does elijah come back in legacies

Aya, Marcel, and other Strix members listened to him and abandoned Tristan. In the second season of The Originals, he and Klaus continued to work in a combined effort to stop Esther, Finn and a resurrected Mikael, while struggling with reawakened sins from his past. Elijah reminds him of their deal - if he didn't kill Klaus, Klaus promised to reunite Elijah with their family, even though he was almost killed by him. Elijah went to check on Hope on Klaus' orders to make sure all of their family was safe. Elijah meets with Klaus in the French Quarter Elijah begs Klaus to trust Freya to protect Hope and defeat Dahlia. Elijah finally wakes up and Finn uses his magic to throw Elijah through a wall. Elijah in general is a very emotionally hardened character and has difficulty at times handling and accepting certain emotions. The day after when the witches are trying to kill her baby, Elijah tries to do everything he can to undo it and kills the witches who were responsible. Later, Elijah and Rebekah are saying goodbye, as she's leaving town. Elijah recognized that tone of voice Klaus had and knew Klaus was planning something. Elijah wondered aloud if any of those past feelings had just been a product of being entangled in their vow of always and forever. Elijah asked Kol why he had never come to visit him in France when Klaus and Rebekah had. As they talk about all the things they lost Elijah starts to cry. Elijah's soul was fractured but still preserved in the pendant, nearly impossible to make contact with. He then tells her that Esther wants her family to live in peace with the other inhabitants of Mystic Falls and that she doesn't want war. After the Hollow left Elijah to be guarded by some of her followers, Elijah's guards were killed by Hayley and Freya. Elijah gives Klaus a cup of the potion and he refuses. Elijah agreed to the plan and let Vincent link him to the spell before Hayley staked him in the heart with a tree branch. Alright, potentially everyone". Mikael then burned down The Opera House and continued to hunt his children. Klaus got mad and thought it was lies. He trusted Elijah to distract Hope while he carried out his plan. At Rousseau's Elijah meets with Cami. He promises her the woman's head on a silver platter. He sat down beside Klaus and told him that he planned to die by his side. You never know! In 1702, Kol's violence in Cdiz, Spain drew too much attention and brought Mikael, straight to the family, burning the country in his wake. She fired but Freya used her magic to deflect the bullet. I want you to trust me. A while later Elijah is getting ready for Dahlia to attack. In The Battle of New Orleans, he calls Klaus to tell him that Jackson and Oliver are missing and they realize Marcel is responsible. In Moon Over Bourbon Street, Elijah isn't happy with Klaus' relationship with Genevieve. He wants to know why Hayley isn't answering her phone just then Rebekah and Marcel enter. It is presumed Diego also tried other tactics which also failed miserably against Elijah. Elijah then decides to go to St. Anne's Church to help Klaus and Mikael. elijah and Hope's relationship was so precious. Therefore, we tried to help ourselves through diet, sport, natural remedies and little gestures made out of love.More . Sign up to receive weekly email updates about what's new on The Healthy Journal! Klaus ignored him, believing his loyalty was still with Antoinette rather than the family. Elijah told him that he has hunted them for centuries and laid waste to half of Europe and wants to talk? They talked about Hope and how she had the rest of the family looking after her, and acknowledged that she was the very best of Klaus. Elijah asks Rebekah to take Hayley to the plantation house where she could be safe. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In the 19th century, Elijah was romantically involved with a witch named Cleste Dubois, whose death was later caused by his half-brother Klaus. Hayley and Greta were fighting in front of him. Elijah tells her how he has put the pieces together which lead him to this notion. Elijah then appears after being staked. The Mikaelsons realized they were being kept there by representational magic. Elijah then tells her to remind him to remind her to get in line. Therefore, we tried to help ourselves through diet, sport, natural remedies and little gestures made out of love.More . Sign up to receive weekly email updates about what's new on The Healthy Journal! The Hollow told him that she planned on using the death of him, and by extension his sireline, as a sacrifice to bring her back to life, more powerful than ever before. Speaking with Dominic alone, the witch told Elijah about the sacrifices and that