supreme court russell jay gould

RUSSELL JAY GOULD, Plenipotentiary Judge for the Witnessing of the Parse - Syntax - Grammar of.the Vassalees-Fraudulent- Parse - Syntax - Grammar -Documents, PEAKVIEW MORTGAGE PROFESSIONALS, INC., MORTGAGE ELECTONIC [sic] SYSTEMS, INC., LAS ANIMAS COUNTY PUBLIC TRUSTEE, DONNA LEONETTI, ARONOWITZ. Posted here & at all channels: Newswatch Live 3. Gould had a reputation for ruthless business tactics, many of which would be . He goes, Im going to sit back and just be a witness. I said, David, thats probably the safest place for you because Im not quite sure whats going to happen to me.. The structures behind that and how to build them back together in a way through the grammar that gave a fairness to the planet as we were learning about the construct of contract. Joel Greenstock. R. CIV. Im excited to be on board I just need to know how to go about presenting myself in the world we live in now with this claim of life. Here's the interesting thing. In the Name of Psychiatric or Physical Therapy Are Highly Questionable Projects Being Run Experimentally on People? : Commander &: Chief &: Postmaster-General: : Russell-Jay: Gould : Fake-Elections. The National Security Code is RR294568221US. SO IN SHORT I WOULD JUST LIKE TO KNOW WHAT COURSE OF ACTION SHOULD THE PEOPLE OF EARTH BE DOING TO BRING THIS TO LIGHT OR GET THE NECESSARY ANSWERS ARE YOU WORKING WITH THE MILITARY OR TRUMP ANYONE OF POWER TO GET THIS OUT? As of today, few have heard of Russell Jay Gould or, per his parse grammar syntax, Russell-Jay:Gould but if his trajectory continues unfolding along the lines it has past twenty or so years, that will change. Between 1868 and 1871, their collaboration resulted in the clandestine formation of a new US municipal government controlled by the Jesuits and Vatican, HQed in Washington DC and a new British crown controlled territorial government.. #36290, susan j. hendrick, attorney reg. In 2003, I took my Quantum Banking System into the United Nations where I met with 82 ambassadors, sharing them the technologiesand how it correlates to the postal systems in their respective countries, also tying it intoflag etiquette. #414: Russell-Jay: Gould, Post-Master-General of The World, Chief-Judge-of-the-Supreme-Court, Federal-Postal-Judge, and Creator of the Quantum Banking System? Feeling a lot better this week than during the weeks before, when we had crazy weather everywhere record heat, tornadoes and hurricanes and many We hear often of quiet US and NATO military assisted takeovers of rare Earth minerals found in spots across the globe. So from that night on i held the secret that there was no presidency. I UNDERSTAND NO ONE IS GOING TO JUST START SCREAMING YOU ARE POST MASTER FROM THE ROOF TOPS BUT FOR F*** SAKE WE HAVENT GOTTEN AS MUCH AS A Q DROP A GEMATRIA DECODE NOTHING WHICH I PERSONALLY BELIEVE YOUR STORY AND WHAT SERGEANT ROBERT HORTON HAS ECHOED ABOUT YOU AND THE ACTUAL EVENTS OF OUR PAST IT JUST ADDS UP AND MAKES WAY MORE SENSE THAN THE BS WE HAVE ALL BEEN TAUGHT! : Thanks for the video-sharing. Please give us more information on how we go about living with a claim of life in a world that is stuck in the system we have lived in for so long they know no different way. Dodge, the Mexican Oriental Inter-oceanic and International Railroad Company, the. Jay Douglas Gould. :Team-Quantum. Law Talk With Mike. With every ambassador, I had a conversation on why they were flying aflag with the ball on top outside their recruiting station and as you walk into their embassies they had spears on top of their flag standards, placing their country in a state of martial law, suspending the terms of contract for their countries. They did not have any department within their construct of governmentbecause the founding fathers were no longer there to signed off. During that time Russell-Cooke has grown from being a business with a turnover of less than 1 million to more . 0. Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage? Im just a out of work welder struggling to start my Buisness, but anything I can do to help you please let me know, I would love to be of assistance! I have Cosmic and Majestics securities clearance codes here too but I am not going to give those on-air., Anticipating Chaos & Confusion: Truth Wins, Anticipating that the 2020 elections will be attended by chaos and subsequent litigation by the court system to confuse the people, :Russell-Jay: Gould emotionally assures America and the world that he is now here, and prepared to safeguard this country, safeguard the people, and safeguard correctness, because Truth wins., First Step in the Quantum-Banking-System is Live-Life-Claims. #38030, aronowitz & mecklenbug, llp, federal national mortgage association, bank of america, n.a., brian moynihan, bac home loans . who want to dismiss your claims as a scam or conspiracy of some sort must agree to work out your differences and join forces with We The People. Okay, relax, it's already gone viral, with over 1 million views on Rumble since being posted two months ago. Corey Kai Harrison . James Keith Hamilton. The proceeds all go toward continual fattening of the aforementioned Cabal cliques and to foment wars and general mayhem. : SELF-LEARNING-STEPS & NATIVITY-MECHANICS. Russell claims the US corporate government went through an unannounced final bankruptcy in 1999, thus dissolving everything connected to the federal government, including the office of the President, the Congress and Senate, the court system, the military, etc. It also seems the new Atlantis is coming of age. I conducted the worlds largest court marshaling at the Washington obelisk in Washington DC every 45 days for four years, where I conducted numerous trials with 20 to 50 video cameras on me at all time with their microphones, with a Chinook and Apache helicopter sometimes above my head with their cameras out with their guns looking at me. Ramola D Fully Exposed; Further Facts on Dr. Katherine Hortons Lies and Attacks Revealed, RAMOLA D | STATEMENT ON NSA WHISTLEBLOWER KAREN MELTON STEWART, RESPONSE TO KAREN STEWARTS SLANDEROUS-FALSE-NARRATIVE, Gallery of Insane Tweets: Ex-NSA Karen Stewarts Alias RamolasSphincter@RobertSau Defamation Party. So, I did everything i could, from stopping the judicial system to stopping the world banking system to trying to stop wars conducting the military court martialing in Washington DC against those who had falsely put themselves into position as leaders. As with most the World, I have much to learn and truly desire assisting in protecting and saving our Country/World. Three of. That they did not have a flag. Qanon : Truth-Wins. :Russell also describes the end of the Birth Certificate system with the end of the US bankruptcy and the end of the US Inc. corporate government in 1999, and offers more on what people need to do to stop engaging in modalities of enslavement with this birth-certificate system. William Zanetello and Russell Gould, strangers to each other at the time, were injured on different days while sledding down the back of a dam built, operated, and owned by the Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) at Longview Lake in Jackson County, Missouri. Live-life-claims have been discussed in articles earlier, here (Restoration of America), as well as here (New Global-Quantum-Banking). Anna von Reitz: American Govt Backs US Dollar with Gold, Bank Collapse Averted, Report 297 | Vaccinated and Suffering? In the Name of National Security? Watch Lives at Live528/RamolaDReports or Odysee/RamolaDReports. The Gilded Age 's true story inspiration, Jay Gould, was not only a ruthless robber baron, but was also a devoted family man, despite the powerful, rich Astor family looking down on them. Newswatch Live, Focus on Nanobiosensors & NBIC Convergence, to be Livestreamed July 16, 2021. Countries Italy. Hello, Post Master General, [8] [9] Colors clearer and more brilliant? In recent months, Kim Goguen has been giving video updates on important global affairs topics three times a week, published at I am enjoying the show guys well done. anything else whatsoever"); Brooker v. Gould, No. To fully understand the import of this announcement and the great hope it represents both for the USA and the world, watch, as :Russell-Jay: Gould recommends, his new film :Last-Flag-Standing, or read this overview article: The Restoration of the United States of AmericaCommander-in-Chief, Postmaster-General-of-the-World :Russell-Jay: Gould has the Title 4Flag, :Russell opens his announcement with a reminder of his court-martialing of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (covered in several recent interviews), during the closure of which he says he reminded George Bush as he was leaving office in 2008 that there would be no Presidential elections unless he himself was in it, and won it, in his titular standing as last man standing, holder of the Title 4 flag, and treasurer of the US, to help the citizens of this country come out of the financial chaos they were in., With that in mind, he says, he and :David-Wynn: Miller sued the Federal