boyfriend stopped trying

Or, if you can handle it, let them know that you think your friendship has run its course because you are at two different points in life. I wish our society did not have such a negative view of women who have low moods. I generally figure that a persons issues are their own, and what they choose to do (or not) about them is their own decision. A big thing about this for me is the control he seems to want over your life. Its okay to stay, BUT IT IS ALSO OKAY TO GO. , Become a copyeditor, buy a classic motorcycle thats been garaged since Trudeau was PM . Talk to your boyfriend in a quiet, calm setting. Youre going to hear things like thats the most ridiculous thing Ive ever heard. Youre going to hear back all the times youve expressed vulnerability or dissatisfaction with your life as proof that you cant possibly make decisions about anything. But this is what worried me most when I read your letter. OK, so you took a walk instead of doing the cardio class; thats not great, but its a whole lot better than nothing is a way to keep score. He says that he still loves me even if I dont do these things (but it doesnt feel that way to me). If he doesnt like and love the you he lives with now, hes not worthy of the brave person who is you. Good luck LW, positive thoughts your way! Some men prefer to chase women rather than being in a relationship with them. Can you help me strategize ways to respond? This is an ongoing issue, and you have an ongoing resource at your disposal to work on it. *cough* Nah, it just made me more sneaky and creative, what were they going to do, strip search me? WELL I WONDER WHAT YOU WOULD DO AFTER 20 YEARS MARRIED TO SOMEONE YOUD PROBABLY JUST BLITHELY DUMP HIM THEN TOO. Its part of who you are but that doesnt make it a bad thing. Your dreams for the future have taken a back seat. It would gross me out to have someone trying to act like a parent. I agree. You're not sure what it is that might be going on, then give him space and don't contact him for a little while. When I eventually gave up, it was because I was totally sick of being a smoker and I wanted to be a non-smoker more than I wanted that next cigarette. Why cant you choose your own challenges and adventures? Heres some signs your relationship is over in all but name and Facebook status: It may seem like a good thing if you and your man never fight, but take it from a dude I never want to be wrong. Did they worry when you left the house in a revealing outfit? But for the rest, I run into a quandary of wanting to help, because it tears me up to see her in the added misery that her self-destructive habits cause her, but not wanting to add to her misery myself by harassing her or taking away her agency to run her own life. They do sound like exactly what Id say, though, if I were the type to try and manipulate my partner into getting thinner and doing all the housework. It can be hard to wait through the change. All couples fight but if every single argument ever leads only to him feeling like you dont want to work on it, then that is definitely something for the two of you to discuss. He may have been okay when you were at your most down, but now that youre working with a therapist and coming out of the dark hole you were in, now that youre building your own confidence, motivation and self-respect, hes starting to sound like the sort of asshole who pulls himself up by putting you down. First, he says its the stupidest thing hes ever heard. Forgive me, but I get the feeling from your letter that its the latter. He seems to be framing it as good diet and exercise will make you feel better rather than be thinner but I wonder if the latter is his true goal here. (and having dated somebody like LWs partner in the past when I was severely depressive I really kind of just want to SHOOT HIM.). I mean, its not like the fucking JerkBrain wasnt already screaming at me about what a pathetic, useless fuckup I was, so having a physical JerkBrain Enforcement Squad really helped me!!!! depression, chronic pain, fatigue, whatever is hindering you], you just keep going on and work through it. *grinds teeth* Not. So if your partner was reacting in line with frustration and reacting to objective, observable behaviors that contradicted therapeutic actions you had agreed to, then that could be a reasonable reaction. Also *I* will be happy when youre skinny. Which . He then said that he was only trying to make her into a better person. Do you want to be like my mum, self esteem completely destroyed, fleeing an abusive 30 year relationship from someone who always thought you were not good enough? But, if that was all there was to it, he wouldnt be getting angry when she isnt doing those things, or dismissing and belittling her words. Value to him also includes your offering of feminine energy and responsiveness, your surrender to connection moment by moment (which helps deepen your connection and renew his deep attachment to you). He says, You should exercise. A year ago, that would have maybe resulted in you shuffling your feet and cycling through guilt about how yes, you should probably exercise but you just cant. When you constantly criticize their eating . Because housework affects everyone in the house, but what LW puts in their body, and how LW exercises? THIS. Kindness. I went through a phase when I asked him if he was feeling depressed almost every day at a point when he was beginning to feel better. I hope that both you and the LW are able to get the unconditional love and actually helpful support you deserve, either in your current relationships or elsewhere. This is another clue that the boyfriend isnt all that invested in the LWs progress toward real, positive change. He tends to expect peoples feelings to be comprehensible and based on clear, material realities. ? when someone is abused.). Thank you for the link. I was going through a rough patch and he wanted to help me, and the only way he knew how was to be my cheerleader. If you decide that its