pisces man ghosted me and came back

You need to let him know that you are not a woman he can mess with and you need to put your foot down when he acts in this manner. Start looking for the things that give him away. He told me hell just leave me alone. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Sagittarians are the Zodiac's wanderers. This is again one of the tactics your Pisces man uses to test you. I thought that was a good idea because they are kind of alike. So last week he finally texted me and we made plans to see on another. Pisces men can be truly wonderful partners, but unfortunately, there is a side to them that is so manipulative. Hes unsure of himself and his decisions so he wants to back up and have some time. Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (dont worry, its anonymous). It's for you to decide whether their reasons for ghosting you, and now their reasons for coming back, are valid ones. With everything that youve said, Id say its all typical. They value honesty and enjoy being carefree.. Gemini and Pisces Compatibility - 2 years. 27 Expert-Approved Texts To Send When A Ghoster Returns. Tell him he needs to let you know otherwise you will go work on yourself as well. He will blame everyone else for his problems and make excuses about why it is never his fault. I really dont know what to do. I be confused cause I know other pieces men they talk about their feeling and are dreamy romantic Well this feb 23 pieces is not. The tension and confusion you are feeling is for a reason and I think you should sit down and talk to him about what is happening. Especially feelings like guilt. If your gut is the one telling you hes up to no good then that may be right but if its just your fear making you think this then youve got to try to remind yourself of who he was before he left. But we communicated and spent time with each other. You can still show him you care without coming off as clingy. If you need more help, please check out my book Pisces Man Secrets. You may meet a different one that knocks your socks off and stays very loyal. He will text me every once in a while, but he does have a girlfriend who resembles me a lot scarily. This man in the armed forces, overseas. While he is an expert at convincing people of anything; he is flawed. what do I do? There is just so much the sun sign can tell you. The Pisces Man. Keep reading to find out all the signs a Pisces man is playing you. Pisces has a hard time dealing with their feelings and can become a bit of a mess when that happens. Be loyal to him. We also slept together but this didnt work out very well, which I did not consider a big issue as it was the first time (nervousness) and we also had a lot of wine. So after that he took me for a drive on his 4 wheeler talking like everything was perfect bit I felt that detachment. he says he wants a family.. we had two pregnancies that ended in miscarriage now we dont have sex as often and I told him I was ovulating if he wanted to try again but he didnt really say anything then we didnt have sex. I dont ask for money for anything else at all. (Some facts:He lives in South America and I am in North America. If I knew for certain, I could be patient with him and his mood swings. But he will always text me. Im a May Taurus and the person that was trying to play me was a March Pisces. Defensive behavior can be a turn off. ! I said no and started blushing. Long story short the first week of may he tells me hes been going to help a friend move and thats going through things. I regret having sex with him for the 2 years when we werent together but I know he was only physical with me. So he blocked me! 8 signs he'll come back 1) He ghosted you by mistake How can someone ghost you by mistake? LOL After my divorce finalized he came back into my world and within a matter of a week and a half we ended up sleeping together. There is nothing wrong with you as a matter of facts you are perfect I think I just need to look at myself. You need to figure out if you have a chance at a future with him or not. They are a little more grounded than the male Pisces because they are more in tune with Mother Earth. Suddenly, A Pisces man just messaged me out of nowhere, stating, he follows his heart and thought I would be a nice person to talk to. As embarrassing as it is to say, a video game. Then, read it again. I know he was hoping for more but I said no. As sad as he was he did not want to let me go at all. He is a very social person and he would never spend time alone with me. He never took me out but say he loves me. He is a pisces man with venus in Aquarius. He sounds confused and maybe a little immature. We simply just loooved talking to each other and being in each others company. Check in with him sweetheart. That part will be up to you sweetheart. This is all absolutely normal behavior I hate to say. If you told me youre swamped with certs, I wouldve understood. Give him a chance but if he pulls back again, end it for good. Then I begin to feel bad, we can go weeks without speaking even though I reach out all of the time to resolve issues. Theyre really difficult to get sometimes but youre right, if you take your time and care for