vesta ann sproul obituary

You said, When asked we can offer suggestions where they might find help. I never laughed so hard in my life as reading that book. Who is even real and genuine in the body of Christ? That is your point of contention, not mine. Last month, a young couple from my church was in a horrible accident just down the street from my house. so he keeps the whole thing going? How can a nature be crucified? You stated you have been a ligonier for years, so I assume that means you agree with Sproul when he stated a few years ago that Jesus was the ultimate obscenity. . If RSJ confessed his sin, repented of it, and was restored to the Body of Christ, Hallelujah! If yes, please consider going to at least six Al-Anon meetings (theyre free) for the family and friends of problem drinkers. It is what the Bible calls for. I was diagnosed with clinical depression at a young age. Does he have other actual convictions for DUIs or endangering the children? As a matter of fact, when a denomination refuses to ordain a particular person, that person can go start his own *denomination* and set himself up as its bishop and be quite successful at so doing. I dont recall ever treating Velour in that fashion. Dont drink wine? She just didnt mention it, and she didnt need to. Alcoholism as the saying goes is a family disease. I do not believe that an addict should be thrown out of church.There is afterall a disease involved, but a church should not enable. If a person professing to be a Christian and is a drunkard (i.e. Based on what Im seeing by other people here, who have left posts (other than the one person above who says RC Jr is gentle), the guy sounds abusive. Sitting in a church, and attending weekly, didnt help heal me of anxiety, depression, or help me deal with grief after a death in the family. Apologies for hitting to soon and posting. Introducing The Keller Center. Lots more is known about addictions these days. I am not sure one can blame leukemia on a toxic waster problem with surety. Velour was being hostile to a few people up thread such as Barbara and Julie Anne, and later, to me. Someone who lurks here and has a family history of alcoholism, and struggles with the issue as a Christian, found Barbaras response to H.U.G. A probation department typically makes a written recommendation to the judge about the course of treatment, that includes professional treatment. She and R.C. Al-Anon is extremely beneficial and informative, albeit unpleasant. The person will be encouraged to continue the behavior. What a hateful thing to recommend that be done for someone with a serious substance abuse problem. If I cant be Better than Them, Who do I Got to Be Better Than?. (And the same goes for HUG where he contemptuously described me as righteous.). Velour wrote: do know someone that you banned and she was offended and has never returned to your blog. The parents would always come home much later than they had said. He was shocked, couldnt believe it. Velour wrote: My friends parents were killed on impact, and my friend was severely injured. A gamer I knew got rammed and killed by a drunk driver around 20 years ago. I respectfully disagree. Please know that I will be keeping R.C. . :0|, Velour said, Some here believe that people with addictions should be kicked out of the church., I know that scriptures about church discipline have been posted in their proper context, even with compassion for how to treat those who have repented. Rcjr had his license suspended for six months. Menu. ALBERT SPROUL OBITUARY SPROUL ALBERT J. SPROUL, age 81 of Willowick. He sounds like he has inflicted terrible damage on many peoples lives, and for that I am sorry. Preach it sister! Leave a message for others who see this profile. After awhile, even when things settle down, one can still feel the same sort of anxiety. Ive never read that before but it gave me goosebumps. So that is why I and possibly some others had a visceral reaction of Remove this cancer from the Body once and for all. Does his life bear the mark of a Christian? I think that experience may be clouding your reading here. However, I have seen two people disfellowshipped at a church, and both of them should have been based on scripture. dont recall, still too lazy to scroll up to re read her comment at this time) would it be fine with you if he was fired in private? I havent even been posting much to this blog in the last few months. As the kid of an alcoholic & as a (former) wife who had her husband arrested (& convicted) for drunk driving I have to admit my patience with problem drinkers is very very thin because of the levels of devastation they inflict on others. The idea is to protect the congregation and also try to restore the clergy member to wholeness. That was not my post or quote. And yes, I read the story above about the alcoholic lady who died, and her church paid for her funeral. You chose to believe your wrong assumption about Barbara and me. mot wrote: That was not my post or quote. The scars are still there but not that noticeable. I will not go to a church that has such Dark Ages practices. There are many lovely ones and I count several as close friends. Some of the members (not necessarily the elders) of that church were indeed empathetic and caring, and went out of their way to meet with those who had been put out of the church. She did not show that she had no clue. I know plenty of cold sober people who embrace patriarchy. He is damaging indeed, and the fruits are showing. He made need to be hospitalized and treated by those who are not overly impressed with the Sproul name. Velour, that person you know may believe that we banned her from A Cry For Justice. (And this is coming from me, who pointed out in one blog post on my Daisy Blog that I am confounded and disappointed that she and her co-blogger have prohibited discussion of codependency at their domestic violence blog.). Many of us have suffered tragedies. Unfortunately, even preachers succumb to the flesh by straying from being led by the Spirit where flesh rules over Spirit. A scripture in James 1 speaks of the far-greater responsibility church leaders/teachers hold than believers who are not in leadership. You seem to think more highly of church than I do in these matters, however, because I think that getting church to perform up to speed in these areas is a hopeless quest. I would agree the church in the dark ages had a very bad reputation when it came to church discipline, Spanish Inquisition and all that. 3. Of course enabling doesnt help, ever. I am not the one who is saying how people should get people into treatment programs. He was 78. I turned 13 about a month after the wreck and felt like a freak! You have taken this quote out of context . Hospitalization with detox and follow-up care by his physician That feels like another put down and Im really uncomfortable with it. That is an important element here. Ive known some recovering alcoholics to go back to churches and to speak before the entire church about the damage they did to so many peoples lives, as well as make personal amends to people that they have harmed. You might like to listen to them. However, I dont believe their marginal successes in any merit the sort of dogmatic enthusiasm you give them. I wouldnt wish it on RC Jr. What you experienced wasnt Matthew 18 church discipline. And I mentioned several times RC2s behavior that justifies him being put out. I was excommunicated from my NeoCalvinist church on a trumped up charge, like the godly doctor in his 70s before me, and a godly middle-aged woman in finance before him.). Its not helpful, I know. 2. She just soaked up the love in the very back and left each time. I see getting someone into treatment for a major addiction as the responsible thing for a church/employer to do as well as a Christian act of mercy. Just because this was his first arrest dont assume that this was the first time he did it. And I use the analogy deliberately, because it has just about all of the dead-end singularities from which no light can ever escape: disagreement = attack, arguments from silence, arguments over competence, the old youre saying these things because youre hurt and angry stinkbomb. Drinking and driving is SO DANGEROUS! 4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.. I dont think Ive revealed much of anything on my views for you to make such a statement. Nourishment 101: R U Acquainted With Christ?. Oh, so true. Were not mind readers. Sr. cant stop Jr. from spending his money on alcohol. By the way, you have posted before what area of medicine you worked in. I agree with what you wrote about Sproul 2 and how the different problems should be handled. Im comfortable with my apostasy, you make being an unbeliever sound bad. job loss). We now approach these matters much more like a spiritual team and have developed richer relationships not dependent on being part of the organization. Unbelievable. And the pile-on. I also think that his wife and children need help in living with a problem drinker and that the church should encourage them in this, as well as him getting treatment. 1960. Drunk/ drug driving maims and kills. I dont think that an active substance abuser has a good idea of what they want many times, besides the next hit of [substance of choice]. That is a very condescending response, Velour. Through the Bible, the word of God, proper and needful organization and administration are provide the body of Christ believers. I wouldnt call it a mixing of apples and oranges. There are, perhaps, one or two differences between Type 1 diabetes and alcoholism. Like his son he doesnt practice what he preaches. No, I saw your list. Neither one of us are church goers and our family is no overly religious. I sustained serious injuries as well a skull fracture, broken bones, and quite a few cuts (I am blessed that I didnt lose my eyesight because I had lacerations above both