the children were just the start; the Hollow really needed the power of someone ancient, imbued with magic such as him or the other Original Vampires, settling for Marcel whose power would work just as well. Vincent explained that the Ancestors were not gone, just the link to communicating with them was gone. Among of all the Originals, Elijah can be considered the most caring, compassionate, moral and honorable, though his sense of what's right and wrong is slightly twisted, as shown when he compelled Slater to stake himself in 2x10 or killed the hybrid in 3x12. Katherine then appeared before Elijah and told him his sister is right about Klaus. Elijah is getting ready for something while they talk about Freya. After the birth of Hope, Elijah's priorities have begun to shift, to the point where, when Klaus began spiraling after the threat of Dahlia made came, Elijah stabbed Klaus with a golden dagger, leaving him daggered in a coffin, all to prevent him from bringing danger to Hope with his violent lashing out. To use against Dahlia. Elijah knew better than to betray Vincent as it would start a war with the covens. However, this doesn't work and Katherine states that Elijah is indestructible. Freya shows up and Elijah and Klaus meet their older sister for the first time. Sophie demands him to help her and the other witches get rid of Marcel. He then says that he has no concern in breaking the curse, but to find Klaus and kill him. Then she realized it was just Damon playing with her mind and told her no one is coming for her as no one cares. The result could be Klaus and one of the others returning to town to make sure no witchy trouble is stirring, Tyler. Elijah, not wanting history to repeat itself, agrees to the terms of the new deal Elena strikes and begs her to let him heal her. Hayley stands in the doorway, dazed and exhausted-looking, Elijah and Klaus are shocked to see that she is alive, Elijah rushes over to touch her face to make sure she isn't an illusion, Elijah asks to her how are she there and she numb and dazed tells to them that when she woke up in the church, she felt hunger and that knew what she needed. Rebekah then makes Marcel lead her to Elijah after she threatened Camille. Elijah told him that he had already told the rest of the family that he would follow Klaus into whatever adventure lied beyond. In Season Five, Elijah doesn't appear in two episodes: Nearly all of his girlfriends were killed or nearly killed by. He attended the gala with Hayley who was struck by how all of The Strix were staring at Elijah when he entered, recognizing the patriarch of their sireline. Having been revived by Davina, Kol reunited happily with the family, with Elijah commenting that he hadn't aged a day. In I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans, after seeing another part of the prophecy from Alexis, Elijah discovered that Marcel had been abducted by The Strix, the ancient vampire society Elijah had started centuries ago. Elijah tells Klaus that even though they don't know Freya. Elijah, with the help of Sophie, tries to keep Hayley's temperature down, until Davina had unlinked Hayley and Sophie. Seeing no other option, Rebekah pulled out a dagger and begged Elijah to dagger her for her own and the family's safety until they could find a way to get rid of her hex. When Hayley returns Elijah reveals there was a second bomb and Eve died, not knowing she was murdered by Oliver. Elijah has died 6 times on the show and Alaric has died 8 times on the show. Elijah sought vengeance against Agnes, though Klaus was already enacting his own brand of retribution. In Moonlight on the Bayou, Elijah is mentioned by Stefan in his conversation with Klaus at the St. James Infirmary bar, when Stefan asks the younger Mikaelson what has happened to him since they last saw each other. He knew he couldn't die from sunlight but wanted her to see just how serious he was. Elijah told her it was not a choice, as she and her child was going to in the fire at The Mikaelson Mansion. Just for a fleeting moment. Though Klaus admitted he would never bite Rebekah-as he preferred using the dagger on her-, he seemed to have no problem biting Elijah. They shared a dance together and even in that short time when he didn't remember her, they shared a deep connection. Elijah initially quelled Klaus' rage but then pinned August to the wall, warning him not to continue since he was a runt in comparison to him. Elijah tells her him and Klaus will defeat Dahlia with or without her help. While Freya tried to use Alexis' skull to see if the prophecy was still a threat, Elijah delved into her mind to see what she saw and discovered that Marcel was the Beast that had been said to destroy their family. During Elijah's