not, then break up with him and move on. Seriously. Stating your boundaries might just bring his own discomfort into the open. And OMG the stuff about veggies, sure veggies are great but the last thing you need is food policing from your SO, and again, veggies will not cure your depression. My Jerkbrain doesnt do encouraging, whereas it is full of advice for how I can do better, much of it pretty rude. That makes me so angry on your behalf. For those of us with less than optimal upbringings theres this stinger waiting for us as adults. He has ridiculously good boundaries, because its always clear to him who owns what. Good luck LW, and I hope you get to see how much better life can be when someone isnt actively holding back your awesomeness. In some cases, thats true. Be sure to keep the tone of the conversation as calm and neutral as possible if you cant manage this then perhaps consider having a friend mediate for you until both of you are able to talk without getting too emotional about things. In the former case, dump him and run. Then reluctantly, because I was learning my own tastes, and Im not fond of tea in any of its many flavors. You are strong and brave to decide that you need to draw boundaries. I know plenty of people who want to be helpful but dont really know how. Excessively monitoring and correcting a partner (with the silent treatment, no less!) Make lifestyle changes to ensure you're getting enough sleep, eating healthy diet, and exercising regularly. Im also sure you have some great things in common and that you have fun together sometimes and that the relationship works some of the time, or you wouldnt have stayed this long. Sometimes you just have to watch somebody else hurting and not be able to do anything about it. And while many of the attributes of that you do coincide with the you you aspire to be, it isnt necessarily a great overlap. He both wanted me to look up to him, admire him, and follow his lead, and for me to be a more confident, assertive person who dressed sexier, partied heartier, and loved to dance. When I struggle with depression, I am fighting back against the numbness that settles over my body and mind standing up for yourself and your own care is such a wonderful and inspiring thing, wishing you all the best! 10 He Doesn't Ask You Questions. If you hold the partner responsible for that anger and try to change them, its not going to help anyone. After a couple of years of therapy a light bulb clicked on over my head that I surprise! So people get made to feel that theyre failing if they have the kind of depression that cant be fixed by green leafy vegetables and jogging (or that they must not want to get well if their depression prevents them from having the energy to cook, exercise, or whatever). One of my partners was doing something like this for a spell there. its one of the downsides of having a toddler he still needs decent meals to function at anything like a survivable level. (wanting to control you in not good ways), Getting angry at the depressed partner is not good. I want to challenge this. Wanting to stay in your relationship is one thing, needing to stay in a relationship that actively undermines your sense of self because of housing or economics or fear of the unknown is another. Initially, he nagged, but eventually he worked out that didnt help (because I told him so and he listened), and he stopped. Gastrointestinal distress. This was my college boyfriend in a nutshell. Finally, I also worry a bit about something almost the opposite of not wanting to help you through hard times, which is not wanting you to get better. A person who fundamentally likes and respects you is going to hear them and back way off. Its an unfortunate reality that some couples are couples not because they are passionately in love, but because its easier to stay together than it is to break up. Youll never get toned if you slacken off like that! You: NOT YOUR CALL. He never mansplains, but he longsplains. What is that one spot where youve always wanted to go but never had a chance yet? Cant get to the I want? I had a sudden and first time episode of pretty bad depression after being with my husband for 5+ years. They are not partner micro-managing tools. Depression. If I lean my head the other way, I can see a guy who is panicking about his partner being depressed and going about it all wrong. Tell Him Why You Don't Like Her. okay you have got a lot of permission to dump comments here and I dont want to dismiss what other people read in your letter but offer another perspective. Once, he actually went to therapy with me, and when he spoke with my therapist and saw that she was competent and that I was genuinely seeking help in a way that was working for me, he eased off. I only do that in ways that SHE has approved, and that weve mutually decided would be comfortable and appropriate for me to do. He didnt like how I looked, how I liked to dress, how I acted or thought or analyzed media. Emotions *exist* and have a massive effect on our wellbeing, emotions dont just disappear if you have assessed them and decided that logically you should not be feeling that way (at least mine sure dont! Like, there are healthy relationships where both people agree to certain situations where person A asks to be prompted to do X and person B does so. Respect is really important in relationships. Poetry of Nope is my new favourite phrase! If you like to cook, it might be really awesome if you two discuss the idea of having friends over for dinner a bit more often. Therefore it can never be a cure or anything more than an occasional thing. Ill offer help if asked, but otherwise, I try to stay out of itunless an (in)action is directly affecting me, as it was in this case. Piggybacking on this, just in case LWs partner is well-meaning-but-clumsy-at-expressing-his-desire-to-help and not maliciously-undermining-LW: I wonder if it would be possible, and if he were open to it, to do a few joint sessions with LWs therapist so the therapist can be a neutral party for them to air their viewpoints to and help them strategize better ways of interacting over these issues. Again, I dont know your boyfriend/relationship, but if he (and if you + your therapist are okay with this) is willing to come to therapy with you, it could be an option. Copyright 2011 thru 2023 Jennifer Peepas, all rights reserved. I know hes great and all LW, but everything I read about him makes me twitch. 