voicemail saying a complaint was filed against me 2021

i said "i dont know any marrilu, please take me off of your call list and never call me back again!" I have never used a payday loan place and own no credit cards. For those who are a little more cut off from people than usual, these calls might feel more real and worrying than they are. You can use the Report when you send letters to credit bureaus anddebt collectors and to get copies of business records related to identity theft. He called himself Ryan and claimed to be from Canada Revenue Agency. The FCC advises consumers not to answer calls or respond to texts from unknown numbers. They said if I paid such amount of money as a settlement the case would be dropped. Anyway, the recorded message left a "855" number but I dont plan on calling back. They EVEN called family members in the same day. They have been looking for him also. The phone was forwarded to my sisters cell phone and she got the message and called me. I never answer any of them. yep definitely not calling. To file a detailed report about a scam, go to. This gets so frustrating when I look my name up on the court records nothing comes up. Transparent hogwash. Next day she calls again yelling saying she has verified my address and call the #. I am having to help an elderly parent deal with this on almost a daily basis and I am losing work productivity due to it and the phone company is of little help. Your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are welcome, and we encourage comments. I was instructed to call 888-331-0438 to respond. I've been getting calls from a automated robo talking saying the fbi and such has a case against me saying I need to contact the right person or action will be taken. I recieved a voice mail from Officer "Dimon Widerman" calling from ligal dep of irs. She stated she will be serving me some papers on 6/19/2015 between 3-7 pm she will be uniformed officers so let me know that I would not be arrested that day. Choose a complex voicemail password of at least six digits. I received messages from "Investigator Watson" at 844-743-8739, but the name that was left on the message is not my name, maybe someone who had my phone number before I got it. Or even the name of their kids? my full SSN, address, current employer, etc. Also, he gave me a number that a investigator would be calling me. They can mail me something if its legit. We began providing audio with a recent post on Medicare card scams. Be aware this is a scam. I looked up the number for, Legistic & found them in Texas but nothing else. got a call saying someone filed a complaint against me. He called from 404 724 5711 if anyone else has received a call from this number leave feedback too. They can go to hell!!! Someone messaged me on messanger saying they work for pandemic fema goverment agency and said they are doing offers of 100 to 1500 all we need to do is buy a 100 doller gift card of google play sent me some videos of people whho done it and his badge n id so i thought it was real he asked me for the google pin number on back of card so i gave him it and never recieved no money. Left a very aggressive voicemail about "charges & claims against you" with a case number and asked for current address.?! The message says theres something wrong with Its Cyber Security Awareness month, so the tricks scammers use to steal our personal information are on our minds. So does everyone at the FCC, even on our work phones. I dont answer calls which I dont know who they are. Threatened to contact my employer within 48 hours. I know its a scam and im warning everyone I know about it. I was embarrassed bc the guy and I never actually had sexjust everything that led up to it. Caller says his name is Officer Willets, US Federal department. I checked the voice mail and it was supposedly a guy from my county stating that a civil suit was being filed in mu county; and to call this number 8448807975. They sure dont give you a present warning. When you report, you will create an FTC Identity Theft Report. Needless, to say, if she arrives, I will not answer my door. I had a phone call impersonating a Social Security Officer that my SS number had been linked to a warrant of my arrest with money laundering and drugs. However, the government has taken no action on what THEY shoud do about interrupting the acquisition of access to public utility infrastructures for illegal and illicit purposes., and allowing the acquisition of phone numbers they use. I was in a room full of people when I took the call and at first my heart sunk, I felt so scared. I call back to a # they give me and it sound like music around nobody answer I callback this time was a woman like Chinese. So i told them i will call them back. are Scammers!! I received a call on Friday (voice message) from a gentleman claiming my file just came across his desk to deliver to me. Wish there was a way I could send them an email back telling them they are stupid people. I hung the phone up and he kept calling private number 23 times. Yhey even send in the emails offical looking arrest warrants with my name on them. Its sounds so official that it scared the hell out of me. I checked the national data base for process servers. Also provided a number to call with a case number. Unknown number called and left a voice message saying she is Stacy Williams from the cook county and asking me to verify my address on file because someone filed a serious legal matters against me and to call the plaintiff department and gave me a reference number. I called all 50 states BAR association to see if he was an attorney. Social security gets in touch with its recipients by the United Postal service!! He asked for my name and SSN so he can verify. From the IRS?? But none the less she give me a number 844-389-4992 and a case number So I call the 844 number already knowing its a scam and they totally messed up their scam!! I think that it should be illegal to sell phone numbers! We have information for scams that often affect older adults in ourPass It On campaign, You can order free copies of the tip sheets you see online, or related bookmarks, to hand out. Comments and user names are part of the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) public records system, and user names also are part of the FTCscomputer user recordssystem. 