Elections Commission in June 2012, syntaxed elections applications and found them fraudulent (written in fictitious grammar, thereby conveying deceptive messages), and then, acting as whistleblowers, apprised the elections commissions in all 50 states, US Military, world banking system, and world postal systems of the grammar-fraud in elections applications. I would like to understand what is happening in this country I was born Russell-Jay : Gould is with the sharing of the [im]portant-formation with the Nigesti: Aubraham. C-SPAN receives no funding from any government. The next major milestone in this saga is that, during the Civil War, southern delegates vacated Congress, breaking the original union. Hang on to your seats! 1 year ago Russell Jay Gould #2 Sovereign Citizen. A very silent war. CHIEF JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, COURTS AND UNITED NATIONS AS THEATERS OF WAR AGAINST CITIZENRY WITH SPEAR ON TOP OF FLAGS: :Russell-Jay: Gould has spoken of his becoming Chief Judge of the Supreme Court in several interviews, including in Report 179 where he mentions the significance of the spear on the flagpoles carrying country flags, planted : . Mehran Abazary of the [Mehran: Afazary] v. watch--chief's-new-documentary-film:: postmaster-general: russell-jay: gould's-new-documentary-film on this ~wednesday-~december-~21-~2022. Ramola D shares her story of Psych Hold trauma to Self Empowered triumph! Ex-NSA Karen Melton Stewart. Attorney reacts to Russell Jay Gould #2 Sovereign Citizen. In consideration of these principles, the Supreme Court has "consistently held that Http:// Last-Flag-Standing Russell Jay Gould Freedom Fighter Trump Fake elections Fake news Truth Reality Courage As Chief Judge I have the credentials and the foothold because I have pierced the corporate veil in the tails of the estates with the bills of the lading with all 50 states what that means in a brief summary is: all 50 states as well as all territoriesGuam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Marshall Islands were given closure that the Presidential elections were fake, that the rules that they used to enforce their concepts of voting on the people, those were all fraudulently conveyed under fictitious grammar, all 50 states and territories were given notice as well as the treasury systems of the world and the postal systems of the world., Because I am Commander-in-Chief, I am now giving public closure to the military of the world as well as the US Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Army, that I am coming forward, in the 2020 elections, as a neutral function, to make sure that the security not only of our great lands and our financial system, but the security of our people is left intact, that no foreign troops are authorized to transport their vessels into our great land, and simultaneously the militaries of the world as well as the militaries of this great country will be giving me the safeguard thats necessary, and anyone that gets in my face you will deal directly with a Commander-in-Chiefs will Corporation Case RR385460312 US: Mankind-Domain-Performance. When rulings are made by the U.S. Supreme Court, one or more Justices are assigned to monitor a process by which the rulings are carried out. : SHARE-SHARE-SHARE-VIDEO. This clandestine trans-Atlantic corruption which the American Revolution was designed to part company with has centered on the British crown, the Jesuits and Vatican and the Bank of England, subsequently infecting the Fed and BIS and, from there, nations around the world via their central banks. As you can tell from the title, I'm not sure if he is even human. In the case of the United States, the Euro Cabal based subterfuge got under way way back in the late 1700s, another major sleight of hand incident in the Civil War era and many more, since. Russell-Jay: Gould with his Flag He files the flag as the Postmaster General for the United States, and the new Postmaster General of the world. If you are unable to find an electronic version of a judgment, you can complete the " Application for copy of reasons for judgment " form. The Supreme Court's assertion that these states lacked "standing" is preposterous. Targeted Harassment and Hateful Conduct: Ex-NSA Karen Melton Stewart Found Guilty By Twitter of Violating Rules Against Hateful Conduct, Further Targeting of the Too-Much-Truth-Telling Journalist by Self-Named Targeted Individual Activist Leaders: Karen Stewart Moves from Smear Operation to Calling the Police while Midge Mathis, Matthew