISTJ, which came after all NTs and before all NFs. Sincerely, When it comes to creativity, which I believe should be another form of intelligence, Perceivers have an edge over Judging types , who prefer structure. What an excellent article, really well done. What are the facts showing this as wrong? I think, simply through observation that these traits tend to be true. The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their capabilities. We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions So you like being that scientist using those outdated tools to draw conclusions because they make you feel fuzzy inside? "The ESTJ is an incredible project organizerthey know how to keep things simple.". 5. you need to go into the cognitive functions. Do I not have the potential to reach the same intellectual promise as an INTJ even though we have the same information judgement processes? So i really am convinced that INTX people are smarter than other MBTI groups. As for the S/N dichotomy, the reason why intutives are smarter than sensors could be because they easily understand abstract phenomena and in the case of judging intuitives they align it with reality.Its like they create models of reality. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { How do I know she's an ESFP and not an ENFP? We should not call that instinct. I have to say that this is a pretty interesting study. INTPs are critical of scientific research where the conclusions are woven for us leaving out the clues and how they got there. How's that for ENTP; basically "I say reverse-engineer IQ tests!" Also ENTP have Ti which is basically the definition for high inteligence and you are telling me that an NF is smarter than that? The absolute best you can then say is that maybe being an N type means you are slightly more likely to be marginally smarter than an S type on average. All personalities are welcome! if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { It's like a crime investigator taking into consideration only one piece of evidence to decide who committed the crime when his department is telling him that there are multiple pieces of evidence to take into consideration. But I wrote a simple article to illustrate a simple point. She was just five years old when she took on the iconic role. They have no time for analysing whatsoever, they are fashionable and fun and like to party but cannot for the life of them work anything out. So that, I think that many agree INFP and INFJ are the so most unpredictable type, expecially INFP. Recent: A Falling Music Industry And What To Do About It, Recent: The Hard Toothbrush is the way to go, Recent: Why Most Websites Don't Make Money, Recent: Top 41 Best 80s / 90s Synth Pop / Dance Songs of All Time. His reasoning is forced. I am an INTJ myself, and I have a friend who is an INTP. This is less common with the S. So when we are dealing with intelligence we are dealing with N's more so than S's. I did like the article though! However I believe the N in people not so smart leads them to believe in paranormal activity, psychics their "ability to grasp theories" make them more gullible than their equivalent S that tend to be practical and not as easily fooled. Never satisfied but interested in the next new solution or idea. It consisted of zero verses, within zero chapters of zero books, wrapped up in one simple binary, triple-oh sentences: That everything was a paradox; resulting in massive mix-ups, confusions and dupedoms ~ All based on subjective opinions, analyses and frankly, relativism. 16. I don't know INTJs are smarter than INTPs or not, but they know how to use there intelligence in a usefull way, and that makes them usually more successful than us. So the short version of this comment is that INFJ ought to rank as a tie for #1 along with INTJ. While the INT will usually reach a conclusion from a technical, more logical approach the INF will usually reach a similar conclusion from an emotional approach. reflecting telescope, Tesla coil and more). Except that I think Js are smarter than Ps because Js are organized while Ps are spontaneous. INTP and INTJ are actually the precise opposite, which becomes clear when you learn the theory and stop basing things off the inaccurate tests. And be proud with your type! Isabel Briggs Myers called this type the "scholars, theorists, and abstract thinkers" of the personality theory universe, and they're also commonly known as the "Architect" or "Logician" type. You are an individual, not a personality type. My point is [jumping ahead a bit and utilizing gross generalizations to wrap up, since I believe present company can handle it] though Sensors put 'useful' data to use swiftly and iNtuitors read between the lines and go deeper, in the future we may just have to create more advanced IQ-like measurement methods that reveal personal genius framed via type indication. We apply, tweak and execute these concepts in the real world and over the general masses. I think that's a certain type of intelligence that while I lack in and might appreciate it less (as I enjoy thinking about things deeply), I can also find it very hard to not be jealous of such an ability to immediately use the information given to you and act based on it. where they are going in life or how something affects them or their group. Feeling, and Judging vs. So I split them apart, assigned their own variables and came to my senses that this was all simply, an algebraic equation; in philosophic-linguistic form. And these broad blanket statements and generalisations? I have never seen someone use both their logic and their "feelings" simultaneously as she does. But attempting to rank "types" like this from smartest to dumbest is pointless, asinine, and pretentious. These individuals are logical and analytical, and they have a strong sense of duty. Well I think we should first look at this from an accuracy standpoint. Performance & security by Cloudflare. He described it as a "Two different ways to yield the same processing power" relationship. Your analysis exhibits a lack of understanding regarding what the Myers-Briggs type actually indicates. For instance as an INFP I could very much disagree with T indicating superior intelligence. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. An ESJ type is more likely to go out there and /do/ things. A problem I see here is that you're relying solely on your intuitions here but not actually paying any attention to the actual facts. Is it fully accurate? Famous intjs like Newton and Tesla died as virgins; and they both invented practicle tools( i.e. Generally, this is very useful in scientific fields. Enstein was only 160 IQ (15 sd) It was a paradox; and thus my religion was conceived: Paradoxitheism. This comes down to the task at hand. Which Type Has the Most Geniuses? You sound like a typical ISTJ, no offence. Also as I said S types can be more intelligent than N types, just in a different manner. (however, the top students of summer classes seemed to score a little higher than intuits, probably because summer sessions require more memorization as opposed to understanding). Let's start by breaking things into categories. Here's the explanation. The personality trait is relatively rare for men, less so for women 3% of the population are ENFJs. MBTI pop psychology nonverbal communication. ENTJs and ENFJs (intuitive types) have less than the average amount of people with high IQs as well, so its not necessarily a sensor versus intuitive thing. TOO RIDICOLOUS. Also, of course there are going to be exceptions. Plus your dry humor doesn't hurt. Reasoning traits, in my opinion, are a higher end form of intelligence than emotion." >carry out what intps think It would be interesting to know the the frequency of the combination of personality type AND IQ. I dont even know if you blog here anymore since someone swiped your name, but I just found this a couple days ago. Assessing someone's Myers-Briggs personality type requires examining them on four facets: Introverted vs. Extroverted, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. I am an INTP so I am theoretically flattered, and would tend to agree. Im kinda confused how the percentage of people with high IQs is so disproportional to the amount of intuitives in the population. Do you just sit and think of provacative nonsense to state? Psychological scientist Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Briggs, developed this classification system to make the Jungian theory of Psychological types understandable and valuable to the general public. The ENTJ and INFJ are pretty equal in their own ways, being the INFJ here I have to admit I have a hard time keeping focus (daydreams), but when the subject matter has my focus I can see right through it. INTP? According to data from Ball State, these types make great pilots, landscape architects, systems analysts, and engineers, speaking to their can-do attitudes and innovative mindsets. ENTJ ENFP- I put them lower than the ENFJs because a combination like ENF would entail someone running riot unless they had a J to give it some structure and sense. I'll make the cognitive functions very simple for you. From Myers-Briggs 16 personality types to the 9 Intelligence types identified by Howard Gardner, it has become apparent that overall intelligence combines traits and experiences. It doesn't matter how smart you are, when you don't use it, there is no difference between you and a dumb person. But I'm smart, somehow. Second of all, what validity the MBTI does have is derived from its correlations to an actual scientific model of personality - the Big Five. It explains quite a bit of the intellectual gap I feel is between me and my significant other, considering I'm an ISFJ and he's an INTJ. "They are resilient, always working, moving, thinking of the next best thing They think ahead of situations and people are often threatened by them.". There is a strong relationship between MBTI intuition and high intelligence. And found in health care, teaching, and child care. The smartest person I've ever met was a confirmed INFP, yet so was the most naive and unintelligent person I've ever met. Again these are all my opinion but I am going to explain my reasoning below. Filling with enthusiasm, spontaneity, and impulsiveness, common careers for ENFPs include counseling, religion, arts, and teaching. All Rights Reserved. what about a simple "I disagree because" ? I'm also basically useless. Personality Solutions MBTI Type Stories: How Each Decider Prefers to Dream Based on Their Cognitive Functions Darius Foroux Save 20 Hours a Week By Removing These 4 Useless Things In Your. ESFP, Now granted, there are plenty of other genetic and environmental factors that can impact one's IQ, but the general trend seems to follow the above pattern. Smart can mean a lot of different things to different people. There are different types of intelligence, and all personality types can be smart in all of them. If you were basing this on influential, then surely E types should get a higher ranking. These personality traits, introvert, intuitive, and thinking, tend to excel in areas that define intelligence or aspects measured by traditional IQ tests: abstract conceptual logic and problem-solving. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); NF's do use critical thinking as well. Excellent (logical) research that is based on nothing but opinion and not reasonable at all. Its not smart to procrastinate. I'm an INTJ so don't think I'm just an S raging about how stupid I am. Very interesting. The only thing I didn't quite get along with is the definition of smart used. Is there a secret INTW type they don't tell us about that has all the smarties? What is "intelligence"? If backed up by Ni they can have some intrest in learning but there people skills is where they shine and they would rather think about other people than intellectual stuff especially esfjs. But strictly on its own, it's borderline useless. I am somewhat sticking my neck out by putting feelers above thinkers in many of the ways that I do. Of course we are both very similar, however. This is a very loose analysis and sorrowly inaccurate. But we often make a point to distinguish the most empathetic creatures as the ones like us- even if they are also relatively logical. Love his sense of humor too. Also, I am talking in generalities. FJ on interpersonal. They have the same intelligence and thinking ability, but where they go with it, what they do, are different. Just to prove my point and not bragging as it is anonymous anyway, my IQ consistently scores at 145. You're not saying what exactly is wrong. Press J to jump to the feed. Several Myers-Briggs personality types show a more social or societal focus, thus scoring lower on IQ tests and earning less income. Do not think you are a genius because you are an INTJ. I think I'll have another dorito..Yep! It's just inherently problematic. Introverts can be defined as 'measured' people. Click to reveal My conclusions are from spiritual, entrepreneurial, educational and tons of other material that illustrates the exact same point that I am illustrating with MBTI. You're a fucking idiot and this very blog entry proves that you are one. Smartest to dumbest INTP INTJ INFP INFJ ENTP ENTJ ENFP ENFJ ISFP ISTP ISTJ ISFJ ESTJ ESFP ESFJ ESTP Nicest to meanest ISFP INFJ ENFP ENFJ ESFJ ISFJ Press J to jump to the feed. (I also have to point out statistics. But all humans are different, so if you are esfj or not Intp/intj/entp/entj you are not worst off than us, just different and good in places we are not like public speaking/making friends. But I do want to point out that if you look in you function order you'll find that you, as an INTj, use intuition, to a greater extent than thinking, while the case is opposite for the INTPs. I think they can seem smarter than alot of the types above. ESFP (extrovert, sensing, feeling, perceiving) and ESFJ (extrovert, sensing, feeling, judging) types are statistically the happiest. And I apologize for not responding earlier; I had pneumonia and havent been online much in the last few months. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); However if asked to solve a problem their emotion may cloud their speed. Their energy are just spent in different directions and at different intervals, Great input and I would have to agree. For what it's worth. They tell the exact same story. Well, this gets even more tricky. And to yet another it may be impersonal. N dom personalities were not very high regard on his list (ENxP and INxJ). Such self-awareness, as expectedof an INTP. INTJs and ENTJs introvert feeling, often being seen as self-centered or cold, when really, they just get all emotional validation from within and don't see why everyone else can't, although that's an assumption. Not everyone wants influence, but most people want contentment. Therefore there is no correlation between personality type and intelligence. And traditional intelligence does not necessarily correlate to success or even happiness. Both use their rationale in a specific way. Perceiving. For you to think T/F is nearly as/as important in defining intelligence as N/S implies really you have no clue what you're talking about. Although the article is interesting I believe that you need to validate your theory by going in the street and test people. Answer (1 of 20): Define Intelligence. From what I've observed, I'd say it's likely something along the lines of this: - ISTJ/ISFJ: Most School Smart By holding on to this concept; before appointing it's substance as a substrate, perhaps it can help define the boundaries in which to progress. The INTx types are most often listed as the smartest. I even heard how sensors would pretend to be intuitives in the MBTI Community for some reason. You should dig a little deeper because you barely get past kiersey. The ESTJ is an incredible project organizerthey know how to keep things simple ``! '' like this from smartest to dumbest is pointless, asinine, and.! Intp so I am somewhat sticking my neck out by putting feelers above thinkers many! Intp so I am going to be intuitives in the complexity science, a T to... Are an individual, not a personality type is very subjective I,... The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their capabilities that one... 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