844 609 9631 The tracking information falls off to oblivion on Feb 1, 2021 saying the The investigation came after a former client, Gary Holyfield, filed a complaint with the state against his attorney after Boseman took thousands from him, but never filed any case on his behalf. Do not give these people any information. I refused and hung-up. And they have to make significant effort to serve me. You need to call me back at (number) and ask for extension (ext)". I love him and I want to save my marriage, one day a friend of my introduce me to a spell caster online who lift me up gave me hope and with-in 2 days after his spell my husband who told me he needed a divorce, called me and take me back home to me i must say today we are happily as one big family again all thanks to Dr happy a father and a real spell caster.Contact email address happylovespell2@gmail.com Call and Whats-App him +2348133873774 Also contact and know more about his service at http://happyspelltemple.webs.com/. mybb etc? That changed everything the guy said since she passed that the complaint would be dropped and that she would not be receiving any more phone calls. I told them I needed to look them up. I received a voice mail message from the local sheriff's department saying there was a warrant out for my arrest because I didn't show up for jury duty. One actually referred to me as a b&tch. I had cleared this debt up during an escrow closing 2 years ago!! I received a similar call today 855-311-2683. she got agitated and stated I was babbling. Ive never heard of getting sued or charges against you over the phone or in a voicemail without having been served in person or sheriff calling and asking you to contact them regarding something. In reply to Hello I been called so many by Robert Douglas, In reply to I have had the same by preNASD. Some days I spend hours listing the calls. I blocked them on my phone and also using my call blocker. I start searching on the internet. So annoying and interrupts my day because I work a full-time job from home! And thats what these callers count on. I looked my name, myself up on case net, and found nothing. They had a lot of info on me. They wanted me to verify my date of birth and last four of my social and said there is a lawsuit against me. Call came from 269 218-1671. "This message is intended for Stefan Long. Don't use obvious passwords such as an address, birth date, phone number, repeating numbers, such as 000000, or successive numbers, such as 123456. I hung up on this call. Thats a scam, and nothing to lose sleep over. They (said her name was Andrea Brian I think?) .. They called my sister and father. I dont have to give you that! Good luck! These Scumbags really piss me off.. HOw dare they try to con people like this.. If by PSC/DJO, In reply to Why don'y you have this one by Larissa Davila. First if I was being sued I would have received tons of mail before hand, secondly I wouldnt get a call from one place and directed to another. Add of this moment, I have had no problems with my credit or anything otherwise. Careful guys theres alot of scammers out there. as I have not recieved any letter in the mail, and because of the fact they called my mother. I asked her again who is the company that is owed she just stating she couldnt see it. I was furious as this has been going on to long I called them all several times to tell them to call back as i When I called back was a different guy who was a bit confused about which one of the victims I am. A message was left on my machine stating that a Tory Dickson compliance officer with Harris & Associates was calling myself and my husband because we had been listed as an emergency contact for a person (someone with my nick name and maiden name). This man operates out of his apartment. My mother got a call from 929-552-3537. I believe that as a citizen of the US there should be a law that makes website where all you have to do is pay a small fee to get peoples personal info ILLEGAL. The person said that I had a nitification letter 3 months ago and that I will have to send an emergency payment for $350.00. The private investigator actually called my wifes cell phone number as well as my dads to get in contact with me & left a voice message for me to call the 844-743-8739 concerning a case & gave the case number!!! He then gives me a telephone number of 844 834 4170 and a claim number and tells me to call them to find out what it is about.There are no court cases against me in any county and he couldnt answer any questions for me except to call the number and provide them with my current address. I have reached out over and over and nothing. I then added him to my reject list. He said I must send a payment if I dont want my service to be disconnected and that it needs to be done in least than 30 minutes. Got a call from 972-200-5539 saying they needed to know if I was going to be home to deliver sealed legal documents and when thelse would be delivered I had to have 2 forms of identification and my signature must match. They wanted me to pay $105 to close the case so it doesnt go to civil court. Last but not least, use the Comments section below to expose other scammers. Received a call at my place of employment telling them they needed to get in touch with me immediately because they had papers/warrant to serve me. Then searched and relized it was a scam. voicemail saying a complaint was filed against me 2021. voicemail saying a complaint was filed against me 2021. I have been getting these calls! And i repeat the question to her "what data file?" I told him he was nothing more than a scammer. I have been getting these phone calls and emails for about 2 years all with different case numbers. I told them it was a scam and to ignore it and I hung up on the person once I realized it is a scam. She sound like a trainee with thick accent and everything rehersing what this dimon left in the voice mail. The amount is $400 +$49 fee, we will give you 5 months to completely pay that off. Please beware. His voicemail sounded very official stating he would come to my last known home address or work address to deliver paperwork. He is convinced I am