1. Maybe not just the you he wants to make you into, but also the him who is Cool and Helpful and Makes Things Better so he doesnt want to accept that what hes doing is hurting you, because thatd mean hes not Cool or Helpful or Making Things Better and hasnt been for a while. You know, thatd taste better if you gave it 15 seconds in the microwave., Ive asked him to stop trying to get me to change, that you cant change other people, but he refuses to accept that, to the point that he says its the stupidest thing hes ever heard. I had to work this out with my young man. Run. I agree with the Captains scripts! So few people seem to get this. I think doing the opposite of that can also be helpful. For example, the LWs partner can say, Hey, want to play tag with me later?, want to go kite-flying?, Lets make smoothies!, Shall we tape sponges to our feet today and pretend were in a roller derby? or insert other fun thing here that gets the job done. He may have felt too responsible for you, or that he was committed to always look after your needs. To the point where I didnt want to go out because I couldnt take another lecture on how horrible I was. Feeling bad when you are in a stressful situation doesnt make you bad, it makes you normal. Rest days are a vital part of an exercise routine. He would say, We really need to work on your sense of adventure and getting you to be more open to new experiences. He always said we, as though this was a joint project. What this involves is offering your emotional openness and love (instead of the tension of stress, fear and needing something to be happy). It may well be correct that he loves her, and it may well be correct that *part* of his motivation is to help her do what he knows she wants to do. She did all that and I struggle even getting out of bed in the morning? While you sort out how you feel about continuing in the relationship, my suggested script for when your boyfriend starts telling you what to do or expressing his disappointment in you is I dont like it when you act like my Life Coach, please stop telling me what I should eat/do/how I should exercise, and/or From now on, I dont want you to tell me how to change or improve myself, at all. Be blunt and say the things that are on the tip of your tongue: No. Why would they do that to me?. They are raw cookie dough and you can see the cookie and you want the cookie, but the cookie dough is just not done enough, but you really want that cookie so much and you know how much better it would be if it were finished baking.and so you are mad that they arent doing what it takes to be a cookie. After it was removed, it was discovered ability to experience emotions was also gone due to damage from the tumor and the surgery. Good job former-me! ! I dont want to invalidate anyone who found exercise very helpful in getting better, but the reason depressed people find people constantly mentioning exercise so wearing is it honestly doesnt work for everyone. Hey, when I say, I did X! and you say, Great! If I tell him I already did, he tells me that walking doesnt count, that it needs to be more strenuous exercise. You know who I turn that on? It is better to be on your own than to have the weight of someone elses expectations on you. My partner had to learn to adjust to a massive change in our relationship and in me. This guy is manipulative. He may, on some level, have convinced himself that all will be right with the world if youd just conform to his standards, but if he really, truly cared, hed look on the changes youve already made as big positives and cheer you on as you continue your journey towards better living. He ate it for lunch (everyday!) Our whole relationship was based on me being the messy, emotional one that he had to take care of and he had no idea how to relate to me outside of that context. He asked why I was doing that and I said: Im afraid youll feel not depressed and Ill miss it! He startled me by laughing and assured me that when he wasnt feeling depressed that Id know it. Dont sit around waiting for his call or text message because it could go on all day without either of you saying anything at all to each other just texts back and forth that dont really say much if hes not initiating the conversation himself. I am going to assume that dude loves you and just wants to help you get better because he knows you want to get better. If Im down in the dumps, a few minutes skipping rope can make me feel better as can a cup of ginger tea instead of reaching for a soda BUT these are temporary fixes and no substitute for dealing with the real issues. Cant think of a more clear way to phrase it.,,, Follow on My sister is not depressed and does not need my help, I just want to provide it because I care about her. You need figure out what makes you happy, and start doing that. didnt care to be badgered about things and it needed to stop. He isnt attempting to start any type of dialogue at all! This a) allows me to see places that I normally wouldnt be able to get to (much of Europe and North America, selected bits of South America, Asia, Australia), b) floods the brain weasels with new impressions without having to get out of the house (and the more impressions I stuff my brain with, the less it falls into the same old ruts), and c) it completely turns the I have to sit on a stationary bike and stare at a wall for twenty minutes around on its head: its now a case of I can explore [cool place] for twenty minutes at my own pace without much effort and Im quite often annoyed when I have to stop. He seems to be sorry for everything these days. Towards the end of our relationship, he became toxic, rude, and lazy. Love is out there girls, just make sure you are attentive and smart when it comes to a long distance roller coaster ride. Maybe your boyfriend can learn different ways of responding to you and learn how to respect your stated wishes without requiring to justify them. No. Hlepy is a word I learned over at Making Light. It sounds like hes making you miserable and hurting your recovery. Your Jerkbrain is telling you that youre never going to find someone else who will put up with you. If I have to cook a decent meal for the toddler, may as well cook for two at once, right? Not many people at soup kitchens are gonna want to hear Dude mansplain to them how they can improve their lives. 