once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

Emma threw her cloak over her trunk and walked in very carefully so as not to arose suspicion. I would have to sleep on the floor if she was being serious. As we were putting the gifts under the Christmas tree, at one point I noticed Reginas somewhat sad expression. Do you fancy a dance, Your Majesty?, She laughed whole-heartedly and accepted my offer. The school is so empty with everyone gone. I was left speechless by how matter-of-factly she said that. Theyre just going to New York for a few days to get some well-deserved rest.. Regina looked up when they came into view and surprise flitted over her face when she saw Emma. One of the other girls had the brilliant idea to quiz each other about creature classifications for Defense Against the Dark Arts while they played this game and it was proving rather fun. Regina continued through the barn and out the other side deciding to go to the top of the hill, if only to make her astronomy excuse more legitimate. Her head spun at finally revealing what she knew. Emma did rethink how mundane that seemed when she saw the store. The thestrals starts to move closer to her, sniffing curiously. Evidently the bedrooms were upstairs as the entire bottom floor of the cottage was an open space with a stone fireplace, stovetop to one side, a couch and worn looking chairs to the other, and a circular kitchen table in the center. I dont know how she found out.. Ill look into seeing if theres any spell to help with those, you can keep working on those reports for the aurors. Firstly, I helped Regina lay her suitcase down and open it. Any time., Regina didnt know what to say besides, Thank you., Emma practically ran up to the covered bridge to meet Regina. Daniel stood by quietly while she put on the bareback pad and tightened the girth even though he could have hung up the brindle and left. #peterpanouat It came back to her, lethifold successfully corralled into the master bathroom. She was glad to see some familiar sights, but overall the thought of returning to a group home was really starting to bring her down. Regina focused on keeping Char, her rival seeker, too distracted to notice that Ravenclaw was starting to take a significant lead. She jumped and screamed and I started screaming as well when I noticed she didnt have any clothes on except for panties, covering her breasts with her arms. The bell chimed as she pushed open the door and headed for the counter, appreciating that there was only one person in line. When Emma copied, it left a blue fiery circle around their clasped hands. There was an accident.. You know, we trustd Snow when she said shed helpand now look where we are! And theyre still too busy with other things to really pay attention. That type still flew very well over here though and it was the broom style Regina felt most comfortable on. Professor McGonagall seemed to think that no one knew my name. Regina met his gaze and could see they were slightly wet, like it was hurting him to say, not because he didnt believe what he was saying or because he thought she didnt want to, but because he knew the same thing she did. Youve got to be able to do somethingyoure the savior!, I for all Emma had been waiting for the other shoe to drop, she found herself unprepared for what she should do now that it had. If I had to pick anyone, it would have been you. Gold surveyed her shrewdly, I see. He steepled his fingers together, thinking her request over. First, well do a basic flying test laps, weaving, descents. Penniless, homeless, pregnant, and in prison. However, especially now that its safe to cross the townline, we really should go out from time to time, just for fun, she chuckled, I still have that apartment in New York, so I planned something for us. Reginas hand, which was still buried in Emmas curls, tightened its grip and pulling her closer. All that was left of her Papi. The lines short right now., Professor McGonagall gave the young woman a polite nod. He thought he could bully and threaten her into doing what he wanted? Emma suddenly was far too aware of that and her eyes darted around for something else to focus on. Ready?. Im just not sure what I want to do. You can vary how many you put down. Some of her students had improved enough to not need tutoring anymore while others would do best if they continued with the extra help. Of her mother? The woman wrinkled her nose as she finally spotted the cat curled up on top of Emmas trunk, What is this?, Emma picked up the front of her trunk carefully as she pulled it upright to roll into the house so that it didnt disturb Splotch who was sat on it. Emma decided to mention his strange behavior tomorrow and see if she could figure out what she did wrong to make her friend so skittish. Shes very shook up from everything and the same way the house is in dispute, so is shewhich is a very uncomfortable place for a house elf to be in. Yeah, I know. And I told you take make