the american forests john muir summary

Word Count: 490. Trees from ten to fifteen feet in diameter and three hundred feet high are not uncommon, and a few attain a height of three hundred and fifty feet, or even four hundred, with a diameter at the base of fifteen to twenty feet or more, while the ground beneath them is a garden of fresh, exuberant ferns, lilies, gaultheria, and rhododendron. He came to the San Francisco area in 1868 and there he discovered the Sierra Mountains. Restless to explore more of the country, he left school for what he would call "the University of the Wilderness. Nor will the woods be the worse for this use, or their benign influences be diminished any more than the sun is diminished by shining. It is the citizens of this country who are robbing from and destroying the beautiful forest. Visit the John Muir National Historic Site, located in Martinez, California. The American Forests In decrying the destruction of woodlands by loggers, settlers, and industrialists, Muir, the father of America's conservation movement, advanced the notion that. See All test questions. Have you ever wondered why your favorite National Park is surrounded by a National Forest? An 1867 accident caused him to abandon an industrial career and devote himself to nature. This paper looks at the roles that language had in the writings of John Muir, the father of American national parks and Gifford Pinchot, the father of American forest conservation. Railroad tracks were just . Muir believes the forests must have been a delight to God, for "they were the best he ever planted" (145). The Arctic Refuge is a crucial refuge as it is one of the few left in the Arctic and around the world. Many of the miners find that timber is already becoming scarce and dear on the denuded hills around their mills, and they too are asking for protection of forests, at least against fire. Still, the species is not in danger of extinction. The Yellowstone National Park 3. After becoming president in 1901, Roosevelt used his authority to establish 150 national forests, 51 federal bird reserves, four national game preserves, five national parks and . A Wind-Storm in the Forests. The half dozen transcontinental railroad companies advertise the beauties of their lines in gorgeous many-colored folders, each claiming its as the scenic route. The route of superior desolation the smoke, dust, and ashes route would be a more truthful description. And you are your own boss in my business, too, if the bears aint too big and too many for you. They buy no land, pay no taxes, dwell in a paradise with no forbidding angel either from Washington or from heaven. The forest service does not rest satisfied with the present proportion of woodland, but looks to planting the best forest trees it can find in any country, if likely to be useful and to thrive in Japan. He was a strong voice in preserving the area known today as the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. The prospector deliberately sets fires to clear off the woods just where they are densest, to lay the rocks bare and make the discovery of mines easier. After the destructive 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire, the decision was made to dam the valley to provide the recovering city with clean water. Under the timber and stone act of 1878, which might well have been called the dust and ashes act, any citizen of the United States could take up one hundred and sixty acres of timber land, and by paying two dollars and a half an acre for it obtain title. But light is surely coming, and the friends of destruction will preach and bewail in vain. It seems, therefore, that almost every civilized nation can give us a lesson on the management and care of forests. Thence westward were oak and elm, hickory and tupelo, gum and liriodendron, sassafras and ash, linden and laurel, spreading on ever wider in glorious exuberance over the great fertile basin of the Mississippi, over damp level bottoms, low dimpling hollows, and round dotting hills, embosoming sunny prairies and cheery park openings, half sunshine, half shade ; while a dark wilderness of pines covered the region around the Great Lakes. Lerner Publications Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1992. Travelers through the West in summer are not likely to forget the fire-work displayed along the various railway tracks. Starting in the i87os, Muir made exploring wilderness and extoling its values a way of life. It grows sturdily on all kinds of soil and rocks, and, protected by a mail of . The same thing is true of the mines, which consume and destroy indirectly immense quantities of timber with their innumerable fires, accidental or set to make open ways, and often without regard to how far they run. No traveler, whether a tree lover or not, will ever forget his first walk in a sugar-pine forest. Home | John Muir wrote a great essay, known as the "The American Forest" which spoke about the great beauty of nature and Chief Seattle gave a great speech known as the " Environmentalist Statement" which spoke about sustainability and the respect we need to provide and invoke. Muir is credited with both the creation of the National Park System and the establishment of the Sierra Club. In Switzerland, after many laws like our own had been found wanting, the Swiss forest school was established in 1865, and soon after the Federal Forest Law was enacted, which is binding over nearly two thirds of the country. Theyre good as hog hams any day. John Muir; At Home in the Wild. The making of the far-famed New York Central Park was opposed by even good men, with misguided pluck, perseverance, and ingenuity; but straight right won its way, and now that park is appreciated. But this priceless land has been patented, and nothing can be done now about the crazy bargain. Emerson says that things refuse to be mismanaged long. But there is not a single specimen of the redwood in any national park. Type the abstract of the document here. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for JOHN MUIR : Nature Writings by The Library Of America (1997, HC/DJ) at the best online prices at eBay! The American Forests John Muir ALDO LEOPOLD'S LAND ETHIC IN FORESTRY; 5. The Yosemite National Park 4. John Muir was an early proponent of a view we still hold todaythat much of California was pristine, untouched wilderness before the arrival of Europeans. They might run into the adjacent forests and burn the timber from hundreds of square miles; not a man in the State would care to spend an hour in fighting them, as long as his own fences and buildings were not threatened. "The forests of America, however slighted by man, must have been a great delight to God; for they were the best he ever planted." He described trees with a diameter of twenty feet as "lordly. The trees are felled, and about half of each giant is left on the ground to be converted into smoke and ashes; the better half is sawed into choice lumber and sold to citizens of the United States or to foreigners: thus robbing the country of its glory and impoverishing it without right benefit to anybody, a bad, black business from beginning to end. By looking at their views and uses of language we can gain a better understanding of the environmental movement both during their lifetimes and as it . the glory of the world! He also realized how fragile nature was; how peoples impact on the land, through grazing, lumbering and commercial developments, was slowly destroying all the beauty in the wilderness. In one case which came under the observation of Mr. Bowers, it was the practice of a lumber company to hire the entire crew of every vessel which might happen to touch at any port in the redwood belt, to enter one hundred and sixty acres each and immediately deed the land to the company, in consideration of the company's paying all expenses and giving the jolly sailors fifty dollars apiece for their trouble. > The cool shades of the forest give rise to moist beds and currents of air, and the sod of grasses and the various flowering plants and shrubs thus fostered, together with the network and sponge of tree roots, absorb and hold back the rain and the waters from melting snow, compelling them to ooze and percolate and flow gently through the soil in streams that never dry. He concluded that all life forms have inherent significance and the right to exist. John Muir was born in Dunbar, Scotland on April 21, 1838, as the oldest son in religious shopkeepers family. Twenty or thirty years ago, shakes, a kind of long boardlike shingles split with a mallet and a frow, were in great demand for covering barns and sheds, and many are used still in preference to common shingles, especially those made from the sugar-pine, which do not warp or crack in the hottest sunshine. Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Muir Woods National Monument, Download the official NPS app before your next visit. A large portion of the best timber is thus shattered and destroyed, and, with the huge knotty tops, is left in ruins for tremendous fires that kill every tree within their range, great and small. Tule Joe made five hundred dollars last winter on mallard and teal. The special land agents employed by the General Land Office to protect the public domain from timber depredations are supposed to collect testimony to sustain prosecution, and to superintend such prosecution on behalf of the government, which is represented by the district attorneys. Land commissioners and Secretaries of the Interior have repeatedly called attention to this ruinous state of affairs, and asked Congress to enact the requisite legislation for reasonable reform. A part of the John Muir Exhibit, by Harold Wood and Harvey Chinn. Here and there in the Southern States there are still considerable areas of timbered government land, but these are comparatively unimportant. Being rather partial to trees, I could not resist reading "A wind-storm in the forests" by Scottish-born American naturalist/enviromentalist John Muir (1838-1914) when it lobbed in by email today as this week's Library of America story of the week.Anyone who has been to the stunning Yosemite - or visited the peaceful Muir Woods north of San Francisco - will have heard of John Muir. In 1903, Roosevelt spent four days in Yosemite with Muir, camping with him and learning about the value of the untamed land. To the southward stretched dark, level-topped cypresses in knobby, tangled swamps, grassy savannas in the midst of them like lakes of light, groves of gay sparkling spice-trees, magnolias and palms, glossy-leaved and blooming and shining continually. During his lengthy wanderings, Muir contemplated man's relationship to nature. Upon this old law, as Mr. Bowers points out, having the construction of a wooden navy in view, the United States government has to-day chiefly to rely in protecting its timber throughout the arid regions of the West, where none of the naval timber which the law had in mind is to be found. And when he was tired wading in the sloughs and touched with rheumatiz, he just knocked off on ducks, and went to the Contra Costa hills for dove and quail. The abstract is typically a short summary of the . Even in Congress, a sizable chunk of gold, carefully concealed, will outtalk and outfight all the nation on a subject like forestry, well smothered in ignorance, and in which the money interests of only a few are conspicuously involved. To prepare the ground, it was rolled and sifted in seas with infinite loving deliberation and forethought, lifted into the light, submerged and warmed over and over again, pressed and crumpled into folds and ridges, mountains and hills, subsoiled with heaving volcanic fires, ploughed and ground and sculptured into scenery and soil with glaciers and rivers, very feature growing and changing from beauty to beauty, higher and higher. They cannot run away; and if they could, they would still be destroyedchased and hunted down as long as fun or a dollar could be got out of their bark hides, branching horns, or magnificent bole backbones It took more than three thousand years to make some of the trees in these Western woodstrees that are still standing in perfect strength and beauty, waving and singing in the mighty forests of the Sierra. 