them, they will be able to accept the relationship lovingly. He never responded that day. Its been confusing cause I feel like our relationship didnt really start until end of 2020. And gave ever excuse we why couldnt! Naturally, hes likely to deny it if you call him out so dont be surprised if he does. We shared the same sense of humor, same passions, and interests, and we really connected. Also whats with the empty promises.. Maybe his not planning to take me out anywhere not even a date. One day I called him dude and he said dude?!?!?! He tells me hes not taken me for granted but his responses to my supportive behavior are very vague if he even responds at all. Maybe he is afraid to commit but until he figures himself out, hes not going to take a leap into a relationship. I was talking to a Pisces man but he is such a player he will spend 4 days with me and the very same day he will go home his ex she comes over she leaves her panties there at his house and he says she not his girl but she helps him out ? and this is why he could not access his bank. One minute he will show me affection in public then its like I barely exist. Give him some time and be patient with him. I dont understand why his acting weird and ignoring me. He didnt want to go through that again with me and not focus and not finish his studies to be there for his family as they are relying on him financially as well. No affection, no kiss goodbye, no nothing just see you around. We both were looking and wanting the same things. Your unwillingness to do as they want may have been the thing that alienated Pisces from . I wish you nothing but the very best you deserve! I just want to know if I should pursue this feeling of mine or let it go. I dont want to say anything more as if trying to change your mind, the point is for you to be in this because you want it . He will also start reacting if you're spending too much time together. If you need more help, please check out my book Pisces Man Secrets. He is ten years younger than me and this is always bothering me. He wants a family but is acting like this? I wouldnt recommend doing the silent treatment. If he did, hed be reaching out to you and making sure that youre still around. I went to see my friend and we hung out playing video games, but what he isnt saying is: I went to hang out with my female friend and we started with video games but ended up having sex.. This is one of the signs that your Pisces man is playing you and leading you on. Make Him Feel Guilty If you know how to make a Pisces man feel guilty, you can try to play on his emotions in order to get him back. He wasnt trying to gain my trust back and he never tried to work through problems with me. I wanted to come back to reality and decided maybe this wasnt the best thing for me because it seemed like a fake relationship, like, cmon I met this guy from a game and havent even seen him in person. Ive got some information you need, so keep reading! I wasnt expecting to like him this time. He tells me we are just letting things be but wont give me a direct answer if we are over or not. Im a Virgo. He wants to see if you are willing to change the way you behave to make him happy. If he really does love you and its not infatuation then he will stick around and still continue to treat you as though youre everything. He will make plans and sometimes sleep through the plans and when I call him out on it or try to cut things off he apologizes and trys to say that no one understand the things he has to do and sorry for pushing you away, and that I never had to open up to anyone so it hard and he tend to push people away. So 2 months back he called me trying to see me but unfortunately he got busy and had to cancel and he was apologetic about it. Im so confused because hes so hot and cold without even trying to be. But he called me before I could get home and asked me why I left so abruptly? And said basically he was done. Pisces are sensitive men and need a woman to be soft with him. He almost did but I didnt let that happen so I started to distance myself away from him. How To Know When A Pisces Man Is Done With You, 1. Saying we should meet up and he will call me the next day. If its an issue to him then again its not the right relationship for you. This should help you decide to cut him loose or to try to work it out with him. We met the next day, Sunday. If not then hes being selfish and taking time to himself after he promised it to you. He will be devastated if he loses his chance with you. Instead of trusting your fears, you should trust your own intuition. From the beginning we had a great Connection. I am a Pisces and my guy is a Pisces (2days apart) what should probably be the greatest love story told has actually been an emotional nightmare for 2 years that i cant seem to wake up from. Try to be patient with him. So I just ended up telling him about my daughter in the midst of a breakup. Do it daily for 30 days and see how you feel. I wish you the best! Even when he is traveling he will call and text me all the time but lol where is my invite??. I dont know if the issue is him not finishing his studies or him not liking me or that his ex damaged him when she left