a cheater. Hung up on woman when she got nasty and asked me to verify my SS# AND date of birth. Both of which are not true. I received a phone call that said I was being sued for fraud. File reports with the FTC Complaint Assistant, your state's Attorney General, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. I then proceded to ask him details about the loan, where did they go to serve me on Monday, etc That is when he explained they went to the address on the case file in the Bronx which is an old address but a letter was mailed to my current address regarding this matter 45 days ago. They called again with the same recording and different number 41-237-2049. When they get you on the phone ask where they live, whats their personal phone #, whats their social security # and then hang up. I found the voice message they left , said: to go before the judge and my social security benefits will be suspended, case number ..338-1754 is highlighted, and press one to reach the investigation department . We got this call from a live person saying he has legal documents for us to sign. She believes them no matter how many times I try to educate her. I pray that others do their research and dont fall for victim to this. Legally they have to mail you a notice and document stating anything against you. I received a call from an unknown number and I sent to voicemail. . I also never lose any sleep over itI'm always up before that start calling. Investigator Watson?? Someone telling you theyre filing paper work with their "clerks office" .. like theyre some kind of county courthouse .. but when you speak with them they say theyre a company. Seriously?? That there was a complaint filed against me and that I needed to file paperwork with my county. I said yes, and he said you sound young just making sure. that I took out a payday loan and used a bank (that I had closed for over 5 years). If you know someone might be cut off from others right now, reach out to them to make sure they know these calls are scams. My brother also received a call that some law office want to delivery sealed document to me and left the same number to call them asap. DO NOT DO IT. Have placed their numbers on call block on my cell phone. Recieved a call from (800) 991-5016 on 8/21/15. It just said Incoming Call. Im calling with process verification in regards to a complaint that has been forwarded to my office for processing. The message said that they had traced me to my work address which was correct up until 2012. if she didn't call that number back immediately, then the sheriff was coming with a warrant for her arrest. I called and an indian guy answered. Each report helps protect your community. Im not sure if she was after money because what she wanted was my address which I never give to anyone over the phone. 214-628-3610 Person claimed to be from Accurate Location services. Same thing as everyone else. They didnt even have my address so how do you expect to find me?? Does it sound familiar? When questioning about who I owed they got nasty, wouldnt say and hung up, I got two calls from 2 different states saying I was being charged with fraud and to call or have my lawyer call. Here's how to know if a travel website selling, If you are an avid traveler, beware of the new TSA PreCheck Scam. I was Contacted by Paul Rosenburg telling me that Valentine legal Mediation 727-350-9154 was looking for me for bank fraud. It would be helpful to have these articles in a printable format for our residents at the retirement community where I work. I told her, "go for it!" She also gave me my address and what she thinks is my last work place but I have not work there in over 5 years. I received a call today In PA. Most surprising was when I got a call identified as my home (landline) phone number, as I was answering at that number. I received a phone call from 888-503-1687 and they said they had a complaint ( civic ) against me and I told them that this was a business phone and what kind of complaint was it again and who are you? They leave a case number, say my name robotically or with a computer. If you did, what did you say? IE 11 is not supported. hope no one falls for this. I knew that had not happened. You might be charged a premium. Im so sick of these people and they need to stop it. Asking if we will be home to sign for them. You can also officially report the scammers phone numbers to the Federal Trade Commission using the link below: If you want to be the first to find out the most notorious scams every week, feel free to subscribe to the Scam Detector newsletter here. Because she said theyve bewn investigating it since 08 till present day that i ("marrilu" thats) what she called me) owe them that much. Said they had got money from 3 or 4 other banks in a large sum. The next person that picked up said she was Miss or Mrs. Richardson. 866 is a toll free # Thank you for all your help full information. I made the mistake of calling the number back. Monitor your credit report to avoid identity theft and fraudulent charges. maybe still in training at scam school. Message states a complaint has been filed against meusing a last name I havent had since 1989. For a long time I have forwarded notifications and complaints but to no avail, and now the calls are so numerous that it is not possible to continue to do so. My husband and i are receiving automated calls from Bayonne in Bayonne,NJ 201-285-8501 AND Huntington in Shelton,CT203-242-7454. Scam? these people are relentless. I give them the case number and she says a complaint has been made and I need to verify the last 4 digits of my social security number but she tells me the number to verify it!! Free Vacations and Prizes. I have contacted the fraud department at the Sheriffs office and reported this. 602-726-3751 So I am not sure what these people want but they aint getting it from me They need to step up their game because they are so stupid they blow it for themselves! The .gov means its official. I almost died laughing!! Says this call means she has been served. Please fix this problem soon,as it is quite abusive. This has been happening to me for a long time now and I am so sick of it. I knew I never comitted fraud. You received a new audio note from a contact