it away.. Hopefully, well get you sorted out and into a proper group home by the end of the night.. She needed to refresh herself with what potions were covered during fourth year. Yet another reason time is of the essence. She turned to give Emma a smile, Im so glad you agreed to help, we couldnt do this without you., Emma fidgeted with her hair, uncomfortable with the attention and expectation, Yeah, of course., Ms. Sapphire just smiled at her without seeming to notice her discomfort whereas the dwarf gave her a concerned look, as if he had been expecting more from her. The first thing she bought was lunch at the Leaky Cauldron. Sorry, she said. They were really for those whod already graduated from school though, so she didnt think shed have much luck. Emma felt a little better, maybe she was finally getting to Mary Margaret. Ready to start? Emma asked. Something weighed on the side of my torso and I reached for it; touching soft skin. She set off to find a newer guide book and some food, hiding her trunk with her cloak. Are you Emma? He spoke straightforwardly. Now though, that meant she was still filled with nerves and anticipationshe never slept well when she knew she would be in trouble in the morning. Luckily, this was a situation shed prepared for. I didnt know what to do with my hands, but I didnt want to grab her in the heat of the moment and just pull her back in, so I just wrapped my arms around myself and stared ahead of me. While she knew there were extenuating circumstances, she had often thought and wondered about Emma these past ten years. A few weeks later, Emma came to the empty classroom theyd been using on Saturday afternoon to work out ideas and the plan originally, and now Regina had been using to work on her write-ups for the auror team while Emma studied to keep her company. Mother? She smiled at me without saying a word and went upstairs. Once shed restored moisture to her mouth, she stood up with a groan and stretched. Whats Quidditch? Emma asked as they passed Quality Quidditch Supplies on their way to Flourish and Blotts. Okay, Emma replied, looking down. Good, thanks, Regina said before stepping up onto the block and then mounting Melchoir with the ease of practice. Evryones cursed! I didnt mean anything by it., Emma shrugged, regaining her usual attitude now that surprise had worn off. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Either way, the vault is here. Regina gestured to the burning fireplace and the aurors gathered around. Carefully, Regina gripped the broom like a walking stick in her right hand. One of Emmas arms wrapped around her waist at a gentle turn, and soon the other girl was molded against Reginas back. Goodbye. Then there was a crack of displaced air and the professor was gone. You shouldnt have told her. The older woman smiled at Faye, I didnt know you were in town., Eugenia, Faye replied, standing up from her seat to speak with her. I dont really have a lot of plans over the summer.. Tears leaked from her eyes silently. The rolling forward dives and tight turns were messing with her head a bit but she stayed focus on the image of the bridge in her mind, not the blurry world she was seeing through her goggles. Are you mad at me?. Its okay, I got her! I told her and went to collect Emma. Between muggle medical students, wizard experimenters, and general creepspeople were very concerned about post-mortem organ theft. You scared the shit out of me!, I would be getting dressed if you didnt stand there!, Yes, because Henry is in the bathroom and you were sleeping moments ago!. Emma was so lost in her thoughts that she almost didnt notice the dcor changing. Neal laughed again, replaced the spoon on its hook and went back behind the bar counter. Emma felt the rest of the world fade away as she stared at Lily. I pulled back as soon as I realized. Still, she wasnt sure if this was the best use of their time. Is that what. Her supplies had not been intended for much more than favors for friends and her own experiments. Is that it? Mr. Webb looked at the shop assistant for a beat too long for Reginas comfort before he drew himself up haughtily, As if Id duel a child, he shot Regina another poisonous look, especially one so far out their depths. It made Emma want to do all sorts of stupid thingsas long as it got Regina to laugh. Madame Malkin looked over from fixing the display at a table by levitating different stacks of clothes around. On their second day of classes however, the girls had gotten lost on the way to class. The truth, Granny said without looking up. She stared at that deck of cards and Neals hastily scrawled words for a while after that, trying to make sense of it all. Neal had really left, just because shed told him his dad was her teacher? What happened? she asked gently once they were alone and shed locked the door. Goodbye. And before Emma could even respond, the older witch had vanished with only a faint snapping noise to signify her exit. Archie came to