234, Muir describes the beauty of trees in the many varied regions across America as "they appeared a few centuries ago when they were rejoicing in wildness." America is one of the wealthiest lands in existence yet a funding system is not implemented to save the endangered forests. For many a century after the ice-ploughs were melted, nature fed them and dressed them every day; working like a man, a loving, devoted, painstaking gardener; fingering every leaf and flower and mossy furrowed bole; bending, trimming, modeling, balancing, painting them with the loveliest colors; bringing over them now clouds with cooling shadows and showers, now sunshine; fanning them with gentle winds and rustling their leaves; exercising them in every fibre with storms, and pruning them; loading them with flowers and fruit, loading them with snow, and ever making them more beautiful as the years rolled by. Muir's conservation efforts saved many forests and natural areas for all of us. Now it is plain that the forests are not inexhaustible, and that quick measures must be taken if ruin is to be avoided. Nevertheless, under this act wealthy corporations have fraudulently obtained title to from ten thousand to twenty thousand acres or more. While reading the John Muir excerpt from the reader, I was struck with how closely he followed the traditions of Emerson and Thoreau while still expanding on his own style. Then he goes to work sawing and splitting for the market, tying the shakes in bundles of fifty or a hundred. OUR NATIONAL PARKs.-Under this title Mr. John Muir has brought together several papers originally published in the Atlantic Monthly. Listen to the trailer for Holy Week. Armed with a plant-press and a blank notebook, Muir wandered for weeks at a time, through the mountains that would later be Yosemite National Park. The directors of a line that guarded against fires, and cleared a clean gap edged with living trees, and fringed and mantled with the grass and flowers and beautiful seedlings that are ever ready and willing to spring up, might justly boast of the beauty of their road; for nature is always ready to heal every scar. They are four feet long, four inches wide, and about one fourth of an inch thick. Katherine S. Talmadge. The Forests of the Yosemite Park . As a boy, Muir was "fond of everything that was wild" (My Boyhood and Youth 30) and took great pleasure in the outdoors. While in Alaska, I saw the loveliest forests and scenery I've ever seen. This first chapter is essentially an overview of the entire book. The Wild Parks and Forest Reservations of the West 2. The closing chapter reviews American forests broadly, and utters an ardent plea for their preservation. John Muir, Wilderness Protector. Thus every mill is a centre of destruction far more severe from waste and fire than from use. The Indians with stone axes could do them no more harm than could gnawing beavers and browsing moose. 1971. These forests were composed of about five hundred species of trees, all of them in some way useful to man, ranging in size from twenty-five feet in height and less than one foot in diameter at the ground to four hundred feet in height and more than twenty feet in diameter, lordly monarchs proclaiming the gospel of beauty like apostles. The axe and saw are insanely busy, chips are flying thick as snowflakes, and every summer thousands of acres of priceless forests, with their underbrush, soil, springs, climate, scenery, and religion, are vanishing away in clouds of smoke, while, except in the national parks, not one forest guard is employed. Accordingly, with no eye to the future, these pious destroyers waged interminable forest wars, Every other civilized nation in the world has been compelled to care for its forests, and so must we if waste and destruction are not to go on to the bitter end So far our government has done nothing effective with its forests, though the best in the world, but is like a rich and foolish spendthrift who has inherited a magnificent estate in perfect order, and then has left his rich fields and meadows, forests and parks, to be sold and plundered and wasted at will, depending on their inexhaustible abundance, Emerson says that things refuse to be mismanaged long. Nevertheless the Andes and the South American forests continued to fascinate his imagination, as his letters show, for many years after he came to California. 2) Yosemite Glaciers. As the title suggests, this essay is a study of the glaciers found in the region of the ensuing Yosemite National Park. In its calmer moments in the midst of bewildering hunger and war and restless over-industry, Prussia has learned that the forest plays an important part in human progress, and that the advance in civilization only makes it more indispensable. The whole sky, with clouds, sun, moon, and stars, is simply blotted out. The settlement laws, under which a settler may enter lands valuable for timber as well as for agriculture, furnish another means of obtaining title to public timber. Merely what belongs to all alike is reserved, and every acre that is left should be held together under the federal government as a basis for a general policy of administration for the public good. Well, it didn't happen by accident or guesswork. He wrote many magazine articles and books, inspiring other people to love nature and drawing attention to the need to protect the environment. Under these circumstances, the bawling, blethering oratorical stuff drowns the voice of God himself. They have so long been allowed to steal and destroy in peace that any impediment to forest robbery is denounced as a cruel and irreligious interference with vested rights, likely to endanger the repose of all ungodly welfare. by man, must have been a great delight to. Muir Inlet and Muir Glacier are both named for him. "No prisoners were taken," recalled the witness to these events . The United States government has always been proud of the welcome it has extended to good men of every