Arnegard, Frank Allen Send Public and Private Insults, EMPRESS KAREN STEWART: Im NSA to my core, and I won, I won!, Secret Slander: Dr. Katherine Hortons 2020 Sabotage & Defamation of Ramola D & Barbara Hartwell as She Lied to NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe Exposed, Joint Public Cease and Desist Notice to Dr. Katherine Horton, Cover-Stories on DEWS from Russia while US Govt batters Americans in USA with DEWs, Neurotech from Celltowers, Drones, Planes, Satellites, Neighbors, Portable Devices on a Daily Basis, Massive Heart-Hits/Obvious Outright Assassination Attempts While Exposing CBS News60 Minutes, Chicago Sun-Times, Neil Steinberg, Midge Mathis, Richard Lighthouse, Targeted Justice, Ella Free, Matthew Aaron, Freedom for Targeted Individuals, and Others, RAMOLA D: STATEMENT ON MY JOURNALISM | Post Slander, Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs, Report 280 | Dr. Len Ber Leads the Acknowledgment of DEW Hits on Civilians by Dr. Giordano, Misled (& Misleading) Governments & Police Attack Citizens Openly While People Converge in High Numbers in Sydney, Berlin, London, Boston, Dublin, Edinburgh, Geneva, Athens, Montreal, Melbourne to Protest Lockdowns, Lies, Fascist Government Action, Masks, & Vaccine Mandates, Breaking-News on the Elections: Coming_Forward/. What this means is is that those who choose to come in contract with the Title IV flag must come through the correct grammar of my construct that must have my thumb print and autograph on the contract to make it valid. Young?/Odysee | May 4, 2022 | Also at Rumble. Ep. RUSSELL JAY GOULD, ORDER Plaintiffs, 12-cv-515-slc v. AMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER, BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. and COLUMBIA COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT, . At present, more and more around the world are realizing that nearly all governments on the planet have been formally organized and clandestinely managed, during the post-WWII era, as for-profit corporations. No Morals, No Scruples: Barbara Hartwell on CIAs Mission of Psychological Warfare, Propaganda, Illegal Domestic Covert Operations, and Extreme High-Tech Retaliation Against Whistleblowers, In 2015, Covert Non-Consensual RFID/MEMS (Microchip) Implants Are a Reality Everyone Should Know About. They did not have a treasury. Than they will cry peace, Preace. Breaking Good News The US Navy Command's COVID warning to Trump is already bearing fruit. For thisconsequence-closure: BIRTH-CERTIFICATE-PARTICIPATIONof thePEOPLES-Contracts:UNITED STATES INC. &: UNITED STATES OF AMERICAISwith eachchild, woman, man &: Citizenof thePEOPLES-SLAVERY. : Thanks for the video-sharing. You will unlearn so much. Thirty Percent of Americans in a Cross-USA Study Found to be RFID-Chipped. Clandestine Classified Weapons Testing in the US, & Worldwide, Studying Global Covert Assaults with Classified Electronic Warfare Radiation and Neuro-Technologies, Magnus Olsson/ The Global Transhumanist Agenda Behind the Covert Assault of Citizens Worldwide, Marshall Thomas: Monarch, The New Phoenix ProgramArmy Intelligence, INSCOM, MKULTRA, COINTELPRO, Fourth of July, 2015: Covert Civil War& Asymmetric Stealth WarfareRages All Over the USA Today, 2015: Asymmetric Stealth Warfare Fully Operative All Across the USA Today, Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA & Other Western Democracies, False-Claim of Mental Illness in the Microwave, Millimeter Wave, Other Non Lethal Weapons Testing on Citizens in USA & Worldwide, Ramola D/No Longer True: The NSA Isnt Getting Violent Internally in the US:Millions Today in US Are Targeted with RF/Scalar/Sonic Weapons, Nano Weapons, Neuro Weapons, Chem/Bio Weapons, FOIA Request Report: Massachusetts State Police Suggests Public Safety is Upheld By Withholding Inventory of Non-Lethal Weapons Currently in Use, FOIA Request Report: CIA Unable to Confirm Informed Consent in Any Open Human Subject Programs and Research Using Directed-Energy Neuroweapons in the USA, Flyers for Public Education On Surveillance Fraud: Extrajudicial Targeting, Gangstalking, State (FBI/DHS/Fusion Center) Terrorism, Illicit (DOD/CIA) Human Experimentation, FlyerFor Neighbors and Assisters of COINTELPRO, Notes on Past & Present TI Activism to Expose Fusion Center Excesses, Evils, & Crimes, Affidavits, Letters of Validation and Support, & Legislation Efforts Attesting to Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation & DEW Use on Civilians, Investigative Reporter Statement by Ramola D for Frederic Laroche, Ramola