2) said, Im going to [the gym, for a run, to walk the dog, to a coffee shop to get out of the apartment for a bit], want to come? And the accepted my yes or no WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. He wants me to exercise more, eat healthier, help out more with the cleaning, and take better care of myself. Totally. If you were kind of hiding from them because you were depressed and have shame about how long its been, let it go. Try, a class, finding an exercise buddy who is at your level and who likes to do the same stuff you like, volunteering. Having a life outside of your relationship is important for both parties. Stop. I dont know if that makes sense? The first few times you resist his help, I think he is going to release the Logick Kraken, who will logically and patiently recount all of the ways that you could be better if you only tried harder. And when I broke up with him that was what I told him. He had money and I didnt. See if there are ways you can make some of the self-care you want her to do easier. Theyre frustrated with an inability to help, but love & respect their partner. I dont know. Oh, LW, my heart is breaking for you. Slowly cut these people out of your life. Which in turn meant that every time he took me to a surprise, he could justify it by saying that I always had fun so I just needed to trust him. Pick one night per week that you alternate making dinner. I hope others have advice too. Many, possibly even most, of us find that a bit of exercise can be a mood brightener when were feeling especially low. Take care of yourself. Or is he expecting you to just bootstrap your way to optimal nutrition and well being? If he is unhappy in the relationship, this makes him less inclined to make an effort. Logic and reason are critical thinking tools. What can I say to make him want me again? Your boyfriend has not yet learned this truth, because he is hiding it. I spent four years in a relationship like that, where nothing was ever good enough and taking steps to be a better Me was met with derision and controlling behaviours, and I know so much how hard it is. On time! Similarly, with the do more cleaning thing theres plenty of plausible deniability, because living with someone who doesnt pick up after themselves sucks. There will be someone else out there who is willing to make an effort for you. Because I didn't have my phone, he started asking me these questions in person. Maybe it is unfair, but my first reaction to the collection of things he wants LW to work on was Boyfriend is trying to sculpt a thinner partner.. Granted, I know manipulative people who are in total denial that they are so, and are sure everything they are doing is for other peoples good (again, back to the 5-year-old Im helping!). If your life bores, frustrates, disappoints, or depresses you, then it's time for a change. Want to have breakfast next Saturday/Catch up by Skype or phone soon? Since it sounds like your family might not be supportive, avoid them for now, and avoid all people who tend to make you feel small or sap your energy or who have the same bossy/halping tendencies as your boyfriend. Whenever hes away, I tend to either eat that or GF pizza (pizza is another of those things) in fact, I might go out and get myself GF pizza for dinner tonight. I said I agreed, and we broke things off by mutual agreement. And you know what? Or maybe his own shortcomings as a helper? Seconded! In my experience, that kind of mindset is tough to crack. You dont need fixing, LW. Its inexcusable in any of those forms!!! Changing roles is hard even for people with the best hearts and intentions and experiencing some friction around that isnt really a surprise, so if you have trust and like and respect, you *might* look past and/or forgive the Logick Kraken the first time or two it comes out to play. Telling me I am not being logical. The best way to spark your boyfriend's interest and get him to call and text you again is to start genuinely loving your life. Theres a degree to which each partner does handle their own issues, but also an extent to which partners work together to help each other. Assuming that he doesn 't have a hormone issue, a man who is attracted to a woman will probably want to have sex. Now! Many sympathies. But when you the helper decide on your own that (1) theres a problem and/or (2) you have to be the one to fix it, youre wading into dangerous waters. You are doing FINE. Once we finally separated, my depression has not returned. 03/25/2018 20:22 Subject: Re:My boyfriend stopped having sex with me. God, Im such a pathetic LOSER! And cue the tears and stress eating and whatever other bad depression habits you thought youd gotten under control. Because if Im honestly doing it to help, I should do (and should want to do only) what is actually going to be helpful. Even if improvement is made, it wont be enough to him, and he can still be in charge. I dont know if I would have reached the threshold for clinical depression since I never did the therapy thing, but my self care was pretty pathetic and I wasnt working or studying enough. Word I learned over at making light or no without JUDGEMENT, LW, my heart is breaking you. 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