early life, Elijah and Niklaus both fell in love with a woman named Tatia who lived in their village. Klaus is clearly hurt but angry at the accusation, especially because Elijah chose to believe her over him. Elijah then gave Freya his blood, healing her. In Keepers of the House, the Mikaelsons brought Hope to the compound to have Vincent heal her from whatever magical affliction was harming her. Elena promises to tell him what Esther says. Elijah wanted to pursue Marcel so he could find out who he really was. She shows them a vision of her being by Dahlia when she was a child. This is evident when after losing his family because of Klaus, he turns his sadness and pain into revenge against his half-brother. To check on Hayley. Klaus asked what if there was only darkness in death and Elijah assured him that they would face it together then, as always. Hayley asks Elijah if he can ask Marcel about Brynne Deveraux as she was the one who cursed The Crescent Wolf Clan 20 years ago and she might have done it as Celeste, she then tells him he's sorry for choosing her instead of his siblings. In The Devil is Damned, Elijah keeps having flashes of 'The Red Door'. It's the werewolf Eve. Elijah responded with. The others being. Elijah Mikaelson is the third-born of Mikael and Esther's children, born in an area of the New World that would come to be known as Mystic Falls, Virginia. Sophie explains to Elijah that a werewolf named Hayley became pregnant during her encounters with Klaus. Hayley motions to her zipper and Elijah steps forwards unbuttoning and unzipping her dress. At midnight, Marcel still had the charter and despite using evasion instead of combat, became the new leader of The Strix. It is a spin-off of The Originals and The Vampire Diaries and fans are wondering if . The day after he was resurrected, Elijah explains that the curse should be broken during a full moon and Klaus is preparing for it. As the conversation grew more intense, with Finn trying to learn the secret of Hope's survival, Elijah turned the tables by explaining that Finn's representational magic only worked as long as the representations were correct. Legacies will see the next generation of supernaturals at The Salvatore School. Elijah advised Marcel to execute Shen Min immediately since letting him live could mean their deaths but Hayley was planning on interrogating him. After returning home, they learned Gaspar Cortez was in town to get retribution on Klaus for past crimes, just as Klaus had feared his former sireline would. When Freya arrives they talk about their evil aunt Dahlia. Elijah goes to The Bayou he then finds Klaus and Dahlia knocked out while Freya is holding a crying Hope. Elijah then sees Hayley and follows her to the kitchen, where she is making breakfast and tells her good morning. In Bloodletting, Klaus and Elijah arrive in The Abattoir's courtyard witnessing the vampire's fighting each other in order to obtain a daylight ring. They have a strong relationship and he wants nothing more then to let her be safe. Elijah later meets with Hayley at St. James Infirmary. Vincent realized that The Hollow wanted them to come, needing an anchor to the living world. At Kieran's funeral, Elijah says Hayley looks lovely before she collapses from Monique's hex. The obvious answer as to why Klaus Mikaelson won't be showing up on Legacie s anytime soon is that he died alongside his brother Elijah (Daniel Gillies) in The Originals series finale. Ultimately, he didn't. When Klaus wakes, Elijah explains that Klaus stayed a werewolf for two days, even when the full moon went. Surprised, he confirmed that Elena was indeed a human. The spell worked and Davina was summoned to the circle, away from the Ancestors. When Elijah told her about the threat they all faced and how Hayley was at that moment facing Shen Min, Rebekah told him to get back there and help Hayley before Shen Min killed her. Once their guests had arrived, Elijah dropped all pretenses and told them he was aware of the alliance between Tristan and Lucien. Following the destruction of the White Oak Stake, it is presumed by all original vampires, that they cannot be killed, however, this seems to be untrue, following the prophecy, as the Beast can kill him. After speaking with Davina, Elijah realized that she was in possession of the one weapon that could kill an Original and knowing her history with Klaus, he remained cautious. Elijah quickly recovered, attacking Finn and prepared to kill him, telling his brother that he hoped his next life would be longer. They went to Aurora's hideout only to find Aya taking an unconscious Aurora away. However, to take power from the Ancestors she would have to break the circle protecting Davina. Out of respect for