in your address book. I called and they stated I had a bill with Sprint and if I didnt pay now I would be served with court papers from my local law enforcement. I live in Canada and I just received the same kind of message. Check your recorded announcement regularly to ensure the greeting is indeed yours. They have some claim number, want to know if I will be home, say Friday to have the legal documents delivered. See if the website is legit with our validator: hi. But how does the scam work? I asked the rep what company I owed and I never received any letter from the company I supposedly owed regarding a summons for a civil suit. They said they would send papers to my address and when I said thats not my address, he said you have been served and hung up. You will not be contacted again. (ah.. theres the threat of something legal again). She stated that my file was red flagged and they sent out another summons request to my county. I recently received a robo call from an "officer" from Social Security stating that my Social Security Number was being used somewhere in the Southwest of the United States (I am in the midwest). 716 332 7027 gave the name brandon lake . [Preceding two sentences repeated.]. The Federal Trade Commission Act authorizes this information collection for purposes of managing online comments. Now they said they are going to serve her through the mail. I received a call from a Robert hick telling me theres a suit against me in Georgia, where he was calling from and gave me a case number.he stated it is imperative I call him back which is exactly what I did and left a "sweet" message for him. Look what I got from these idiots today voicemail: Contact you regarding an enforcement action executed by the Canadian treasury intending your serious attention this is the final attempt to reach you to resolve this issue immediately and to speak to a federal agent call back number 855-226-6447 I repeat 855-226-6447 thank you, Susan Outlaw Maria Sanchez Rebecca Crosby Rebecca crawley Kathy Johnson Rebecca Johnson Rebecca Morgan is Elexis Rivera She is a payday loan Collector in Jacksonville Florida that goes by national processing Corp Crosby billing but she uses other businesses so she doesnt get complaints such as stateside billing Corp call the Federal Trade Commission or the Department financial regulation in Florida and the Florida Attorney Generals office and report her good luck her business number 904-396-3137 ???? You will be arrested at work; your grandchild was arrested and needs money; credit card debt; car warranty; fundraiser for police, fire department etc; bank account has been hacked; you have excellent credit, we can combine your cards for a lower rate; police will knock on your door within the hour. FTC information is in the public domain and always free to share. The rep. Michelle answered to a office of Ally. and I defaulted and now civil charges are agaist me and will be serving me at my home or work. Did you answer the call? His speech is accurate and official, including legal verbiage. Continue to get calls, either 'Social Security suspended' or a automated voice saying "law enforcement of Federal Reserve" and arrest warrant issued. He might even know you have two kids or that you work for the employer that you actually do. Reference to file number 20146005.". Because she did got caught. I did a search on the number and found out they were not who they represented themselves to be (a lawyers office). They threatened me stating that is I did not comply and buy their legal protection I would be arrested by the local "cops" in 1 hour. The only Crystal/Krystal Burkes I can find in my area have civil and or criminal records. Cory informed me that i had a outstanding payday loan from 2012 and a judgement has been placed against me. I told her I never gave that out, especially not over the phone to a stranger, and she continued to tell me the same thing the voicemail did if I didnt respond to the claim (by giving my SSN) then legal action would be taken. Then I started to think about what happens when you are really being sued. My social security number has been stolen, getting daily phone calls originated frequently from my own phone number threatening me to pay money otherwiseusually hang up before that. They tried to pin a civil suite on me on an old credit card which vanished while I was in college, you cant make payments to a company that does not exist anymore rspecially when you have NOT heard or gotten any documentations regarding the issue for a decade (2007), me and the legal friend dig through everything about the card Zero on where it went who had it and nothing, dig info on these People ZERO, only a name and phone number pinned to it. When it became obvious I was not going to fetch my husband, the caller proceeded to say that she had been asked to call him regarding a court action against a Clayton (our last name). Rest assured its just a scam. I'm glad that I didn't give any of my personal bank act numbers, credit card numbers and etc. Thank you. I had a person imitating a cop telling me the same thing today. Add this number to the scammer list. When she started talking about "the courts" again I asked her what courts and made her repeat her answer 3 times. BEWARE, I have a person saying there from the civil division has papers to deliver to my wife and also says my wifes real name but phone number starts with a 717 number in Carlisle pa area and then asked to call them back on a 1-866 number and I do think that this is a scam. She then said, "Well we dont have a website so youre not gonna see anything online about us." he wasnt very convincing. Our guidance is: Never call back an unfamiliar number, because it may lead to a scam. What she wanted was my address and call the # i think? such amount money. An unknown number and asked me to verify my date of birth from 2012 a! Took the call and at first my heart sunk, i felt so scared, CT203-242-7454 anything... My SS # and date of birth and last four of my social said... Or with a case number and asked for current address.? soon, as it quite... On Medicare card scams go for it! my credit or anything otherwise number back will not answer my.... 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