nation, seeking freedom and homes and bread. With such variety, harmony, and triumphant exuberance, even nature, it would seem, might have rested content with the forests of North America, and planted no more. > Few that fell trees plant them; nor would planting avail much towards getting back anything like the noble primeval forests. He played a significant role in preserving and protecting important areas of our country. Trees go wandering forth in all directions with every wind, going and coming like ourselves, traveling with us around the sun two million miles a day, and through space heaven knows how fast and far! No other route on this continent so fully illustrates the abomination of desolation. Such a claim would be reasonable, as each seems the worst, whatever route you chance to take. travel our way. Old grizzlies I despise, they want cannon to kill em; but the blacks and browns are beauties for grease, and when I get em just right, and draw a bead on em, I fetch em every time. Another said he was going to catch up a lot of mustangs as soon as the rains set in, hitch them to a gang-plough, and go to farming on the San Joaquin plains for wheat. 14 minutes. Accessibility Statement, John Muir: A Reading Bibliography by Kimes, Holt-Atherton Special Collections homepage. John Muir (/mjr/; April 21, 1838 - December 24, 1914) was a Scottish-American naturalist, author, environmental philosopher and early advocate of preservation of wilderness in the United States. Only by gift or purchase, so far as I know, can the government get back into its possession a single acre of this wonderful forest. John Muir in Yosemite. Of all the destroyers that infest the woods the shake-maker seems the happiest. Happy robbers! Everywhere, everywhere over all the blessed continent, there were beauty, and melody, and kindly, wholesome, foodful abundance. The redwood is one of the few conifers that sprout from the stump and roots, and it declares itself willing to begin immediately to repair the damage of the lumberman and also that of the forest-burner. During a mans life only saplings can be grown, in the place of the old trees tens of centuries old that have been destroyed. A proprietor who has cleared his forest without permission is subject to heavy fine, and in addition may be made to replant the cleared area. The provisions of the code concerning private woodlands are substantially these: No private owner may clear his woodlands without giving notice to the government at least four months in advance, and the forest service may forbid the clearing on the following grounds: to maintain the soil on mountains, to defend the soil against erosion and flooding by rivers or torrents, to insure the existence of springs and watercourses, to protect the dunes and seashore, etc. Twenty-First Century Books, New York, New York. Our National Parks, by John Muir (1901, c. (1901)) - John Muir Writings . John Muir, (born April 21, 1838, Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotlanddied December 24, 1914, Los Angeles, California, U.S.), Scottish-born American naturalist, writer, and advocate of U.S. forest conservation, who was largely responsible for the establishment of Sequoia National Park and Yosemite National Park, which are located in California. The whole continent was a garden, and from the beginning it seemed to be favored above all the other wild parks and gardens of the globe. Conservation generally refers to the act of consciously and efficiently using land and/or its natural resources. John Muir, (born April 21, 1838, Dunbar, East Lothian, Scot.died Dec. 24, 1914, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.), U.S. naturalist and conservationist. This excerpt from "The American Forests," was part of John Muir's 1897 campaign to save the American wilderness. Muir ended his life living in the care of his Chinese employees. O ver 150 years ago, John Muir set out on a thousand mile journey across the US, from Indiana to the Gulf of Mexico, on foot. They are invited to heaven, and may well be allowed in America. He is best known for his work as a conservationist, particularly his role in the establishment of Yosemite National Park in California. No place is too good for good men, and still there is room. The whole continent was a garden, and from the beginning it seemed to be favored above all the other wild parks and gardens of the globe These forests were composed of about five hundred species of trees, all of them in some way useful to man, ranging in size from twenty-five feet in height and less than one foot in diameter at the ground to four hundred feet in height and more than twenty feet in diameterlordly monarchs proclaiming the gospel of beauty like apostles. 'Yes, John Muir; and you know I promised to return and visit you in about twenty-five years, and though I am a little latesix or seven yearsI've done the best I could . Muir made extended journeys throughout America, observing both scientifically and enthusiastically the beauties of the wilderness. In 1913, Congress passed a law that approved the construction of the dam in Hetch Hetchy Valley. Thence still westward swept the forests to right and left around grassy plains and deserts a thousand miles wide: irrepressible hosts of spruce and pine, aspen and willow, nut-pine and juniper, cactus and yucca, caring nothing for drought, extending undaunted from mountain to mountain, over mesa and desert, to join the darkening multitudes of pines that covered the high Rocky ranges and the glorious forests along the coast of the moist and balmy Pacific, where new species of pine, giant cedars and spruces, silver firs and sequoias, kings of their race, growing close together like grass in a meadow, poised their brave domes and spires in the sky three hundred feet above the ferns and the lilies that enameled the ground; towering serene through the long centuries, preaching Gods forestry fresh from heaven. The witness to these events is room, under this act wealthy corporations have fraudulently obtained title to ten... 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