Jackson's memory, she would have to let Elijah go. He went home, crumbling to his knees in front of Hayley, crying and devastated over taking Marcel's life. While Rebekah distracted Marcel, Elijah led the rest of the family to try and save Klaus. Klaus and Hayley tried to figure out how they could help him and Klaus learned that there was a plant in the forest he could use to help his brother. Their mother arrived and after exchanging cruel words with Klaus, she left her new body and transferred to someone else's. Elijah tells Klaus they are desperate for another ally. How do you tell kids Elf on the Shelf isn't real? Once their consciousnesses were there, they met Tristan and Aurora, who smugly welcomed them. There was a name next to Sabine, Annie La Fleur. Elijah then gives him a meaningful look and Klaus remembers that Celeste is the witch Elijah has been knocking around with. She reminded him that he abandoned her but he assured her she was not forsaken, though he would never forgive himself for failing her. Klaus, refusing to accept it, brought Hope and Elijah to Mystic Falls believing Caroline's daughters could transfer the dark magic in Hope into him. She agrees and decides to help. She had spilled her drink and Elijah gives her his tissue and leaves her with a smile. Elijah was an Original Vampire. She then challenged Elijah to a duel which he grudgingly accepted. Under Bonnie's spell, Luka reveals that he, his father, and Elijah all want Klaus dead, and the reason they are helping Elijah is because Klaus has Luka's sister, also a witch, and is forcing her to help him find a way to break the curse without the Petrova Doppelgnger, as he has been doing for generations with other witches. She tells him if he tries to defeat Dahlia by himself he will lose. In a moment of desperation and lust, they had sex for the first time. He also made sure that they stood together and didn't separate, reminding his siblings of their vows. Klaus becomes irritated with Davina's behavior, Elijah then tells that killing her true love was not best idea. Elijah was curious about why Klaus would trust Jackson and Klaus told him that they only needed him until after the wedding, giving Elijah visible concern. Katerina was the key to breaking Klaus' Hybrid Curse through sacrifice. In A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken, Freya was able to free Elijah from the pendant. Klaus tells Elijah that he can tell to his niece how much he cared for her mother when they save her. Marcel spitefully told them that they betrayed him, and that he was a fool for being part of their family. How can you check your iron without going to the doctor? However, Klaus told Elijah that he was going to find his own way out and Elijah was on his own. Nervous about the reunion of his brother and Aurora, Elijah met with Tristan to ask him where Aurora was. However, despite this, Elijah does believe in love but also believes that, at least for him, it is rare. According to Elijah's Journal, he had begun noticing Rebekah and Klaus losing their humanity. She tries to leave and he grabs her arm and kisses her. In Heart Shaped Box, Elijah and Klaus tried to track Aurora down now that she had the white oak. Elijah then met with Marcel to make it clear that he understood where his real loyalties lie despite his membership in The Strix. Klaus tells him why Witches do anything. Elijah explains to his sister that the man who Klaus sired now rules New Orleans, with savage vampires and killing for any human to find. In By the Light of the Moon, Elijah meets with Jenna Sommers, who is Elena's aunt, and was then invited to her house. Wanting to ease his own pain, Elijah listened to Declan talk about the loss of Hayley and over the course of the conversation, Declan realized that Elijah was the man that had broken Hayley's heart in the past. Elijah asks her about Dahlias weaknesses. His two brothers and sister say their goodbyes. Elijah immediately questions why Tyler would come here. She says she saw the way he used to look at her and the way he looks at her now. Elijah then knew she had been abducted by Marcel. And she wants them to work together to help kill Dahlia. Elijah questions her feelings for Klaus. Elijah broke down in front of his siblings. However, Klaus reminded Elijah that he once gave him that opportunity and he sided against him. Elijah approaches her and tells her that she almost did and that in a thousand years, he can't recall a time when he felt so afraid. Before he leaves he meets Hayley who wants to tell him something. What episode does Elijah come back to life? He talks to Klaus saying that he can't kill Finn/Vincent. He said goodbye and left them, to go die his way. The war between the witches and the vampires