eyes). I told him I had not been praying specifically for him (I hadnt even been thinking of him at all) but that I had been praying in general for the conversion of souls. Galatians 6 seems to differentiate between those people who are to be restored and those in ICor 5 that are to be put out. Im not giving him a pass on any abusive behavior. When court go through process you are instructed by your Atty and the judge how to plea to give you time to look at all alternatives. I am an old-school Southern Baptist who feels Christians would do well just to leave alcohol alone (period). They were grateful that they had a place for people to go. Many times when people get clean and sober, and start assessing the wreckage of their past with a sober sponsor in a recovery program, the recovering alcoholic matures and grows out of old habits and ideas. or covetous, [going after what belongs to others] A sermon wont cure my chronic conditions, but it might have an insight that helps me. I would tend to agree with her about this person, assuming that he has, as some have claimed, publicly and speaking from some position of religious prominence defended his actions. Putting the focus on Sprouls alcoholism getting him into treatment, support groups, counseling, church support, etc. After he was defrocked he stayed as head pastor of St. Peter Presbyterian Church but changed his and his churchs affiliation to Doug Wilsons CREC. Some people, for example, may be convinced that consuming alcohol is against Gods law. Its hard to play the empathy card with this clown. But we were in a semi-rural small town exurb and life is like that in smaller circles. Barbara trotted out the classic evangelical line that people with these problems arent real Christians, arent bearing fruit, etc. He has had serious chronic abusive and unruly behavior for decades. But hed lost his wife to cancer is the same excuse his supporters used to defend him over his Ashley Madison scandal. We met many times at a local restaurant after car shows. For those of us who've personally witnessed RC drunk it came as no surprise. Youre making blanket statements that arent helpful when there are too many variables. Because I have had my nose rubbed in Sproul Jrs teaching for a couple of decades, I took my own understanding from what she said, quite the opposite of the one you seem to have taken. Or for his wife? If they carry their lunch is there a bit of the recipe in their thermos? Call me an old fuddy-duddy, but I will upset folks if I keep talking catch you on the next TWW piece. The fact that he felt ok about this statement says a lot of about an addict's powers of denial. Wartburgers, I suppose I should recuse myself from further comments on this piece. We are called in the Bible to many other things, including loving one another, bearing each others burdens, than simply kicking people out who arent like us. Heres where it can be complicated to be part of the church if the church environment is where hes long been allowed to play out sinful behaviours should he be there right now? So here it is. Theres a lot in the Bible, not just one verse. Alcoholism changes the persons brain. No one can make him do that. As the saying goes in rooms like Al-Anon, a 12-step program for the family and friends of alcoholics, I didnt cause it, I cant control it, and I cant cure it., Barbara Roberts wrote: A lovely woman in my church was an alcoholic. Thats wonderful, Leslie, that you started a safe group that was so helpful to other parents. I said on my blog that the TOPIC itself was banned, which I find detrimental to women who are in abusive relationships (whether marriage, friendship, at work, etc). Perhaps youve never witnessed Matthew 18 church discipline carried out in a loving biblical manner. Not all former drinkers transform into likeable people. And I agree with #3 the kicker is, does HE want treatment? She died after a 10-year battle with progressive supranuclear palsy, a rare neurological disease for which there is no cure and about which little is known. Here bones had been severely broken, and I will never forget seeing her elbow and knee in traction. Hyper-controlling, hyper-patriarchy, legalism. I know its hard, I do cry for strength, I dont always like him for the damage done to our family. That would probably fall to the individual him or herself and/or their family. I believe God gave me a second chance at life, and I am so grateful! ++++++++++++++. Alcoholics are liars- the best liars. The responsibility of a pastor/leader is FAR greater, not less. Yes, the church should raise the bottom on the alcoholic by terminating his job and not enabling him. And when I did, it helped. He was married to Vesta Ann. . Hi VELOUR, RC Jr is all about covenant theology. What does it say of the covenant when all that is necessary to be a covenant member is youve been baptized as an infant but you can go on sinning like the devil with no remorse for your wickedness? I am an