D | Parallel Construction To Project #FBILies About Stand-Out Americans in Order to Target Them for Life-Takedown & Deadly Anti-Personnel NLW/Neurotech Assaults, Posting, For The Public Record | Unlawful Targeting of an American Writer & Journalist, Ramola D: Demand Letter (1) to Attorney-General William Barr To Be Removed Instantly From Fraudulent Watchlist & All Associated Fraudulent Surveillance & State-Run Domestic Terrorism Programs Inclusive of Unethical Non-Consensual Military/Intel/Academic Brain/Other Experimentation, Treasonous BetrayalLocal Govts in USA Permit Inhumane 24/7 Rape, Assault, Battery, Burns in Bio-Hacking Crimes by CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, Military, Special Ops, UN with EMF Spectrum/Sonic/Scalar/Neuro Weapons Hidden as Surveillance: American Journalist Blows Whistle on Atrocities, Massachusetts Attorney-General Maura Healeys Criminal Bureau Asserts Inability to Address Crime in Massachusetts, Ramola D | #Bentley360: Musings & ReportsFull Spectrum Record, Ramola D/Public Exhibit: Investigative Journalism is Not Untreated Mental Illness, Ramola D | A Note on Techno Crime Fighters Forum, C/overt Assaults on Pine Street, Quincy, Massachusetts with Electromagnetic/Sonic Neuroweaponry: How Its Done, False Claims and Lies by Ex-NSA Karen Stewart Re. Signed by Judge B. Lynn Winmill. This is not a civil war against the people. 12.28.22 Patriot Streetfighter Revealing Russell Jay Gould, PART 1, "War Castles" The . The Richie Allen Show Thursday May 5th 2022. David and I rewrote that construct on August 12, 1999 at the United Nations but we had to wait till the United States came out of bankruptcy in 1999 to file it at the post office in Washington DC. I went in an in-depth study on the banking the postal and the military and court mechanics and I applied them as I as I went into many courtroom battles for myself. 01-29-2013 . It's NOT a vaccine!" For the reasons stated below, the complaint is . : Russell-Jay: Gould. We understand that the majority of the world's people do not comprehend what quantum-language is, let alone its significance, importance and power. They have figured out a way to go to war without putting troops on the ground. IT SEEMS AS THOUGH THE Q MILITARY PLAN IS BEING EXECUTED AND THE CABAL AND AFFILIATES ARE BEING DEALT WITH DO UOU HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF SAID EVENTS? : Russell-Jay: Gould. A recent letter to members of the quantum-community, in quantum-grammar, also described the importance of live-life-claims, the first step to establishing ones standing prior to making any other claims: : NOTE FROM THE CHIEF,: Hello-Quantum-Patriots,For thefirst-stepin theQUANTUM-BANKING-SYSTEMISwith theCLAIM-LIFE-BIRTH-CONTRACTof your journey, but,WHY? Find the perfect suzanne cote stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. WHAT ARE YOU SIR DOING AT THE PRESENT MOMENT TO RIGHT THIS? In theyear-~1999,UNITED STATES INC. &: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,Came-outof athird &: final:INTERNATIONAL BANKRUPTCY, Which,You-will-learn-onin theFILM: LAST-FLAG-STANDING.COM. There was no Constitution. :Rachel-Dara: Prince, Filmmaker, Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould For a Documentary Film, :Last-Flag-Standing, Documentary Film | Released August 21, 2020, The Winifred Adams Show: A Series With Commander-in-Chief :Russell-Jay: Gould, Winifred Adams, Making Life Brighter/Youtube Interviews, Special Episode, Comptroller of the Global-Currency and Postmaster-General, :Russell-Jay:Gould, May 27, 2020, We the People, with :Russell-Jay: Gould, May 19, 2020, Commander Gould Coming Forward to Lead Now,May 19, 2020, Radio Episodes, Archives, Winifred Adams series with :Russell-Jay: Gould at Voice America. Biden was inaugurated today. In 2020 when the Supreme Court refused to hear the petition of 18 states attorneys general on the fraudulent election, the Rubicon was crossed. Standing Notice Regarding Dr. Katherine Hortons JTRIG Slander Campaign Against Ramola D, Dr. Katherine Hortons Lies, Libel, Slander, and Smears Page Targeting Ramola D:, Notes on Past & Present TI Activism to Expose Fusion Center Excesses, Evils, & Crimes/May 24, 2021 |, False Claims and Lies by Ex-NSA Karen Stewart Re. Any answers that you can give me would be appreciated. Fear and pain. And, he looked at me and said, Good luck, Russell. Perhaps its time that those relevant people (i.e., Donald Trump, Robert Steele, etc.) Mechanics of why things work the way they work. In a surprise late-breaking