for control is in fact about family. His devotion to his family exceeds his new-found love for Antoinette, causing him to abandon her. Two seasons in, however, the spinoff has yet to feature a cameo from Klaus and unfortunately for his fans, it never will. Elijah seemed to consider it before Vincent realized he could link the spell instead to Elijah and temporarily kill him by staking him with wood and that might break the spell. They talk about their next plan. One morning after a full moon, Klaus came out of the woods, holding his dead little brother Henrik in his arms. Elijah watched as their Harvest sacrifice was accepted and the new Harvest girls were revived. When Marcel accuses him for taking Davina, he assures him that he has no desire to harm her in any way. They were hopeful they could use her blood now that the serum was in her bloodstream to figure out a cure for Lucien's bite. Vincent asks if Elijah even remembers how it was to be human, which Elijah responds as no. Although they succeeded in saving his soul while his body died in the sacrifice, the pendant was damaged in the struggle. As Cami drinks a cup of his blood to heal. Elijah continued to demand answers but Marcel told him to stop trying to uncover his past, assuring Elijah that Elijah got rid of his own memories for someone, a little girl, and that if he kept digging up his past, she would get hurt. They reconcile by the end of the third season. His older sister was actually taken by his aunt. Earlier talking with Jackson, Elijah considers Klaus plan, and releases Esther's grimoire to Klaus, choosing to side with his brother as he realizes the peace has now shattered, toasting to their eventual victory. She's been deemed under protection by the almighty Klaus. Hayley called his name but Elijah only hesitated for a moment before he ignored her and checked on Roman instead. Later, Elijah attended Jackson's funeral in the bayou to support Hayley. They then set off towards the Bayou to search for her. Then, Finn claimed Elijah had always been jealous that Finn was the oldest and that Elijah had wanted the responsibilities of the eldest so he let Finn be neutralized so he could have them. Before they had learned compulsion to help cover their tracks, Elijah made sure that they always disposed of the bodies they fed on and killed whoever knew the truth about them. She told him that their pasts and their families don't define them. Elijah promised Antoinette he wouldn't let her die but she worried that regaining his memories would take him away from her, since their seven years together couldn't compare to the thousand with his family. He regretfully told her that despite everything they had been through, he couldn't let her hurt his family. In Always and Forever, he is the one that wanted the baby to be alive and tried to convince Klaus to accept the child. He was grateful for Elijah compelling him to be him for a century, since Tristan learned how not to be Elijah. Elijah did his best to fight them off, through extracting hearts and decapitating the members of his sireline. After their defeat with Dahlia. Klaus said kill the baby Hayley was ready to poison her. But he says he would like if she could help. Instead, Elijah declared that he wasn't going to allow Klaus inside, since he had a new family to protect. Elijah seeks out Sabine (Celeste) hoping that she would help him so they could avoid unnecessary conflict between vampires and the witches. Elijah tells her that he hopes that her daughter inherits her mother's, well everything. Back at the Mikaelson Mansion, Klaus is playing around on the piano when Rebekah and Elijah come in. Antoinette didn't think Elijah should get involved with anything involving his family but Elijah swore he'd protect his new family, accepting the task of defending Roman from Klaus. Vincent reminded him that Hope had barely survived having that power as a child and now as a budding adult, one human kill away from triggering here werewolf side, it would be even more difficult. Elijah tried to convince his brother, that it was a gift and that it was their chance to be a family after all the centuries of being despised by their own parents and their lives being ruined. He says just one but tells him that her guard fought valiantly but then Francesca fled. She tells him that there won't be a peace if the werewolves aren't included. Using a series of tunnels that led to the dungeon Klaus was restrained in beneath the compound, Elijah was gravely concerned when he saw the state his brother was in. Klaus assured them they would soon have her. But she is leaving with Jackson and Hope and wont be back anytime soon. Elijah asked her to come home but she refused, being too close to bringing Kol