talk to me afterward. Regardless the goblin she spoke to merely nodded and said, This way, maam, as he got down from his high stool. Every death I told myself it wasnt my fault, that there was nothing I could do to stop her, but now, I need to find a way. And she needed to tell someone. She hadnt heard it say anything to the others so she didnt think anyone else could hear it now, right? If mother saw her come home with an extremely strong and complicated lock, which Regina then refused to give her the key for, she would demand it. And some pocket money., Emma had always told herself that her parents had to have been deadbeats, since anyone else would have had family that would have taken her in or theyd never wanted to her in the first place. She clenched her fingers around the single Transfiguration textbook she held in her hand and resisted the urge to run. Really thick. Emma turned back to Sidney, Yeah, so maybe you should just keep your big mouth shut, Glass., Ill show you, Sidney finally drew his own wand and pointed it at Emma. Emma pictured Reginas red, burned ankle, and the panic in her voice when Emma said she was going to leave, and kept her mouth shut. He was friends with Hector though so he would know. Did you really think that I would let any of you sleep on the floor?. I wouldnt want to miss this., Ms. Sapphire laughed, You cant miss it since I cant do this without you., Emma frowned a little at that, it pinged strangely to her inner lie detector, not a full-on lie, but not the whole story. I dont know what me and Ms Sapphire did, but it wasnt thisit was way longer for one.. Of course, we pure bloods need to stick together. Their lips met in a gentle kiss that sent that increased the feeling butterflies fluttering in Reginas stomach. Hah! the man said. Kathryn gave her a calm smile which was all Regina needed. Do you think I could? Emma trailed off, gesturing at Rocinante. Finally, after Regina scribbled something out on her parchment so hard she ripped the page, Emma had to say something, Whats going on?. Thank you very much, professor, for granting me the space., Youre most welcome, Miss Navar. He gave her one of his signature looks, the ones that always seemed to suggest he could see right through, I know you will put that room to good use.. Can I hold you in my arms the way you did last night? I asked shyly, and I quickly added, It was kind of comforting.. What if Regina had a daughter before she adopted Henry and unlike her brother she decided to learn magic. Heir name? the goblin asked, opening a cabinet near the entrance. Its cool that youre learning., Thanks, Regina tucked a strand of her hair that had come out of her braid behind her ear. Emma found she loved the casual blending of both cultures. Gringotts wanted long term customers, that was why it gave such good service to the older families, despite their attitudes. Under third isnt invited. Cora Navar. Are we ready? Madame Hooch asked, looking between the two coaches and holding the quaffle between Kiley and Gryffindors lead chaser. Emma paled and both jumped when the surface of the potion suddenly boiled alarmingly. It would have been a lot quicker to take the underground, but that would have cost money she didnt have. Are you even trying? Regina asked, exasperated. I need to do some research for something, she murmured slowly. I gotta get back to help Doc with the sleepers., Wait, Emma said, How do I bring my friends here to help?. I um- I dont feel well, she said softly, but Im good at lip-reading. I think if I was able to practice actually making some of the potions, I would find them easier to remember, she kept her hands locked behind her so they wouldnt give her nerves away. Once shed escaped to her room though, the tears fell. Tinas suggestion ended up working rather well. McGonagall said that there was nothing like that, Snow and David had never truly expected to die so young and so hadnt left anything like that behind for her. August pushed open the door which chimed cheerfully. Oh no, you dont. Either way, she knew the second it was released, her eyes locked on the glittering golden ball. Papi got up and gave her a one-armed hug around the shoulders. Shed chosen tonight specifically because the party theyd come home from a couple hours ago was at the Rosiers, a family known for their cultivation of magical grape and wine varieties. Emma followed Regina as she turned down various aisles, only back tracking once, as Regina read titles and signs in written symbols Emma didnt understand. Emma took a few steps until she was standing right next to Regina. She loved to talk about the different teams and Emma was starting to get pulled into her enthusiasm more and more each time. It was the fourth night we drifted off tangled around each other. Oh god, I bet., Just then, the door opened a final time and Marion burst in panting, Sorry, Im late. Ive always liked horses.. Enjoy! The Daily Prophet seems to be trying not to make it obvious that the Ministry should have known about what she was doing by just focusing on how terrible your mother was, but its a bit of a hard sell. I saw red and turned on my heels. On instinct, she closed her standard textbook and picked up the library book shed taken out at Professor Golds suggestion when he noticed how well she did in his class. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Emma and Henry persuade Regina to go on a family holiday. It didnt help that Mary Margaret was right about her mother. After the sunset, we sat out with Regina. And even before theyd left for summer holiday, shed nearly managed to produce an actual animal. She gave a small smile of satisfaction at being able to use magic on the train, something she hadnt appreciated enough on her way home due to her nerves. Truly, a disgrace to see so many of them infesting Hogwarts. When they emerged from the underbrush, they were at the other end of the block next to the street, back the way the girl had come just in time to see the boys head deeper into the park. He did? she tried to sound neutral, but wasnt sure she managed since he faltered at her tone. He nodded back and then reached out a hand to clasp her should perhaps before thinking better of it. She knew Kathryn at least had noticed. With a shrill whistle, Madame Hooch threw the quaffle in the air and released the bludgers and snitch below. I will also likely store some sensitive potions in my vault so I will need it to be suited for that purpose aside from merely gold storage. Regina found relaxed by his open nature, Daniel didnt seem like hed ever have any secrets nor did he seem to hide what he was thinking, which was very refreshing. A winged horse race? Regina asked, guilt vanishing. When they reached the head table, the girlElizabeth, if Regina was correctcalled off her crows but did not send them away as Whale panted and kept his hands up in self-defense. I'll try to preface each chapter with where it falls in the timeline, since it's likely to be out of order. Like were supposed to be now. What? Emma asked, noticing Reginas silence. This meant even if all the returning players kept their positions, there was an open chaser spot, an open beater spot, and an open seeker spot. It was supposed to drop off outside a hospital., Emma felt her face turn red as everyone stared at her. Shed let that happen, for all fighting against Mother was impossible. Emma felt uneasy for the next few days, still expecting something more to happen, but nothing else came of it except a very nice letter shed received from Marco and August. She instantly tried again, with more force to push into Reginas chest but her fingers merely groped at flesh. Come on, shes not that bad, Ruby said when her giggles subsided. One-shots of cute and silly things that Little Regina gets into. Of course, we can also combine a number of different lock types. Regina was surprised they had been able to get the news in time to attend at all. Finally, on the sixth day, she plucked up her courage to ask one of the other workers. Regina glanced through it quickly, noting how clear and comprehensive it was, it even included drawings. More than her confession, we need proof. She lightly grabbed Reginas arm and tugged her into the nearest bathroom. You got everything? Leroy said, jogging over to them as soon as he saw them come in. He tended to go after it whenever he saw it, confident in his chasers ability to rack up enough of a points lead that his catch would guarantee a win. All Regina wants is to escape the influence of her mother. Emma looked around with even greater interest. I want my vault and its contents to be at my sole discretion, with no way for my Mother to interfere or gain access to it. Just relax your muscles and let the water hold your weight.. The stone base with the logs slid backwards as the entire mantle lifted upwards, revealing a set of stairs down. Still trying to act casual, she looked side long at Emma and gave another shrug. Flipendo!. Around the time when her neighbor had moved away rather than face the fact that his friend was hitting children. Henry turned off the water, so I went to grab the clothes for the outfit I planned for today. Besides, that still left the problem of Splotch. These past few months it has been harder than ever. Christmas is the time when families gather and talk and play games and everyone feels happy. Emma rolled her eyes, why did their magical school even have a choir? Emma, stop!. Urgh, well so-rry theyre not up to your standard, Emma growled as she picked up the handkerchief holding her powder and dumped it back into the mortar to crush further. You didnt grab it ahead of time like I told you? It was a shining mare, sleek and strong. They leaned back as the sun sunk lower in the sky, talking about their classes and friends, everything they left out of their letters or hadnt gotten to on the train before the others had shown up. It was so tempting to draw closer and wrap my arms around her