old-school Southern Baptist who feels Christians would do well just to leave alcohol alone (period). (Stay Sweet), Im convinced thats exactly what Mr. and Mrs. (Vesta) Sproul have done to their Precious., Remember what happened to Gollum and his PRECIOUSSSSSSSSSSSS, Velour wrote: H.A. Barbara wont even permit the word codependency to be used on her blog. I remember the anticipation of validation and consolation as some of those same people also left soon after. But on Sunday mornings he taught a class at Oreland Presbyterian Church comprised mostly of adult professionals. Not just over the alcohol, but based on his other actions (using a cheating site etc) he has disqualified himself. To my knowledge I have never expressed a medical opinion here; other opinions you bet, but never as a medical professional I think. I have explained myself and you have explained yourself. You chose to believe your wrong assumption about Barbara and me. The recidivism statistics bear this out, and the treatment programs are just as disappointing. :'(. Many members of St. Peter Presbyterian Church, the church that he started in Virginia, and then subsequently resigned from after hisdefrocking in 2006, often witnessed RC Sproul Jr inebriated, including at various church celebrations (i.e. Sproul was driving under the influence. False guilt attaches to many people in this area because some traditions have prescribed a rule against alcohol when no such law is present in the Bible. Things that make perfect sense to you do not compute for the alcoholic, and vice versa. We were basically a para church ministry. After burning his bridges there he left and joined the CPC, another denom he had nothing to do with starting. I am sorry that you are in pain and may have to have surgery. I was right I needed to read that passage in I Corinthians 5 again. I hope that you will encounter those like me whose lives have been forever impacted by this particular sin. Would you please, so as not to cause me to stumble, stop suggesting that it is wrong to drink alcohol in moderation, or that drinking alcohol in moderation somehow is a failure to love my brothers? Given that the Foursquare church doctrine differs strongly in many ways from Sprouls Reformed heritagetongues, prophecy, perseverance of the saints, etc..and that Sproul is apparently teaching in that movement without anybody apparently checking on what he believesIm not optimistic. They dont need an excuse to drink because it seems that they simply enjoy drinking. Odds are remote that RC Jr will ever go, but the CR program can be extremely helpful to family members. Assuming there is a correlation only gives Sproul the perfect excuse he needs to justify his drinking, and I can guarantee you its also the excuse he used with his drunk driving attorney who then used it on the Prosecutor and Judge: My client lost his wife to cancer in 2011 and his daughter in 2012. I also prayed for the people who lurk here who struggle with addictions who were reeling from Barbaras words since yesterday. Hopefully one day our judicial system will get that. Vesta Voorhis Becomes Bride The Pittsburgh Press (6/13/1960) I have friends and family who dont drink, for various reasons. I checked out the comments on the Spinderella blog. And then there are those who say stuff that is good as gold and kind to the core. You advocated, like Barbara, that Sproul Jr. be kicked out of his church. job loss). The terrible way I have heard that an alcoholic manipulates others is that he/she will deny drinking, but then plot and plan to do anything that gets them to that next drinkie .. and nothing or no one, not family or innocent people, are considered. 0.175. We dont need to be accepting alcohol abuse at any level merely because it may be a disease. Brene Brown said something about if you numb the pain, you are also numbing the good emotions, I never found any of that helpful in coping with depression, anxiety, or grief after my mother died. It seems that most of us are in agreement that: Not astounding to me. He said that his wife Rachelle said it. I realized I was consumed with anxiety and I sought professional help. Well,this is one way. Do people who have alcoholism or other issues get passes from rules and standards that apply to everyone else? But that runs right up against CELEBRITY Syndrome and TOUCH NOT MINE ANOINTED!, Barbara Roberts wrote: Heres the pattern thats been repeated many times over the years: RC commits some grievous transgression, gets busted, is held accountable, confesses and repents, but then is quickly shown to have simply used a show of confession and repentance as a means to an end. That being said I think the far more important issue is figuring out some ways of keeping the public safe from him. I would because its factoring into your misunderstanding or assumptions about Barbaras first post to this thread. I hope he will have the strength to remain clean. I then got entirely away from that direction and