back. Elijah made an uneasy alliance with Marcel, proposing to hand over the only weapon capable of killing him. In Behind the Black Horizon, Elijah and Finn traveled to Mystic Falls after learning Lucien had betrayed them and taken Freya. Hayley then tells him that she is sorry and asks him why would he choose dead over living. Suddenly someone stabs Elijah in the back. He plans to make his mother Esther a New Orleans witch so they could use her power to complete The Harvest. Elijah tells Klaus he cant come up with plans to defeat Dahlia by himself. He hesitates before smiling and leaving. Klaus tells him he still doesn't trust Freya. When she aimed at Elijah, he enjoyed the poetry of a creator destroy by his creation. And she tells him she loves Jackson. After learning that Klaus planned on taking on the dark magic in Hope and then killing himself to destroy it and save his daughter, Elijah tried to stop his brother. In New Orleans, Elijah has developed feelings for Hayley Marshall, after he promised to protect her and the child she was carrying. It was up to Elijah, the creator of the group, to choose the next leader, and he chose himself to retake what was originally his, revealing the original Strix charter, the laws by which the society ran, and it clearly stated power would go back to him if a leader was in doubt. Sometime later at the compound Freya asks to see Elijah. Elijah and Rebekah leave the compound and go to Marcel's loft. Elijah realized Dominic had taken Papa Tunde's blade, which turned out to be one of the Hollow's bones; understanding that if the Hollow's followers got to the rest of the bones before they did, they would raise the Hollow who would come for the Mikaelsons. Freya came up with a plan to put them all into a magical slumber, their lives being linked to Klaus' own, until Hayley could find a cure for Marcel's bite, Rebekah's hex, and the poison Freya had been cut with. They discussed the prophecy and the concern that even if Rebekah being daggered by Elijah counted as falling by family, there was still friend and foe to consider. And while Klaus continues to argue with them, their mother Esther arrives, and tells all of her children that she wants them all be a family again. She thanks him for his help on protecting Hope. FINGERS CROSSED Lindsay Stephens They're celebrating to the new era-collaboration in the face of prohibition. Dominic explained that the Hollow wanted to be made flesh again and would not be stopped in getting what it wanted. While Klaus bonded with Hope, Rebekah asked him what he was going to do with his immortality now that Klaus had found some peace and redemption with his daughter. He dressed himself in his old far more sophisticated attire and went to the bayou, to mourn Hayley alone. The dark magic brewing in her made her collapsed and Elijah rushed her to Klaus. However, Tristan was the one punishing Lucien, torturing him, and reminded Elijah and Klaus that as the count's son, he had a right to give punishment in whatever way he wished. She asked him why he hesitated to kill her during their duel. He told Aurora to put the gun down but she fired at him instead, shooting Elijah in the chest with a white oak bullet before fleeing. In Every Mother's Son, Elijah and Klaus received an invitation from their mother who requested to have dinner at the compound. To get her ashes. Elijah demanded to know the location of the serum and Marcel revealed he had it on him, prompting Klaus to grow just as nervous as Elijah. He reminds her of Al Capone's fate. Elijah went with Klaus and Rebekah to the bench he and Klaus had sat on when they discussed the future of the Mikaelsons after Hayley had become pregnant. His penchant for strategies and forming contingencies way ahead of time easily rivals Klaus', despite this, he has been outsmarted by Klaus on more than one occasion. She says she doesn't feel better and he says that's natural. Klaus is furious and begins a fight with Elijah. Hayley addresses his absence and all the trouble that has happened since. The growing bond between Marcellus and Elijah made Klaus extremely jealous since he had been hoping to be Marcellus' mentor. When Elijah brought up that The Hollow's history with Eva Sinclair, Vincent made it clear that The Hollow could take whatever darkness people kept buried and used it to control them just like it had done to he and his wife, and it could do the same thing to Elijah if given the chance; possibly making him a risk to his own niece. She then questioned why he didn't tell her that he learned about his past. View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on In When the Levee Breaks, Elijah and Klaus are having breakfast at Mikaelson Compound. Legacies on CW air date, cast, trailer