him for another man which delayed him focusing on his studies and career. Marriage therapist Nicole Richardson says she's seen people who . His tendency to lie and cheat may be due to various things in his chart that make him predispositioned to be that way. You have to ask him the hard questions honey. I know he ca also see through people very quickly. You may not believe in this sort of thing, but they surely are very intuitive and able to feel others' emotions. Weve both told eachother we love eachother several times both before we met and that night we met. Pisces is one of those frustrating people who just assume that everything is going downhill instead of actually asking you if you still have feelings for him. I cant do this he said why not, he asked me if I want to take him out of my heart and change, he asked me to do it for the love that I have for him. I dont get it. Blessings! It might not even be your fault, but he will conveniently blame you for something because he expects you to fix his problems for him. Is this a sort of game-testing, is he confused or is this his final word?? This isnt good or healthy for you sweetheart. honestly i saw this coming but at the same time he was asking me a lot of questions about me and was staring into my soul. Then we stopped texting for a while. This state of mind keeps Pisces from committing when they would otherwise. I could give you more helpful hints on how to deal with Pisces. You may be dating a Pisces man for a while now, but things just dont feel the same as once did. He does that hot and cold business. He helps me with my two kids and helps me with chores around the house and will even tell me to take a break so he can cook and clean and stuff. The first year was sooooo AMAZING but he wasnt stressing out about the exam during that time. Most Pisces men are looking for their one and only, so they dont do a whole lot of playing. One time I asked when his birthday was in person and he told me it was that day. A Pisces man scared of the future? You do need to keep the communication open and be sure that youre not jumping to conclusions or doubting him when he tells you that hes alright and you should stay calm. You need to tell him 100% how you feel and what you want. Im finding it hard to walk away because I do feel like we have something considering the numerous times weve broken up but always get back together. I was shocked to receive, a message from this man out of nowhere. You two need to get everything out on the table so that you are on the same page and know for sure whether this is something you can work with or if you two need to let go. If you need more help, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. Hes been very flaky, so Im not sure if thats revenge or if hes afraid of trusting me again. How does a Pisces man test you? Till now we are in touch but I feel like he is afraid of commiting and not say anything. His Venus and mars is in Aquarius if that might also help. If you cant deal with how sensitive he is though then he may not be the right one for you. Its weird. I hope you ca clarify this. He once told me I was his soulmate. Anyway during the time we were alone we spoke about alot! That much is true. This also makes you very suspicious of others and have your wall up. Ive met so many of his friends coz they always come there, his always hosting when he gets the chance. Hes about to take me on a hunting trip. The more you do this, the more gets aired out and maybe moved past so you both can be healthy. Also he deals with depression from time to time. Sometimes I cant help but feel like him being a Pisces and saying all these things is just his dreamy side. The Pisces man might be ghosting you because he's emotionally unavailable. He asked for a gift back, and I got agitated; I lashed out and said hurtful things about him. So the Friday we arranged that I will sleep over by him. They might not be the same mistakes but they are mistakes nonetheless. And now if I text him he replies with one-word sentences five hours to a day later on some days and on other days he sends an actual sentence 45 minutes later. So hes making excuses and pushing it back to you. Hell freak out and hardly ever want to be around to be responsible. Then a couple of days ago, he messaged me saying he is being sent for work training and wouldnt be back until the night before I left. 4. Being a Scorpio, things are easier and faster to determine, either I like the guy or I dont, I use logic to analyze myself in the case I start idealizing some past relationship and can see the truth for what it is. I am a cancer woman and met my pisces man almost 2 weeks ago. I think Its too early to even start talking about sex and he says, we adults shouldnt put a time on things. This is probably what is going on with him right now. Its so rude. He will ask questions that seem out there or he may say one thing yet do another to see how you respond. He makes plans and visions us being together at all times. Maybe with time that will change but right now youve got to accept just the friendship hes leaving open and try to focus on you. He ghosted me for a couple days came back and apologized saying he needed space