that I rather just turned away and forced myself to sleep. Well, guess who I just found snogging it up on the astronomy tower?. You just wouldnt understand., So youve said, Lilys dad said, but his voice was much lighter than his daughters. You found out beginning of last year? Emma asked, putting it together. Emma nodded that agreed with everything shed already learned from McGonagall, Granny and a few books shed read on the subject. That was one her favorite aspects of potions. If a bunch of adult witches and wizards couldnt fix the problem, how could she? Why cant I be enough? Do you have a room with three single beds?. Its not just for poisons you know., Abby got a thoughtful look on her face, Youre right. Right, Emma? Here is the White key box. Goblin made, I see., Yes, its an heirloom from my fathers family. She closed the remaining distance and handed it to him. I have a separate income stream, unconnected with my parents, and I do not want my mother to be able to interfere with it., Now he seemed more considering despite still remaining skeptical if his raised eyebrows and steepled long fingers were any indication. Ruby hung her head and refused to looked at any of them, wrapping her arms around herself. Yesss, he did a small happy dance and rushed to start unpacking. We? Kathryn said with a mischievous grin. She didnt want to be held responsible for people lives like this. But I was curious. She would show him, Regina vowed as they slowly ascended. Just leave it alone. Leave me alone. I am searching for Henry. Help me! he giggled as Emma was moving toward him under the water. Her name is. She couldnt imagine it. Hm? Please dont tell anyoneI dont want to get into any more trouble. "Henry," Emma called. Ive been thinking about that a lot. Regina took a deep breath and laid her hand on his arm. They were fairly neck and neck all the way to the tree, Regina flying under and to the right of Emma. She laughed and clutched him back. At some point they all sat down in the chairs that had been arranged before the coffin, and Regina found herself up front, watching her mother give a speech she didnt hear one word of. I guess, as she hurried after the other girl. She was going to have a son. As soon as the bellhop left, Henry didnt hesitate to throw himself at the double bed. Granny stiffened slightly in surprise before she smiled warmly down at the girl, even though Emma couldnt see it, and wrapped an arm around her back. Better luck next year, Seth! called his year mate, whod been a chaser last year, and who nearly hit one of the towers himself when he looked back over his shoulder to tease his friend. Fine, Regina replied tersely, her leg beginning to ache from holding her foot off the ground so as not to hurt herself further. That got everyones attention and they all stared at Mary Margaret in surprise. Oh, uh, yeah. That night she broke into an abandoned building with Alohomora, having heard rumors the Trace didnt work in public areasit was primarily placed on muggleborn homes and neighborhoods, not on the kids themselves. Regina fell very close to her broom and managed to follow it through the main hoop and, using her new-found closeness to the broom to steady herself, reached out her hand to close her fingers around the small gold ball. Regina didnt know what her face did, but he actually jumped up off the bench hed been straddling and the flower arrangement to her right burst into flames at the same time the large pitcher of juice to her left froze solid. First of all, I was in the same position I dozed off in (which never happens) and I didn't remember pulling the covers on myself. Kiley and the Gryffindors captain, a beater, nodded. Were going back to the hotel.. Good evening! Granny looked at her a bit impatiently, Come on, lets go sort this out then. No matter what she wears, she is breathtaking. I hate it. So how do we get to the magic stores? Emma asked as the pair walked down the street the professor had had the cab driver drop them off on. Wouldnt look good to associated with you and so on.. Alright Emma said bewildered, it barely felt like she did anything at all. She raced over to the other side of the bed, but Ruby was still trapped against the bed. This was just another thing she was supposed to because of her parents. If you can please pay half upfront and the rest once youve seen the work and are satisfied. Regina pulled out her money pouch and counted out the first payment. Henry joined us and eventually, we reserved a room with three single beds and a big balcony. I really appreciate it. Pillow fluffed and neatly tucked back beneath her head, Regina closed her eyes, intent on salvaging what remained of the night. So, Emma said, unsure where to go from here. Since we dont want this to go on too long, well all be flying around and tossing the quaffle, but no bludgers will be active and Ive got an older snitch that should be a bit quicker to catch., Regina and Faris nodded to show their understanding and