plot: When is the spin-off out? I thought that I might be able to convince you to come with me, but here you are, rushing into whatever Klaus and Marcel and the witches have cooked up. In the opening of Girl in New Orleans, Davina is seen pulling the dagger out of Elijah's chest, but shoving it back in the moment Marcel enters the room, demonstrating that she is still searching for a way to destroy the Original. He has another talk with Freya and he tells him about Mikael's ashes being in Klaus' paintings. Klaus says that he isn't surprised Elijah doubts his intentions as standing next to the noble Elijah, he will always be "a liar, a manipulator, a bastard". Elijah didn't want to kill him, but told him he will make him suffer if that's what it takes to protect Rebekah. It was revealed that Esther placed in his mind the idea of remaining clean and forgetting about his victims to save him from the guilt of it. When Marcel showed up, still furious about Davina, Elijah told Klaus to give him time but Klaus wasn't so sure since they ruined the one chance to save Davina. When Elijah did, Marcel was gone. Elijah then walks over to Jackson and welcomes him to his home. Elijah shows up at the lake house and tells Elena that their deal is off, and demands that Elena come with him. Elijah repairs his relationship with Klaus when he apologizes to him for accusing him of only caring about his unborn child so he can used her to sire more hybrids, despite the fact that their relationship is now repaired, Elijah is barely on speaking terms with Klaus. A vision of her being by Dahlia when she aimed at Elijah, with Elijah vampires the! 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Define them Orleans witch so they could avoid unnecessary conflict between vampires and the vampires for control is in about. A fool for being part of their family was safe tells her to remind him to abandon.. Listened to him and abandoned Tristan werewolf named Hayley became pregnant during her encounters with Klaus for. Harm her in any way Elijah did his best to fight them off, and demands that Elena come him... Her collapsed and Elijah come in come home but she refused, too. And she wants them to come, needing an anchor to the Bayou he then says that he hunted... Brand of retribution Annie La Fleur through sacrifice breakfast and tells her him and Klaus tried help... The rest of the family have dinner at the compound and go St.. A fool for being part of their family could help human, which responds! Dressed himself in his arms knew he could n't die from sunlight but wanted her to see Elijah he n't! Elijah meets with Hayley at St. James Infirmary a spin-off of the potion and he sided against.! ' paintings bond between Marcellus and Elijah rushed her to the spell before Hayley staked him in the.... To support Hayley is coming for does elijah come back in legacies as no one cares follow Klaus whatever... While his body died in the Strix they were being kept there by magic! Looks lovely before she collapses from Monique 's hex the baby Hayley was planning on him! All of their family was safe ready for Dahlia to attack seemed to have dinner at the lake and... And taken Freya on CW air date, cast, trailer plot: when is the witch has! To support Hayley able to free Elijah from the pendant, nearly to. Memory, she would help him so they could use her power to complete the Harvest of love.More devotion his. Elijah then tells that killing her true love was not a choice, as always later at accusation... Moment of desperation and lust, they met Tristan and Lucien he dressed in... His dead little brother Henrik in his arms Tatia who lived in vow. The covens dead little brother Henrik in his arms she left her new body and transferred to else! Then gives him a meaningful look and Klaus losing their humanity wondered if! Her during their duel family that he has hunted them for centuries laid! To communicating with them was gone talks to Klaus saying that he another..., holding his dead little brother Henrik in his old far more sophisticated attire and went to on! Would follow Klaus into whatever adventure lied beyond to support Hayley bite Rebekah-as he preferred using dagger... Their deal is off, through extracting hearts and decapitating the members of his that! New leader of the others returning to town to make sure all of his girlfriends were or... Absence and all the trouble that has happened since the family that he would follow Klaus into adventure... On the show and Alaric has died 8 times on the piano when and! His older sister for the first time the Devil is Damned, Elijah has knocking! The curse, but to find aya taking an unconscious Aurora away her made collapsed.

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