because it irritated him how Id freak out, but I reminded him I was high. After that last message, he blocked me. Look at the overall picture and start piecing together those red flags. He told me that we could work through it. The first eight are signs he will come back. I just feel like its always something with him and I wanna stay and make things work but I feel like he milks his problems as excuses so I will feel bad for him. With my Scorp, intuition I KNOW what love and making love would be with this man! He called me back and thanked me for showing concern and not getting upset. There is nothing more infuriating than a man who cant commit to something. Tell him you love him and miss him. Its this type of thing that can cause Pisces man to play mind games. we meet again at a family meeting he was tall grown and unrecognizable we didnt realzed we met when were younger until we talked he was my type and of the bat, I liked him so I started doing little things (flirting) but he also seemed interested and was flirting back then next thing I know I try to leave the room we were in the quietly says I met a Pisces in Feb 2020 through work. So when I got hom I called him and told him I want to explain why I wanted to leave so urgently and that I saw the name and he told me no its someone he knows a very long time and acting like she is not a big deal but because I can read him I knew he was lying. If he cannot be with you in that way then you two probably need to pull apart and be friends only (no sex). 7. Afterwards, he was a little distant but as our love grew he finally came back to normal. The last thing I want is ti hurt you, but Im struggling to commit, maybe Im not ready for a relationship and should pull myself together first. Ive apologized for our argument which he didnt on his part but admitted to being wrong about not telling mewho he was hanging out with. Hes trying to beat around the bush in telling you he doesnt want to be in a relationship with you. He has to first grow up nd accept responsibility before he forms a family. Remember your self-respect is more important than getting his approval. Sounds like hes just after sex if he made a big deal out of no oral. I miss you (as i know Pisces thrive on the mushy stuff). Im a Scorpio and I met him at 20 and he was so crazy about me emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. 2019 I would talk to other people it felt like I was single again. I have picked up that he was seeing someone else, but I think that is over now. There is a side to a Pisces man that can be quite unattractive, and that is when the side of him comes out that thinks he is a victim. Well for the past 3 years Ive been working on myself and trying to forget about him and getting my life together as a young adult. So then we met up again the next weekend had a fantastic weekend back at his home got heated but his roommate showed up and we stopped got something to eat and I went home. When I tried to understand what exactly turned him off and explain myself in case of misunderstanding, he didnt seem to like it very much, he said this is my gut feeling, what would you do if you were me? I said in general I give some time to people. Why break it all up by telling him he needs to give it a title. If he shifts uncomfortably or becomes a little jittery then you know hes probably not being forthcoming or truthful in whatever it is that hes telling you. It's always surprising when a ghoster randomly returns, like a specter in the night . This makes him incredibly insecure enough to play the jealousy card on you. Ghosting is, of course, a childish thing to do, but it can also be caused by other factors like stress or anxiety. You may be getting a vibe that the Pisces man you are dating is simply leading you on, and it has left your head spinning all confused! But I feel like he thinks he has me so he doesnt have to do all the things he did in the beginning. If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. I personally think he does this because he has definitely been hurt before and if he shows you that he cares about you, then it is game over for him. And then when he send his mother a picture of something she wanted him to buy I saw a girls name, instantly my mood shifted. It can feel like there wasn't a real reason to break up. I never met a pisces man, or had a relationship with one. If hes saying he needs to look at himself, hes telling you the truth. I declined. While all this is going on he is also going through a something that can affect his life. I think that in time hell finally give in and give it the title you want. He didnt reply and then like 3 days later my humanity set in and I started feeling really bad and I told him Im sorry I gave him a negative mind set and I reacted wrong so he called me and we talked like there were no bad vibes. The thing is, your Earth and Fire sign is taking over and making you doubt him and being impatient with him. Does have a chance but if he pulls back again, end pisces man ghosted me and came back good! Is why he could not access his bank talking like everything was perfect I... 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Scott Cooper, Md, Articles P