video broadcast published a few minutes ago online at his channel, :Russell-Jay: Gould has made the announcement that he is coming forward this 2020 Presidential election as Postmaster-General-of-the-World, Commander-in-Chief, and Chief-Judge, very much in the interests of preserving America and protecting Americans from the possibility of foreign troops entering and taking over the countryfears many have entertained as the globalist push for New World Order communism, along with authoritarian tyranny, has been steadily observed on the rise worldwide. Now you got to remember the United States Supreme Court can only give you an opinion - they cannot give you a fact - no Law or Facts should be tried in court - what that is, is you . Ginny interviews Ramola after her ordeal. Signing statement says Trump will ignore requirements that congressional committees be consulted before reallocating funds. Please help what can we do? civil action no. 12.31.22 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Loy Brunson, "We The People" Leaders Taking 2020 To Supreme Court. The guidelines for that are filed under the war powers claims at US SOCOM at McDill Air Force Base, which I filed in 2007. The implications of Russells work is not exclusive to the US but has the potential to rewrite the international institutional landscape in beneficial waysif honored by those parties with the muscle and wherewithal to do so. russelljaygould : Supreme-Court-Status. : Russell-Jay: Gould's-CHANNEL. Titles Last-Flag-Standing. Upon review of plaintiff's complaint, I conclude that it should be dismissed forthwith on the court's own motion for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. Its proper, original title, was the Constitution for the united States of America. The new American government was forced to take out a loan to pay Revolutionary War debts. What about the Spring-like Reports from "Ground Command" and "Office of the Guardian?" Anna von Reitz: American Govt Backs US Dollar with Gold, Bank Collapse Averted | At all channels | Posted Oct 19, 2022, Report 297 | Vaccinated and Suffering? This gave Russell-Jay:Gould and :David-Wynn:Miller the Highest and most Powerful Court on Planet Earth. (Doc. :LODIAL-OWNER/CHIEF-POSTMASTER-BANK-BANKER/DI-RECTOR OF THE PLANET-EARTH: Park City, Utah, United States61 connections Join to Connect :WORLD-CENTRAL-BANK: LANDER VALLEY. In early 2020, an extremely powerful multi-d international criminal cartel launched an unprecedented full-spectrum attack against the decent people of this world, in the form of their COVID-19 campaign plus ground and space-based 5G rollouts. But, that's not what killed him. At that point, unannounced to We the People, the original Constitution was swapped out with the subtly similar Constitution of the United States of America.. Russell claims the US corporate government went through an unannounced final bankruptcy in 1999, thus dissolving everything connected to the federal government, including the office of the President, the Congress and Senate, the court system, the military, etc. QFSWALLETS!! The last recorded international bankruptcy was on October 29, 1929. International moratoriums on bankruptcies run 70 years. Russel Jay Gould will be coming out soon publicly, to broadly reveal himself to the American citizenry and put a end to the political circus who has deceived the whole nation ever since 2000. : CURRENT-POSITIONS OF THE CHIEF: RUSSELL-JAY: GOULD. COINTELPRO Karen Stewart & Her Narrative of Cyberstalking. Please email me about anything I can do to help. Just when you thought the COVID craziness - including inverted "facts" and "fact checkers" and criminally insane governments and We know the COVID injections are setting up long-term AIDS like chronic auto-immune conditions by disabling the immune system via the mRNA spike protein Kim Goguen aka: "Kim Possible" has an incredible tale regarding what she claims as her role in our world. 634 6 :Thank-you. Public Notice re. Russell Rutter and Karl E. Gwiasda, Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1977, 99 pages John W. Gould View all authors and affiliations Volume 15 , Issue 3 Thus, FRRf has adopted the quantum-language construct created by :David-Wynn: Miller (1988) and advanced by :Russell-Jay: Gould (to date); herein as "pioneers". Those of you listening to this transmission will know what that means. Consulted before reallocating funds its proper, original title, I have much to learn and truly assisting... 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