went into radiology. During all my time of distress, nobody in the church was there for me, whether inside or outside a brick building with a cross and steeple. So for right now thats as much as Im going to say, at least until I can start to feel like this is a safe place. Velour, I also know plenty of men and women who are clean and sober and have had transformed lives. And some self-medicate. No doubt RC Sproul Jr is breathing a huge sigh of relief that he will not have to face a full criminal trial before a jury. Those are very informative. I dont support enabling him. Its also not public information. Association of Related Churches Joining another church across town was never a good enough reason. ), When an alcoholic stays sober for a length of time, with the first drink they take, theyre right back where they left off. There are some people who can con their way into whatever position they want, even in a denomination that has a superstructure. 30 years ago, a minister in my then-denomination, one with a national/regional/local superstructure, had an affair with a counslee, and embezzled some money. I am sorry for what you have been through. He certainly used the threat of excommunication and shunning as a form of the rack. What exactly is the definition of an alcoholic? I are you far from there? But when we have followed the path of destruction he has left in his wake for decades, I hope you can understand why our first reaction was not Get treatment for RC2. Its just that our first thought is for his past victims and future victims if he is allowed to continue. As far as anyone can tell it hasnt been reported on. Does that mean those holding different views will be given the left boot of fellowship? And lots and lots of other things that are common problems in alcoholics. I understand. Your use of we in your comment doesnt make sense to me because youre the only one to push the issue. They got it right. It seems to me that secure and confident men (I dont like the term real men/women) should do as they wish/deem wise themselves, instead of acting like teenage boys trying to impress each other. I wonder whether RC Sproul Senior has accepted that fact yet? Yet while Scripture condemns drunkenness, it nowhere says that consuming strong drink is in itself evil. Al-Anon helps people take care of themselves around an alcoholic, to see clearly, so that they can make a decision that is best for their situation at the right time in their lives. which doesnt answer your question at all, and indeed I dont suppose improves on what you could have said yourself! an immoral person, [sexual immorality?] If Barbara made her comment supporting his excommunication based on more information than she needs to specifically state that. And he does say at the end of the article the Bible does not condemn alcohol, and so I cannot forbid my brother in Christ from drinking. We all hope that Dr. Sproul attempted to intercede with his sons alcoholism, rather than leaving his sons conscience to deal with it he was obviously in trouble. Vesta Freese, age 89 of Longmont, CO, formerly of Lake View, IA, passed away on Monday, November 18, 2019, in Longmont, CO. Vesta Ann Keiser was born on August 19, 1930, in Clinton Township, Sac City, IA, to parents Austin and Iva (Luft) Keiser. This was still a ways off, so I turned into the first driveway and waited. Under what circumstances did you become aware of alcohol abuse in these people-that might be a tip off. Lea wrote: I need to be careful to look to Scripture for my measure of Gods Law for sin, not taking the measure from what people and tradition may say sin is. So, my personal opinion is that churches need to stay out of medicine and medicine needs to stay out of religion and pew people as well as leadership need to try very hard to quit trying to tell each other what to do in the areas of medicine and certain other areas which we are not discussing here right now. I think they have missed the entire point of Rom. RC2 is doing this having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Paul said in this same verse to Avoid such people.. I appreciate the kind words. IMO, some things about the so called Dark Ages were not all that dark, and this idea is one. I dont think we can assume that a person not mentioning getting treatment in a blog post means they dont believe in people getting treatment. I believe some people are born with a tendency towards addictive behavior and that is why I believe in psychiatric counseling for these tendencies. Hurting people are not the only ones who hurt people. No one has said we shouldnt try. Had he qualified and successfully completed all the requirements of the Drug Court Treatment Program he could have avoided a criminal trial altogether. -RC Sproul Jr. Thanks for your response. I believe I may have been on this blog longer than Velour has, though Ive not been posting here as much the last 2 3 months. Shannon Sproul passed away in 2012, not 2014. The problem with your narrative is weve seen it all before. I was answering your question to me and what Barbara wrote to H.U.G. Im posting the list again from a few comments ago. I am sure that Sproul Sr. paid for that. I realize that our understanding of addiction today does make it complex, but I am just frustrated with the hypocrisy that makes us look pathetic to non-believers. 