she returned the gesture. She wasnt anyone special and her parents hadnt left her any guidancethere was nothing she could do. Its about the fact that they all expect things of me now., Mary Margaret did actually seem to be listening, she had the same look on her face whenever they learned a new charm, slightly open-mouthed understanding. "Ten. And look where it hadnt gotten herMother had transfigured it into a copy of her least favorite outfit. It really didnt take Mary Margaret and Dilly much time to visit David and Ruby and bring them back to the house. Make sure you bring that back for at least one night every five days all books from the restricted section have a failsafe since no one can take them out for that long, even with permission. Emma nodded to acknowledge shed heard the other witch, but she didnt move. Regina also told me that she promised to sit on the balcony with me the next night and it was actually not a bad idea to spend our last night in New York, so we did that. Thats why I think Im gonna pass on Arthimancy., We get to pick electives this year, Ive been trying to decide what to pick. Emma wished she could give up potions, which she was only passing because Rubyd gotten a tutor and was sharing her notes. Theyd been here longer than theyd expected and it was almost time for dinner. Regina settled in, feeling her nerves over seeing everyone again begin to settle as she lost herself in her book and her belly filled with Cerditas good food. At the same time, it meant she was home, to her mother, and to the reality of what had happened, that much sooner. I spoke really fast, because hell, I was nervous, but I didnt have a chance to continue explaining because without any warning, Regina pressed her lips against mine, silencing me. We can get both of those at the same place?. Thank the gods I still had more self-control than Emma. (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). You dont need to fetch anyone. But who else could be sneaking around in here? Regina hated that thought. Only real families had pets. What is that! It was to be ingested and would be effective for the next 24 hours. Neat, huh?. Also, this might come as a surprise, Emma smiled a bit wryly, but it was also clear what she was saying wasnt a joke. Then she looked back down at her book and shook her head to refocus. Regina ran through it in her mind, what should I think of? It would be complicated for a shop to obtained say, hair from every customer in advance to build into their brewing. She squinted and her eyes widened as she realized she did recognize the person sitting there, legs dangling, hands on the branch, hair falling loosely around her. Two! The horse cantered around the classroom. Snow, Faye, and I had to work on it quickly since you decided to come early. I heard Snow and Davids voice from the living room and Henrys and Emmas laughter from the kitchens direction. Come on, Rubes, shes not that bad., Isnt she though? Ruby asked dubiously. Really? To distract Emma, she said the first thing that came to mind, We breed horses, my family. Regina frowned, Well, my fathers family really, Mother is in politics. I was a big fool to think I could get her out of my mind and fall asleep. How about we reserve a room at a motel? Cautiously, Regina came close enough to crouch down and take the package the eagle-owl had dropped, as she now recognized the species. She was in a dull haze the rest of the time home, something which her mother evidently viewed with distain, but was too busy winding down Papis business and sorting out estate issues, she more or less left Regina alone. They were both a disheveled and tired from the rigorous practiceas well as the times their spells had made it past the others barriers. It felt wrong to go to perform a serious spell in her muggle T-shirt and ratty jeans. The townsfolk will be fine without us until we get back And! Regina drew her wand back to where Emmas had rested on her own hand. It was good not to have to endure the compartment ride home with her friends, which would have felt oppressive and stilted. Just know, that I can read between the lines and I know herwhat she must have put you through if she treated others in this manner, I can imagine and its not pretty. Regina gave the barest of nods, unable to stop herself from confirming what he said, too eager to have someone know, even as she was afraid of the secret, of what saying it to another person would imply. My family only allowed the marriage to a woman of unknown origin if she hadnt aided them through a time of financial difficulty. Pay attention and look where it falls in the timeline, since it 's to. Attention and they all stared at her remaining distance and handed it to him she clenched her fingers groped. The marriage to a woman of unknown origin if she hadnt heard it say anything to other! There was a shining mare, sleek and strong, madame Hooch asked, opening a cabinet the. 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