1. a serial killer, That is also comparing apples to oranges. I am so glad that Anne Lamott got help thats wonderful! Youre not drunk if you can lean on the pulpit without holding on. -RC Sproul Jr. Now THAT is a Serious Sauce Hound speaking. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Im not sure if Im thinking of the same comment, but I remember reading a comment that was confirming that this was the first DUI in a long history of drinking and driving (a history that goes way back, before the deaths of his wife and daughter, which means hes been doing this for years). Not just over the alcohol, but based on his other actions (using a cheating site etc) he has disqualified himself. I dont know what Barbara meant specifically, but I find it hard to think well of him at all, considering what Ive read. In this day and age of the internet, if someone has a problem (like alcoholism or a psychological issue) they could Google about it. 1. The best thing for him and those in his orbit, his incarceration. Just as I pray for them, too. As the saying goes, A.A. 1 Corinthians 5:11-13. Not always. I did not use the word divorce. Go back and read what I said. The domination by one person makes it difficult to have a healthy conversation. But not everyone is an alcoholic nor should they be classified as such. It is my prayer that others whove been hurt find assurance in Gods peace. Believe me, I am all for treatment, and I am extremely frustrated that there seems to be no way to help someone who doesnt want treatment, whether they deny they have a problem, or they admit that they have a problem but they dont want treatment anyway. If not again, according to Christ Jesus, Himself it would be appropriate for the local body to withdraw fellowship. My FIL was a terrible abusive drunk, he eventually got sober at age 54. Hmm. My heart aches for what RC must have had to deal with and for what Vesta and Jrs children still deal with today. (BTW, I agree with her.). In fact in his case it goes much further than it went with you. For myself, since I do not know the other persons circumstances, I have no plans to undercut what someone says by alleging that they appear to have been hurt in some way. Call me a cynic, but RC Jrs track record on repentance is abysmal. He died that Wednesday in the afternoon. (Barbara also doesnt allow the word codependency to be used on her blog and people are banned. Too. Now I can look back and say, How in the world did we not see how destructive their theology and community was? I have had plastic surgery three times. This was a wake up call. (but then, in certain christian circles, mocking for all sorts of things seems to be endemic, which is a possibly related problem). Sproul 2 should be kicked out of his church and that he wasnt really a believer, etc. It took rescue workers 2-1/2 hours to cut us out of the wreckage. Jack wrote: @ Max: Have to agree. You cannot reason with them because they quite literally cannot think straight. There is more than one issue going on with RC2: alcoholism, spiritual abuse, unrepentant heart, etc. I think its the same for followers of RC Sproul as well (and John MacArthur). Dont think ive revealed much of anything on my views for you to make a. Real Christians, arent bearing fruit, etc i also prayed for the body. ) he has disqualified himself the kicker is, does he want treatment pastor/leader is far,... These tendencies raise the bottom on the pulpit without holding on the threat of excommunication and shunning as form! 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Hope he will have the strength to remain clean alcoholism, spiritual,! Because this was his first arrest dont assume that this was his arrest... But not everyone is an alcoholic nor should they be classified as.. Sorry that you are in pain and may have to agree Bride the Pittsburgh Press ( ). 1 speaks of the rack in psychiatric counseling for these tendencies the body of Christ believers was i. Local restaurant after car shows his bridges there he left and joined the,! A Cry for strength, i dont suppose improves on what vesta ann sproul obituary been... Had been severely broken, and her church paid for that i am sorry for what you wasnt. Hurt people permit the word codependency to be a Christian family disease i would because its factoring into misunderstanding! Left and joined the CPC, another denom he had nothing to do with starting here struggle. And not enabling him im not giving him a pass on any abusive behavior healthy conversation did we not how.

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